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The Grays
Strieber Whitley
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We are not alone. Millions of people are confronting aliens that authorities say do not exist. Whitley Strieber—author of the legendary, #1 bestselling book Communion, which details his own close encounters—now returns to the riddle of aliens with The Grays. A triumvirate of Grays, known as the Three Thieves, has occupied a small Kentucky town for decades—abducting its residents and manipulating fates and bloodlines in hopes of creating an ultra-intelligent human being. Nine-year-old Conner Callahan will face the ultimate terror as he struggles to understand who he has been bred to be and what he must do to save humanity. Though the Grays have slowly begun to make themselves known, Colonel Michael Wilkes, the head of a select group of government and military officials that...
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The Grays :