'All right, Tim,' I found myself saying, almost to my surprise. 'If you're really as grown-up as you're acting, then let me see you keep on at what you've started. But you've got to get your wise assed little friend out of here. I can't see letting the little twirp stay in the same room with us.'

This made Petey laugh. He could tell I was pissed off at the situation, but it didn't seem to bother him at all. He definitely wanted to watch, Tim and me in action, and he apparently wasn't going to let my feelings about the matter influence him in the slightest.

'Keep your frenching little tongue to yourself,' Tim warned him. 'All I told you to do was come see how hot ‘and wet she is, not to sample it.'

Petey seemed somewhat abashed. At Tim's words, at least enough so that lie no longer pressed the issue. I let Tim tug me toward the bed while Petey sank to the floor in his tracks and kept watching us, excitement in his eyes and a hard ridge beginning to form in the crotch of his pants.

It was insane, it was mad, but when Tim began unbuttoning my blouse I did nothing to stop him. Petey's eyes fastened straight onto my unfolding cleavage like a magnet, and normally the shame of having such a young kid see me half naked would have been enough to send me bolting back into my clothes-but with Tim's hands on my hot panty crotch and thin brassiere, I was shameless. Petey stayed a few feet away, but it was quite obvious he would have loved to be handling me like his older friend.

'Jees, you really got a pair!' exclaimed Tim as he pulled down the front of my bra and put his hands on the smooth skin of my bulging tits.

'How do you know when you can't even see them yet?' I countered. By now I was so horny I talked 22straight and said what I meant, instead of acting like a 'lady.'

'Here, now you can get at them better,' I whispered, reaching behind me and unclasping the straps.

My bra fell to my lap, and I wiggled out of my unbuttoned blouse and let it fall down my arms to the floor. The look in Tim's eyes told me he was more than just a fourteen-year-old kid. His gaze was that of a grown man as he feasted on the sight of my fits, and it was pretty clear to me he had seen more than a. few tits before in his short lifetime. He was obviously comparing mine with those of other girls he had screwed or made out with, and there was no doubt what he thought of them.

A couple of minutes before Petey had entered the room Tim had taken a quick taste of a nipple. Now his mouth was back on me in a flash.

I let myself fall back slowly until I was on my back, Tim bending with me and keeping his hungry mouth glued to my naked tit. Now I was flat on my back and squirming, wanting to be sucked and fucked by the kid, whether he was fourteen or whatever. His fresh young mouth stayed gloriously wet and warm as his tongue traced circles around my hard nipple, and every once in a while he allowed his teeth to touch me just long enough to send a new thrill of passion down my spine.

He rolled on top of me, and I felt the hard protrusion of his young, manhood press the mound of my heating cunt. I had my panties on still, and he hadn't even taken off his under shorts yet, but his cock was big enough and stiff enough to make me feel it through our underwear with no problem. The way I was squirming around beneath him made his cock rub up and down, I, over my cunt automatically, without him having to do a thing, but after just a few movements he couldn't help himself and started pumping his ass.

His mouth on my tits was nearly enough to make me come even if nothing more had happened. I've always been extremely sensitive in that area ever since I can remember, even before my childish nipples started growing into the big full tits of a woman. But he was using more than just his mouth, and I was loving it. He kept dry-fucking me all the while his lips were sucking my tits, and in addition he had slipped a hand under my ass so he could squeeze me against him every time he hunched forward.

'Darn it, Tim, take her panties off so you can stick it in, will you!' Petey called out suddenly.

I was so hot I'd nearly forgotten the kid was there. I realized my eyes had been closed as Tim and I ground away at each other's crotches. When I opened them and looked over Tim's shoulder, damned if the horny kid didn't have his cock out of his pants and was playing with it. No wonder he wanted to see Tim fuck me. He had been watching every move we made from only a few feet away and jacking himself off besides. He was clearly dying to see my naked cunt, even though the thin material of my underwear left very little to the imagination.

