Jeff turned to see Farad standing just behind him, his frightened eyes staring back at him through a smeared visor. The fingers of Farad’s gloves were wrapped tightly around the handlebar of a steel containment unit, mounted on four comically bulbous wheels, and his lips were moving silently in what Jeff suspected was a prayer.

‘Maybe we should go look,’ said Lou, sounding like he was thinking aloud.

‘No.’ Eliza’s voice was sharp, decisive. ‘The artefacts are our priority. We have to make our scheduled rendezvous with Hanover’s team at the Tau Ceti gate.’

Jeff turned to look back towards her. ‘We can’t just abandon them,’ he heard himself say.

‘Nobody’s abandoning anyone,’ said Eliza. ‘If something has happened, I don’t want to risk any more lives until we know exactly what we’re dealing with. Besides, it might just be a temporary communications breakdown.’

Might be,’ said Jeff.

Eliza turned and shot a quick, furious look at him. I’m tired of your insubordination, she’d warned him more than once.

‘Maybe Eliza’s right,’ said Lou, his tone conciliatory. ‘We have to be careful.’

‘So just what is it you’re saying we should do if we ;s abandonhear from them?’ Jeff demanded. ‘Just abandon them?’

‘You’re not in charge here,’ said Eliza, ‘and we have our orders from Hanover.’

‘I know we’re expendable,’ said Jeff. ‘I’m under no illusions on that count.’

‘Nobody’s saying anyone is exp—’

‘We can get to Vault Four with time to spare if we start out now,’ Jeff snapped, his fear flowering into sudden anger; all that adrenalin couldn’t go to waste. ‘Fuck the artefacts.’

‘Really?’ said Eliza. ‘Would you like to share that sentiment with Hanover when we get back?’

‘That could be us stuck in there,’ Jeff insisted. ‘If they’re trapped and still alive, a rescue team won’t get here from Tau Ceti for several hours, probably longer. They’d run out of air long before that.’

Eliza’s expression suggested she was contemplating murder. Typical military mindset, he thought, almost able to see the wheels spinning in her head. It wouldn’t be too hard to engineer an accident for him, not with a long, hard drop on either side of them. Unfortunately for her, everything they saw, heard or did was recorded by their suit’s A/V systems.

‘Dan,’ Farad spoke into the sudden silence, ‘his life-support indicator. It’s back online.’

Jeff glanced down and saw that Dan Rush’s icon had indeed flickered back into life, and it was followed a moment later by Lucy Rosenblatt’s. Mitchell Stone’s icon remained dark, however, as did Vogel’s. The suit interfaces felt clumsy and old-fashioned, and again Jeff found himself wishing that a tangle of security precautions didn’t prevent them from using UP-linked contact lenses.

‘Dan, Lucy, can you hear me?’ Eliza shouted into her comms. ‘We lost track of you. Can—?’

She was interrupted by a brief burst of static, followed by a voice.

‘Hey! Hey, is that you?’ Jeff recognized Dan’s voice. He sounded panicked, very nearly hysterical. ‘Mitch and Erich are gone. It’s just Lucy and me. We—’

‘Slow down,’ urged Eliza, as the rest of them listened in silence. ‘Who else is there?’

‘Just Lucy. Mitch and Erich, they . . . they just . . .’

Dan paused, and for a moment they listened to the sound of his amplified breathing, sounding loud and urgent and close within the confines of their helmets.

‘What happened to them?’ asked Eliza.

‘We were up on Level 214. It’s filled with these deep pits, dozens of them. They were down taking a look inside one, while Lucy and me stayed up above. Then it started to fill up with some kind of liquid.’

‘And they didn’t get out again in time?’

For a moment, it sounded like Dan was trying to suppress a sob. ‘Not exactly . . . no. I’ll send a video squirt over, maybe it’s best if you just see what happened for yourselves. And . . . get here soon, okay? The tokamaks packed up all of a sudden, and it’s pitch black in here.’

Jeff found himself watching Eliza as they listened. She had turned away, to look back towards Vault Four, but from where he stood he could still see her face through her visor, and her lips were pressed together in a thin and bloodless line. She clearly didn’t want to have to go into Vault Four, but none of them did, not really, not when there was a chance that whatever had happened to the others might happen to them too. But Jeff knew that didn’t matter. He knew, deep in his gut, that they had to make the attempt, regardless.

‘We’ll be there soon,’ Eliza finally replied, glancing towards Farad’s cart filled with its precious treasures. ‘There’s no way you can find your way back out to us?’

‘No. It’s too dark to avoid the chance of getting lost, and this part of the vault hasn’t been secured yet. We can see some way with our suit lights, but not far enough to be sure exactly where we are. Don’t want to wind up like Rodriguez, right?’

No, thought Jeff with a shiver, nobody wanted to end up like Rodriguez.

Dan’s voice faded for a moment, and then came back. Jeff glanced down and saw the man’s life-support icon flicker in that same moment.

‘Lucy,’ continued Eliza, ‘how about you? Can you hear me?’

‘Yeah.’ Lucy’s voice sounded tense with pain. ‘I’m good.’

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