Joseph Smith Jr in 1823 on golden plates is also true (by which I mean that the story as I describe it is more or less what the Mormon Church claim – not that the story is actually true. That’s not for me to say).

So, Sherlock has finally confronted the evil Mrs Eglantine and had her banished from the Holmes household. He has also grown up now to the point where he can stand on his own two feet and rescue his brother and his surrogate fathers (Amyus Crowe and Rufus Stone) from trouble, rather than rely on them to rescue him. What next for Sherlock? Well, according to Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the original fifty-six short stories and four novels about a grown-up Sherlock Holmes, his character was an expert at martial arts. Where, I wondered, would he learn those martial arts? China perhaps, or Japan. Time, and the prevailing winds and currents, will tell.

Also by Andrew Lane

Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud

Young Sherlock Holmes: Red Leech

Young Sherlock Holmes: Black Ice

First published 2011 by Macmillan Children’s Books

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