AMOK, had a secret agreement with George Brand to pay out a slush fund of twenty thousand dollars in the event the strike was defeated.”

“I wouldn’t touch a thing like that,” declared Seveir, pushing the document away from him in horror. “There’s no telling what repercussions might follow. The confidence of the people would be undermined. The whole structure of our society…”

“How would you like to take a long vacation, Mr. Seveir?”

“A vacation?” he faltered. “I don’t believe I understand.”

“A trip around the world. Freedom from care for a while. Forget the newspaper business and the underpinning of society. You must have promised yourself such a vacation for a long time. Hasn’t your wife urged you to do something like that?” Shayne spoke casually with an underlying tone of concern, as for an old friend.

Mr. Seveir moved his thin lips nervously before he replied, “Why yes. For a good many years I’ve been promising her… but… I don’t understand, Mr. Shayne.” Perspiration stood out on his forehead, and his glasses were misted over. He took out a snowy white linen handkerchief, unhooked his glasses, wiped them carefully, then mopped his brow.

Shayne leaned forward and propped his elbows on the desk. “How much does the Gazette net you in a year?”

Seveir’s thin hands shook as he replaced his glasses. “I don’t see why I’m required to reveal my…”

“How much?” Shayne said harshly.

“Our gross earnings were slightly over twenty-five thousand last year,” said Seveir proudly. “But with salaries and overhead and taxes…”

Shayne settled back again while Seveir tried to figure what he had left after overhead and taxes were computed. He said, “I’ll make you a proposition. This is flat and final and requires an immediate yes or no. I’ll preface my offer by explaining that hell is about to break loose in Centerville. The strike you’ve just seen won’t be a patch on what’s coming. You can’t do one damned thing to prevent it by staying here and running the Gazette. Here’s my proposition:

“I’ll lease the paper from you for six months. The entire plant, good-will, staff and everything. I’ll pay you a net rental of a thousand dollars a month for six months. One-half down in cash when you sign the agreement and the balance in monthly installments. You can have a good time on a grand a month, Seveir. You can do all the things you’ve been promising yourself and your wife for so many years.”

“But I’m not ready to retire. Not for years yet.”

“Six months,” Shayne pressed him. “You get your paper back then. Along with a decent town.” He was digging in his pocket and brought out the wad of thousand-dollar bills. He counted off three of them before Seveir’s fascinated eyes, and pushed them across the table. “You’ve got just one minute to think it over. Then the offer will be withdrawn and won’t be made again.”

As though hypnotized by the sight of so much money, the publisher touched the bills tentatively with his fingertips. He wet his thin lips and tried to say something, then took off his glasses to polish them again.

Shayne turned to Lucy and said, “Draw up a simple memorandum for us to sign. Make it in the form of a letter from Mr. Seveir to me, setting forth the terms I’ve just mentioned. Type it in triplicate.”

He turned back to the publisher and said quietly, “I don’t believe you like a lot of things you’ve been forced to do to show a profit here in Centerville. I don’t blame you for riding with the tide, but that tide is turning, Seveir. All you have to do is step aside and get paid for it. That shouldn’t be a difficult decision. Frankly, Centerville isn’t going to be a safe place during the next few months. I’ll put that agreement signed by Roche before the miners if I have to distribute handbills. They’re going to be angry, and they aren’t going to be pleased with a local paper that refuses to print the news.”

“I’ll step aside.” Seveir’s voice was brittle. “If you can give the miners an even break, it’s more than I’ve dared do.”

Lucy re-entered the room with a brief typed memorandum. She gave each man a copy and Shayne said, “Now send a wire to Timothy Rourke in Miami: ‘Come on first plane. Have just leased daily paper for six months. Need you to manage campaign guaranteed to undermine quote civilized unquote society. Heads will roll tomorrow and mine among them if you not here to help. Mike Shayne, Chief of Police, Centerville, Kentucky.’”

He grinned widely as he finished, and Lucy Hamilton laughed outright. “Tim will never believe it,” she declared. “He’ll be sure it’s just a drunken hoax.”

“He’ll call me the minute he gets it,” Shayne assured her, “collect.” He glanced over his copy of the memorandum while Lucy went to file the telegram.

Mr. Seveir’s hand trembled when he took his fountain pen from his pocket and unscrewed the top, but he signed his name to both copies of the document with a firm hand. Still dazed and unbelieving, and with three thousand dollars in his pocket and six months vacation beckoning to him, he went from the office.

Lucy came in and perched herself on a corner of Shayne’s desk. “All right, master-mind,” she said sweetly. “Tell me what you intend to do with a six-months lease on the Centerville Gazette.”

Shayne chuckled and said, “Just keep your eyes open and you’ll see the fireworks.”

“Well, from what I’ve seen and heard of things around here you’ll last about thirty minutes after Tim’s first issue hits the street with that strike agreement story.”

“Things are going to be different,” he reminded her. “I’m chief of police now. Even AMOK’s hired gunmen are going to find it tough if Persona tries to bring them in again.”

“How long do you expect to hold the job after that agreement is printed? Seth Gerald put you in and he can yank you out just as fast,” she argued.

“Not as long as he thinks he might be accused of murder by doing so. He’s stuck with me as long as Brand stays in jail waiting conviction. I can delay his trial for months… long enough to get the miners aroused when they learn how they’ve been sold down the river.”

“But how can you hold Brand in jail?” Lucy faltered. “You said all along that existence of this agreement signed by Roche would be all the evidence needed to clear him.”

Shayne looked at her in astonishment. “Good Lord, Lucy! Have you forgot that telegram?”

“The one from George Brand? How did you manage to guess that, Michael? That it had been sent from Slag Junction?”

“I knew it had to be something like that as soon as Stanger said he left Washington before noon to drive down… after reading about the case in the paper. Hell, it couldn’t have been in a Washington paper before noon. Not even a flash about Roche’s murder, much less the news of Brand’s arrest which didn’t happen until noon. You heard what Seveir said about the timing of dispatches to hit different editions.”

“Oh… I see,” said Lucy thoughtfully. “I realize now how you knew Brand must have managed to inform Stanger that he was in trouble. And I even see how you guessed that the important business that delayed Stanger in Lexington was to get that money out of escrow. But what does it all mean?”

He looked at her curiously, then lifted the slip of paper she had laid on his desk. “Here’s the telegram that was sent from the railroad station at Slag Junction at four-ten yesterday morning.” He read it aloud to her:






He flipped the sheet of paper away. “Don’t you realize what that means, Lucy?”

“Well… it certainly looks as though Brand knew he was going to need a lawyer at four o’clock yesterday morning,” she told him.

“Two hours before Roche’s body was discovered. Not only that, but his reference to the Lexington bank shows that he knew the strike would end within a few hours and the twenty thousand in escrow would be available to Stanger. The only way he could possibly know those things was because he had killed Roche and thus ended any hope of a strike settlement favorable to the miners.”

“Michael! Do you mean Brand actually did… murder Mr. Roche?” Her brown eyes were startled, her voice filled with astonishment. “But his alibi… those three men who swore he was playing cards with them?”

“That’s one of the more curious aspects of the case,” Shayne admitted. “We were so damned disgusted with

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