ABC Amber Palm Converter, K:eMuleIncomingenna Henderson – The Anything Box.pdb.pdb PDB Name:henderson, zenna – the anythingCreator ID:read PDB Type:text Version:0 Unique ID Seed:0 Creation Date:28-10-2002 Modification Date:28-10-2002 Last Backup Date:1-1-1970 Modification Number:0 Enter the HORRIFYING LYRICAL POIGNANT TERRIBLE BEAUTIFUL UNIQUEWorld of Zenna Henderson where 'a rare combination of energy, sensitivity and imagination add upto anexciting talent.' Other Avon books by Zenna Henderson PILGRIMAGE 29173 $1.25 THE PEOPLE: No DIFFERENT FLESH 29165 1.25 HOLDING WONDER 24737 1.50 The Anything BoxZENNA HENDERSON AVON PUBLISHERS OF BARD, CAMELOT AND DISCUS BOOKS All of the characters in this book are fictitious,and any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, is purely coincidental. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction:'The Anything Box' Copyright © 1956 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Subcommittee' Copyright © 1962 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Food to All Flesh' Copyright 1954 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Come On, Wagon!' Copyright 1951 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Walking Aunt Daid' Copyright © 1955 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Things' Copyright © 1960 by Mercury Press, Inc.'Turn the Page' Copyright © 1957 by Mercury Press, Inc.'And a Little Child—' Copyright © 1959 by Mercury Press, Inc.'The Last Step' Copyright © 1957 by Mercury Press, Inc. Galaxy Magazine:'Something Bright' Copyright © 1959 by Galaxy Publishing CorporationBeyond Fantasy Fiction: 'Hush!' Copyright 1953 by Galaxy PublishingCorporationImagination:'The Substitute' Copyright 1953 by Greenleaf Publishing Company 'Stevie and ABC Amber Palm Converter, The Dark' Copyright 1952 by Greenleaf PublishingCompany ,'The Grunder' Copyright 1953 by Greenleaf Publishing CompanyAVON BOOKS A division of The Hearst Corporation959 Eighth AvenueNew York, New York 10019Copyright © 1965 by Zenna Henderson Published by arrangement with Doubleday &Co., Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-24001 ISBN:0-380-01745-8 All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book orportions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Doubleday &Co., Inc., 277 Park Ave. New York, New YorkFirst Avon Printing, February, 1969 Third PrintingCover illustration by Hector GarridoAVON TRADEMARK REO. U.S. PAT. OFF. AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, REGISTERED TRADEMARK-MARCA KEGISTRADA, HECHO EN CHICAGO, U.S.A. Printed in the U.S.A. To all my friends who have spokenfor an Anything Box,but especially for R. G.who has no need of his now. Contents The Anything BoxSubcommittee Something BrightHush! Food to All Flesh Come On, Wagon! Walking Aunt DaidThe Substitute The Grunder ThingsTurn the PageStevie and The Dark And a Little Child— The Last Step The Anything Box I suppose it was about the second week of school that I noticed Sue-lynnparticularly. Of course, I'd noticed her name before and checked her outautomatically for maturity and ability and probable performance the way mostteachers do with their students during the first weeks of school. She hadchecked out mature and capable and no worry as to performance so I hadpigeonholed her— setting aside for the moment the little nudge that said, 'Tooquiet'—with my other no-worrys until the fluster and flurry of the first dayshad died down a little. I remember my noticing day. I had collapsed into my chair for a briefrespite from guiding hot little hands through the intricacies of keeping aCrayola within reasonable bounds and the room was full of the relaxed, happyhum of a pleased class as they worked away, not realizing that they wererubbing 'blue' into their memories as well as onto their papers. I was ABC Amber Palm Converter, meditating on how individual personalities were beginning to emerge among thethirty-five or so heterogeneous first graders I had, when I noticedSue-lynn—really noticed her—for the first time. She had finished her paper—far ahead of the others as usual—and was sittingat her table facing me. She had her thumbs touching in front of her on thetable and her fingers curving as though they held something betweenthem—something large enough to keep her fingertips apart and angular enough tobend her fingers as if for corners. It was something pleasant that sheheld—pleasant and precious. You could tell that by the softness of her hold.She was leaning forward a little, her lower ribs pressed against the table,and she was looking, completely absorbed, at the table between her hands. Herface was relaxed and happy. Her mouth curved in a tender half-smile, and as Iwatched, her lashes lifted and she looked at me with a warm share-the-pleasurelook. Then her eyes blinked and the shutters came down inside them. Her handflicked into the desk and out. She pressed her thumbs to her forefingers andrubbed them slowly together. Then she laid one hand over the other on thetable and looked down at them with the air of complete denial and ignorancechildren can assume so devastatingly. The incident caught my fancy and I began to notice Sue-lynn. As Iconsciously watched her, I saw that she spent most of her free time staring atthe table between her hands, much too unobtrusively to catch my busyattention. She hurried through even the fun-est of fun papers and then lostherself in looking. When Davie
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