Hot as we were, Tim hadn't yet s1lpped his hand inside my panties and touched the naked flesh of my cunt yet. Now he did it. I felt a wild wet surge of passion surge through my crotch the second his fingers touched the curls of my hairs, and when he went on to the moist lips themselves, I damned near came right on the spot.

He kept up his ‘hunching movements, and since his hand was now on my cunt it was almost as though he was masturbating himself. My panties were still on, and it made me wonder how it felt to him to have their silky smoothness between his hand, which was actively trigging my wet cunt lips, and his cock, which was eagerly driving again and again against me from above.

I wasn't sure how much Tim knew about women — how they can come whether a guy's prick is inside them or not as long as they're hot enough by some other means. It was beginning to ‘happen to me now, and I relished the familiar rise of wonderful pussy-warmth and squishy wetness that told me I was on the brink.

I started breathing harder and faster and then jammed my cunt against his welcome fingers ‘till I came like a slut. I think I was saying something, mouthing some kind of tuck-talk, I'm not sure, but my next sensation was the touch of a hand on my ankle. It was little Petey. Watching me come had been too much for him, and he had to have his hand on me, I guess, even if it was only an ankle.

'Jeez, Tim,' I heard him yell, 'she already came before you even stuck it in her!'

'Shit, man,' Tim excitedly yelled back, 'don't you think I know it. She's hot as a goddamned pistol 1'

I was still huffing and puffing from my climax, and I knew I could come again soon if Tim kept up the action without letting me cool off too much.

He put his lips to mine, and as our mouths opened to each other I realized we had somehow never even kissed each other during the preceding few minutes of ‘passion.

'You mean you're just gonna kiss her?' Petey said with exasperation. 'Go ahead and fuck her, for Christ's sake, will you! I never even got to see her cunt yet!'

Petey was well on his way to becoming a dyed-in-the-wool voyeur, it appeared. I looked at him again and saw that he was pumping his boy-sized cock and sweating as he looked on. It was obvious he. was about to come, and I had cast off my inhibitions so much that I found myself extremely turned on by the sight. I wasn't sure if he was old enough to shoot off, but I nevertheless found myself hoping he was. I was so sexed up I really wanted to watch the kid spurt a wad of come out of his pint-sized cock if he was able. The shame of having a kid of only fourteen fuck me was well past now, and even the fact that a twelve-year-old was looking on no longer fazed me. Their firm young bodies were delightful to see, and the fact that neither one was mature yet only added excitement to the episode. I felt a little dirty about it. I have to admit, but not nearly enough to make me want to quit.

'Keep your yap shut,' Tim answered peevishly. 'I don't need any help from you.'

But even as he was talking, he was sliding my ‘panties downward of f my hips. He certainly hadn't needed Petey's prodding to get on with things.

I gladly raised my butt off the bed so he could drag them off, and he obliged by stripping me in in no time flat. He was so anxious to get me completely naked that he didn't even seem to notice Petey's hand on my ankle in the process. Of course, the little redhead quickly moved it so Tim could go ahead and pull the panties off over my feet, leaving me without a stitch. Then Tim jerked off his under shorts, and I finally felt his naked cock for the first time.

It was only touching the curls of my cunt hairs, but that was plenty sufficient to make my temperature soar once more. I was still wet as a goose from coming, and the cock-hunger in my dripping cunt was tremendous. He hugged me hard to his chest, making my tits feel like bursting, but it was just what I needed. I opened up wide for him and left no doubt about what I wanted. The damp 26heat of his groin melted into mine then, and right away I was rewarded by the feel of his rock-hard tool sliding into my joy hole. I 4early love the sensation of tool-slide in my pussy, and I must say that what Tim lacked in size he more than made up for with his magnificent stiffness. I've had more than a few men in me who were bang like horses, but when it came to staying nice' and hard they soon let me down. It's one thing to have a cuntful of cock that's barely hard enough to stay inside a woman without falling out, even if it's a nice big one-and quite another thing to have one that's good and stiff, even though it might be a bit on the small side.

'Hey, now I can get a good look,' Petey yelped.

'Jeez, what a nice one she's got. It's so juicy she's dripping all over herself. And what a thick bush she's got

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