born to the Earl of Hendon and his Countess, Sophia, he had only succeeded to the heir’s title on the death of his two older brothers. Now nine-and-twenty, the Viscount was said to have been badly affected by his experiences in the Wars, although few in London seemed to know the exact nature of the circumstances that had led to his decision to sell his commission some two years before and return to England. Until the previous autumn, he had kept the famous actress Kat Boleyn as his mistress, but that liaison had ended abruptly for reasons also shrouded in mystery.

The lady in the carriage watched as the Viscount hopped down from his curricle, his multicaped driving coat swirling around him, his head falling back as he glanced up at the wooden sign with a dagger and a pair of crossed swords that swayed gently in the breeze. He was built tall and lean, with hair that was dark—darker even than that of his father in his prime. But whereas the father’s eyes were a piercing blue, the son’s were a feral yellow that brought to mind the howl of wolves in the night. Once, his lordship had made the apprehension of murderers his specialty. But for the past eight months, he had given himself over to drinking and gambling and riding to hounds with a reckless abandon that seemed calculated to get him killed sometime in the very near future.

The lady in the carriage watched as the Viscount entered the shop. “Wait here,” she ordered her coachman, and signaled to the footman to let down the steps.

Sebastian balanced the dagger in his hand and carefully tested its heft. It was a splendid piece, its ebony hilt inlaid with silver and brass in a delicate Moorish design.

“It arrived just this week from Spain, my lord,” said the shopkeeper, a short rounded man with full rosy cheeks and a balding pate who hovered behind the counter of his discreet little establishment in the Strand. “The finest Toledo steel. And the workmanship on the hilt is unusually exquisite, wouldn’t you say?”

Nodding, Sebastian whirled to send the dagger flying toward the dartboard on the shop’s back wall. The blade bit just left of center, quivered a moment, then stilled.

The shopkeeper’s hands fluttered in dismay. Devlin never missed. “Obviously there is an unseen flaw. Let me show you another—”

“No. The blade flew true.” Sebastian rubbed his eyes with a splayed thumb and forefinger, aware of a faint tremor in his hand born of too many sleepless nights, too many bottles of brandy, too many dinners left uneaten. “I’ll take it.” He was reaching for his purse when the bell on the door jangled and a gentlewoman in an ostrich- plumed hat and a hunter green pelisse entered the shop, bringing with her the scent of the cool spring morning.

She was a tall woman just past the first blush of youth, with light brown hair she wore pulled straight back in an unflattering style that accentuated the aquiline nose she had inherited from her father, Charles, Lord Jarvis, cousin to the King and the acknowledged power behind Prinny’s fragile regency. She nodded in response to the shopkeeper’s effusive greetings but turned her frank gray stare on Sebastian.

“I see your curricle is waiting outside. The one with the matched chestnuts and a tiger who looks no more than twelve.”

Sebastian returned his attention to the business of counting out the requisite number of banknotes. “I believe Tom is thirteen. Why? Has he lifted your purse?”

She raised one eyebrow in an expression he found unpleasantly evocative of her father at his most arrogant and ruthless. “He’s a pickpocket?”

“He used to be.”

“How . . . original.” She cleared her throat. “I would like to take a ride around the park.”

Sebastian studied Hero Jarvis’s hostile, determined face. He had no illusions about how this woman felt about him. She’d given it as her opinion on more than one occasion that he ought to be arrested—or else summarily shot. “I take it this is my cue to invite you for a drive?”

“Thank you.” She swept toward the door. “I’ll await you in your curricle.”

His curiosity piqued, Sebastian walked out of the shop a few minutes later to find Miss Jarvis sitting on the high seat of his curricle, a furled parasol at her side, the reins in her own capable hands. Sebastian’s tiger was nowhere in sight, although he could see Miss Jarvis’s elegant town carriage waiting up near the corner. Its driver looked asleep.

“Where’s Tom?” Sebastian demanded, leaping up beside her to take the reins.

“I told him he wasn’t wanted.”

“Two things,” Sebastian said evenly, giving his chestnuts the office to start. “I don’t like other people handling my horses, and I tolerate no one giving false orders to my servants.”

“There was no falsehood involved. I didn’t want him.” She opened her parasol with a snap and tilted it toward the feeble sunshine. “And while I understand your sentiments about the horses, once I had eliminated your tiger, there really was no other option, now was there?”

“Miss Jarvis,” he said, his voice coming out in a grating rasp, “in the last eighteen months, your father has attempted to have me killed and very nearly destroyed someone close to me. Why are we taking this drive?”

He attempted to have you killed? It is my understanding that you threatened to kill him.”

“Several times,” Sebastian agreed, turning in through the gates to Hyde Park.

“And you kidnapped me,” she reminded him.

“Along with your maid,” he agreed. “But only briefly. Which brings us back to the question: Why are you here?”

“Last night, a group of unidentified men attacked the Magdalene House near Covent Garden. They killed over half a dozen women and set fire to the house.”

The Magdalene House was not a subject generally discussed in mixed company. Sebastian cast her a quick glance before returning his gaze, deliberately, to his horses. “I knew the refuge had burned,” he said. “But I don’t recall hearing anything about the house being attacked.”

“It is much easier for Bow Street to dismiss the fire as an accident.” Her lip curled. “After all, the victims

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