remembered the tall good-looking husband of the well-built redhead. His name was Brooks Redmond… and he had jet-black hair, too…

Then, she remembered that other man… the one with the black beard… the one called Mickey. She was glad they had decided to let them go. In a brutal way… he had done something for her. She had found her true sexuality… her own self… under him, as he had slammed his big cock, into her.

The rest of their vacation had been spent with the Williams. It had opened up a new life for her and Stan. Now, they were talking about sex… and they were swinging every chance they got. It's only a matter of time… I think until Stan breaks down and we'll join that club we were invited to…

Twenty minutes later, Stan came into the house, sweating and whistling a happy tune.

'Well…?' Lois demanded.

'It was easy as apple pie!' he told her cheerily. 'Brooks and Sherry Redmond are coming over for a barbecued dinner with us… tonight!'

'I'd better get out to the super-market right away, then!' She felt a rising excitement.

'… And be sure to check the liquor supply!' Stan reminded her.

She came into her husband's arms, offering her lips and giving her loins a suggestive grind up against him.

'What about tonight…?' she murmured.

'We'll just have to play it by ear… I guess… just make sure that both bedrooms are ready!' Stan directed. 'And… if you don't stop that… you'll be getting it right here on the kitchen floor!'

'What's so bad about that?'

'It'd be great… except it might slow things down… tonight!' He used both hands grasping her rounded buttocks to pull her undulating loins in close to his awakening penis that had begun to throb to erection inside his pants.

'Okay… darling…' she agreed, writhing from his grasp.

'Come back here… you little teaser!'

'No… not now, Stan!' she smiled, picking up her car keys. 'I've got things to do… to get ready for tonight… and we don't want anything to interfere with that… do we…?'

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