
Billy looked at Mark, who shrugged and changed his direction. “Cum first, camp second.” Billy grinned, and followed Casey into the jungle.

Mark turned to Jess for a kiss, but she put her hands on his shoulders and pressed him away. “Not right now,” she pleaded. “I’m still a little creeped out.”

A Path Through The Shadows

Later, after Billy and Casey finished their task while Mark and Jess handled setting up camp, they all wolfed down a lunch of ham sandwiches Casey had packed. Mark leaned back against the trunk of a palm, and belched, loudly.

“Truly a well-mannered boy,” Jess observed.

“A compliment to the cook?” he offered.

“Nice try.”

Billy stood up and stretched. “Anyone want to take a hike, see what’s around?”

Jess and Casey jumped up. “Sure,” they said in unison.

Mark moaned and rubbed his bare belly. “But I’m all full and comfy.”

“You’re coming,” Billy demanded. “I’m not leaving you here to drink all the beer. Grab the machete from the boat? We might need to cut a path if it’s really thick.”

They filed beneath the palms in the same direction that Casey had led Billy earlier, and in moments the rich blue sky was replaced by a canopy of deep green. The  steamy summer heat dropped by 10 degrees almost instantly. They walked through the bushes and trees, Billy periodically slashing away a few branches, though none really blocked their path. “Breadcrumbs,” he explained. “We can follow the branches back if we get turned around.”

There seemed to be an almost natural path into the center of the island. After walking for just a few minutes, they saw why.

“Check this out,” Billy stopped and pointed to their left. Sheltered behind a stand of thin trees and brush, they could just make out the corner of a silver-topped roof.

“What is it?” Jess asked.

“Looks like a Quonset hut,” Billy said, stepping closer.

“I thought you said nobody ever came to this island,” Casey accused.

Mark stepped past Billy and walked up to the door of the small building.

“Um, I don’t think we should be seen right now,” Jess suggested, wrapping her arms around her chest to hide her cleavage.

“You were the one who made us wear them,” Mark reminded. “But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I don’t think anybody’s home.”

Billy joined him at the door, a simple metal rectangle with a nameplate in the center, just above the knob. Innovative Industries, it read.

“I didn’t leave the beach much when I came here before,” Billy said. “But I don’t think this was here two years ago.”

Mark turned the knob and the door opened, easily. “Hello?” he called, sticking his neck inside. Then his feet followed.

“All clear,” he declared, and the girls gingerly stepped to follow Billy inside.

The door opened on a long thin room, about 10 feet wide and 20 across. Two doors interrupted the back wall, and Mark and Billy quickly opened and shut those, pronouncing “empty.”

Casey walked along a counter that was attached to the inner wall. It appeared to be made of stainless steel and extended out about three feet from the wall. Above it on the wall were three shelves, littered with vials, steel containers, a shortwave radio, something that looked like an oven, and several other unrecognizable pieces of electronic equipment. The counter itself was empty, except for two steel canisters at the end of the room.

“What is this place?” Casey mused.

Billy shook his head. “Looks like an outpost,” he said. “Weather station or something. No sign that anyone’s been here for awhile though.”

He opened a small white refrigerator at the other end of the room, and gagged when the stench hit him. Black fuzz coated the inside of the appliance, along with unrecognizable lumps of something that no doubt had once been food. He quickly slammed the door shut.

“Generator’s apparently been out of fuel for quite awhile,” he pronounced, still coughing.

They stepped back out of the hut, and now the cool air of the foliage brought a chill to their exposed skin. Jess had an overwhelming desire to pull on a T-shirt. Playing Blue Lagoon was all well and good when you knew nobody else was around, but now she was a bit discomfited that obviously somebody had been to this island.

Mark read her thoughts and put an arm on her shoulders. “Whoever it was, they haven’t been here in a long time. Months maybe. I don’t think we have to worry about them coming back this particular weekend just to spoil our party!”

“C’mon,” Billy said. “Let’s see what’s on the opposite shore. This island isn’t that big; it can’t be much farther.”

They continued walking, but everyone seemed a bit quieter than an hour before. The leaves made the only sound as they shifted in the slight wind.

“Have you noticed there are not even any birds here?” Mark said at one point. “It’s so quiet—no bugs buzzing, no birds calling…”

“It is still,” Billy agreed. “Probably just cuz we’re so far out from the mainland.  Think of it this way, that’s just more proof that it’s an uninhabited island.”

“There are spiders,” Jess declared. “Freakin’ ugly spiders.”

Just as she said that, the group stepped through a stand of bushes and were suddenly out of the foliage and back on open beach.

“No spiders here,” Billy said, and pointed to the white sand that extended from the edge of their feet into the crystal clear water just a few yards away. “Anyone want to see if there are fish?”

With that he took off running towards the water. Casey joined him. “Last one in,” she called.  Mark and Jess laughed and followed. When they were all chest deep in the water, Casey turned to Jess and pointed to her bikini top, noting, “Um, these costumes don’t really cling very well.” Her naked breast broke the surface of the water briefly, as she demonstrated that the tan triangle had slipped easily to the side.

“Exhibitionist,” Jess accused. “Mine stayed on just fine.”

“Mine could use a little adjusting,” Mark suggested, rubbing up against her thigh to make it obvious that his privates had also slipped out of his loincloth after their short swim.

She reached down and encircled the stray organ, and with a smile, slipped him back inside the fabric. “Down boy,” she laughed.

Mark shook his head and bent to kiss her. “Nuh-uh,” he answered.

From behind them, Casey called out, “We’re going to swim for awhile.”

Mark grinned, and pulled Jess back out of the water towards the beach.

“Right now?” she whispered, glancing at the two playfully wrestling in the water behind them.

“They’ll stay out there awhile,” he promised. “Probably doing the same thing.”

“Ew, with the fish?” she grimaced.

He pulled her into the shade of a bush and kissed her, hard. His hands roamed the wet skin of her back and thighs, trailing up between the cleft of her ass and then cupping her behind to pull her even tighter to him. When he broke the kiss, Jess’s eyes were on fire.

“OK,” she breathed heavily. “Right now.”

She pulled the tie on her bikini and he did the same, just before kneeling to suck one dark nipple gently between his lips. He bit down playfully, and she moaned. “Pick a position,” she whispered. “Cuz one of us is getting sand in their ass.”

“Missionary,” he said, and helped her lay down in the cool sand.

“You’re such a gentleman,” she said, but didn’t protest. She laid down on the sand and opened her thighs provocatively.

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