tiny spots of red light, far-separated already, which gleamed above us.

A mist seemed to come across my eyes, blurring and obscuring the two far points of light at which I gazed. From beside me, then, came the deep voice of Hal Kur.

'I know, Jan Tor,' he was saying. 'He was my friend, too.' He gestured toward the battered cruisers beside us, then up into the light-jeweled heavens.

'It was from this Earth that the first man went out, Jan Tor. Out to planet after planet, until a universe was theirs. And now that Sarto Sen has saved that universe, and has given us these cruisers, how far will man go, I wonder? Out-out-universe after universe, star after star, constellations, nebulae-out-out-out… '

He paused, a dark, erect figure beside me there, his arm flung up in superb, defiant promise toward the brilliant, thronging stars.

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