and a

promise. The debts will be absorbed into the massive accounting shenanigans that are conducted by Bank of America

and get lost! Suddenly it's rosy again!

Is martial law still a possibility in America? I am still a little confused how it would be maintained for any

length of time in the rural areas where most people are well armed and antagonistic to government


We have stated that martial law is unlikely to occur in the US because the citizenry is so used to freedom that they

would not cooperate for long. By this, we mean cooperation would likely be counted in days. Citizens would sit home

and fear being out on the streets, and all work would come to a halt. Schools would not be attended, utilities not

maintained, and unless escorted to work by armed guards, emergency work would not be attended to either. Knowing

this, the Bush administration is loathe to call martial law too early. However, this past year, seeing their fortunes falling rapidly, Bush did try to declare martial law via the Emergency Action Network, and the fire in Cheney's official offices at the Executive Office Building was done to destroy a phone network Cheney had established there for a

second such attempt. Bush and Cheney are being blocked, effectively, from declaring martial law. This all is in the

hands of man, and could go in many directions, as we have stated, so predictions cannot be made with certainty.

Is the pole shift going to happen during this magnetic trimster? Iit doesnt seem violent enough.

We have stated that the last weeks will occur within a magnetic trimester. The current trimester started at the end of December and lasts until the end of April. The last weeks include, counting backwards, a week of rotation stoppage,

some weeks of rotation slowing, 6 days of sunrise west, 3 days of darkness, a lean to the left, and a severe wobble. We also predicted that emergency management teams would be so exhausted that at the state and local level they would

not be listening to the Bush White House regardless of what they say. We did not specify where in the timeline such a situation might exist, so there may be overlapping with the last weeks, or there may not be an overlap so that this point occurs before the last weeks. It is up to you to count how many days are involved in the last weeks or to watch the signs. We will say this. You will not be taken by surprise.[2/5/2012 2:44:41 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

Did Hillary make some kind of deal with Rove and the Bushes? Did she know the machines would be

hacked to give her a false victory? What about Obama: is he aware of the vote fraud? Any chance the

recount will tell the true story, or have they carefully covered their trail? And finally, how do these people

justify this kind of activity? Don't they realize they are bound for a prison planet in committing these

crimes? Especially the Bushes and Cheney: are they resigned to going to a prison planet following their


The Clintons and the Bush family chat with each other all the time. Matters are discussed in code talk, but each

understands what the other is saying. The Clintons were offered the Republican machinery in New Hampshire, and

gave the nod. The Republicans also want Hillary to be the candidate as they feel they could beat her due to her negatives, and polls bear that out. The Bush family feels that should Hillary win, they also will have won, so vote fraud in New Hampshire had the support of many who have used this avenue in the past. Since there are buffers between

those who switch the votes and those who call the shots, the ringleaders do not fear prosecution. The low level

technicians who do the actual vote swaps get paid in a manner that leaves no fingerprints, by shadowy figures.

I'm not asking for a date of the Passage of Nibiru since I know you're not going to tell one, and I respect

that. But let me point out a thing: you said that telling a date would mean helping the elite to fulfill their

evil plans towards humanity, imposing martial law, blocking the roads etc., but they already monitor the

sky everyday (that's what the ISS is all about, for example). They watch Nibiru as it approaches the Earth

and are able to determine a probable period for the pole shift, even without a Zeta warning. So hiding the

date is more damaging to the populace than to the establishment, am I wrong?

If the elite knew a date certain, they would and could call martial law effectively. We are not speaking only of the US

here, but of many countries where those in charge of the government wish to kill many of their citizens. The elite in Indonesia, for instance, have little regard for their citizens. It is not true that the US government knows when the pole shift is about to happen. They can approximate the distance of Planet X from Earth and the distance from the Sun, but many maneuvers will occur before the last weeks. Currently, Planet X is almost directly between the Earth and Sun,

moving only slightly to the right in the view from Earth because Earth is trying to evade the Christmas Hammer. But

as we have detailed early in the ZetaTalk saga, the point of passage during the pole shift places Planet X much more to the right. NASA does not know what the factors are in this dance, and can only surmise. And they are surmising

badly, we might add.

A lot of whistle blowers are trying to be heard, but are being gagged. Sybil Edmonds has offered to tell

her story to the world with only foreign countries offering to cover her story. She has already posted

pictures of top officials in the government as clues on her website. Will someone/anyone in the US media

give her story airtime? Is she being blocked by the Puppetmaster? Is she protected by the Zetas?

Clearly, the US media is being gagged by national security mandates. Not many editors want to be dragged

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