
Jeo Pitt 4 - Every Last DropAnd I won't be able to stop him.She's safe inside. Safer, anyway. And anything I could have said to talk her into leaving would just have dragged her into the middle of something out of all control.But that doesn't change a fact.Letting her tear loose leaves a wound.That wound don't close. No reason it should.Wound like that, if you want to not feel it, you better have something planned to keep your mind off the pain.I come to the next block and kneel in the street and work my fingers into the slots at the edges of a manhole cover and pull it free.I look down the hole, and I think about the other hole.A war.Such a thing, you got to be on one side or the other. You got to know what you want, or get caught in the flames.I smoke, kick a bottle to the gutter, spit, and smoke some more.Kill the future.Save the lost.Choose a side.I start down the hole. Burying myself. Away from what I want. But close enough. Close enough to protect it.Close enough to feel it.Love above me, shuttered away, pulling, pulling me still.A gravity that cant be broken.No matter who I am.

Table of Contents

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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