Lucy said, “You’ve still got a thousand things to tell me. Who stole the necklace, and-”

Shayne put a big hand firmly over her mouth. “To explain everything thoroughly I’ll have to relax with about six fingers of cognac in a washtub. Let’s close up the office for the day and-”

“Relax,” she finished for him, twisting away. “All right. Let’s. I know just the place. There’s even a bottle of cognac left in my apartment from the last time you were there.”

Shayne asked wryly, “Sure you haven’t any boy friends likely to slip in from the fire escape with a blunt instrument in their hands and lethal intent in their hearts?”

“No boy friends,” Lucy promised him gaily.

He said, “What are we waiting for then?”

She linked her arm in his and they went out of the office together.

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