on the Pole Shift ning?


The object filmed on September 4, 2011 is obviously not a lens flare as the camera is moved about and this object does not.

Nor is this a reflection on the car's window, which by the traffic sounds is obviously open. It remains stationary, in line with

the Sun, and seems to set with the Sun. Where there is clearly haze that the Sun is shining through, the object has definition,

retains its shape, and even seems to have a shadow on the lower side, as though it were reflecting sunlight, and as though it

were slightly below the Sun. Is it a ghost of the Sun, a reflection of the Sun within the camera? A ghost parallels the shape

and size of the Sun, but this object disappears before the Sun goes down over the horizon, which combined with the shadow

on the lower side indeed implies that it is just ahead of the Sun along the Ecliptic, setting first.

Venus is in the vicinity, though should be following the Sun as it sets, along the slanting line of the Ecliptic. But if slightly

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta588.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Venus and Dark Twin Looming

outside of its orbit by pressure from the squeeze within the cup, could be found in that position. This object is Venus,

squeezed to be closer to the Earth and no longer able to be in the simulated orbit that has been maintained for Venus since

both it and the Earth halted in their orbits in front of Planet X. Where normally only seen as the evening or morning star,

when pushed closer to the Earth and in the line of sight between the Earth and Sun, reflected sunlight allows a planet sized

object with the potential for shadow to be seen. We have warned that this time was coming, when dramas from the planets

caught in the cup with the Earth would play out, and this time has arrived!

The sunset photo taken on September 7, 2011, where a faint purple orb appears to the right of the Sun, and before the Sun

had set, is as suspected a capture of the Dark Twin. The Dark Twin shares the Earth's orbit, and this orb is seen along the line

of the Ecliptic, close to the horizon at 5:30-6:00 pm along that line when the Sun is still higher in the sky at an angle to the

left. The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere.

As those who study color are aware, blue and red mixed together produce a purple color. Is the Dark Twin being pushed

closer to the Earth, the cup it shares with the Earth and Venus tightening at this time? It is indeed, and this drama is only

starting to play out!

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta588.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:50 AM]

Document Outline


ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision

ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact

ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial

ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever

ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm

ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms

ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

ZetaTalk: Prior Shift

ZetaTalk: Jewish Exodus

ZetaTalk: Passover

ZetaTalk: Mastodons

ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic

ZetaTalk: Velikovsky

ZetaTalk: Sitchin

ZetaTalk: Prophets

ZetaTalk: Differing Prophecies

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

ZetaTalk: Lost Records

ZetaTalk: Calendars and Clocks

ZetaTalk: Emotional Adjustments

ZetaTalk: Resistance

ZetaTalk: Subtle Message

ZetaTalk: Crop Failure

ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments

ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments

ZetaTalk: Threats of War

ZetaTalk: Financial Freeze

ZetaTalk: Market Crash

ZetaTalk: Crash Impact

ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar

ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000

ZetaTalk: Precision

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline

ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview

ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies

ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues

ZetaTalk: False Alarms

ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks

ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

ZetaTalk: Heralding

ZetaTalk: Green Meteors

ZetaTalk: Space Trash

ZetaTalk: New Moon

ZetaTalk: Permafrost Quakes

ZetaTalk: Moon Halos

ZetaTalk: Black Water

ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream

ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs

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