child hearing an explanation

for how an airplane can fly, the air lift under the wings, could scarcely pass this information on to others or

would do by inserting misconceptions. The concept grasped is the one relayed, not the concept given.

All humans reach a saturation point when given a great deal of information all at once. Complex concepts often

require many factors to be considered at once, and thus a human hearing all the factors may grasp the end results

but not remember all the factors. Thus, when relaying this complex concept to others, they omit crucial factors

so that the second party does not form the same end result in their mind.

All humans, when listening to a prophet, pick and choose what they elect to hear. If the message is distressing,

they select only those parts of the message that comfort. Just as the witnesses to an accident often recount vastly

different interpretations of what occurred, just so the audience of a prophet retain surprisingly different

summations of what was said.

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ZetaTalk: Edgar Cayce

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ZetaTalk: Edgar Cayce

Note: written May 15, 1996

Prophets bearing impelling messages are invariably inspired. Their message grips those hearing it because it carries a

view humans under their own power could not come by. Unlike false prophets, whose pronouncements fall flat almost

as soon as they are made, their words uttered by true prophets have the ring of truth, a thousand facets of reality lining

up to support the prophecy as it unfolds. Prophets are remembered or gain notoriety where their track record was

astonishing in its accuracy or immense in its impact.

Edgar Cayce, due to his accuracy on small personal matters and the resultant widespread notoriety, is living in memory

still for his predictions on geological changes. His visions were most certainly inspired by a group of extraterrestrials

entities, unknown and unnamed by humans, who operate disincarnate at a high level within the Service-to- Other

orientation. Cayce was thus instrumental in alerting many about the coming changes, the tentacles of his prophetic

reach spreading into many cultures and lands. He was selected from among the many who give The Call asking for

such prophetic assists, not only because of his nature, which was greatly devoted to the general welfare, but also

because of his natural gifts. Immensely telepathic for a human, and allowing himself to be in tune with all aspects of

the humans he healed and in touch with all disincarnate entities willing to assist with the healing, he wasted not

himself or his helpers in any of his endeavors. His gift of healing and his highly accurate intuition spread his fame, which in turn bolstered the widespread belief in his prophecies.

For those lucky enough to be entranced by his words, his message has not been lost.

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ZetaTalk: Prophecy

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ZetaTalk: Prophecy

Note: written Jun 15, 1999

Prophecy occurs because a human has given The Call, as their desire to relay important messages is strong, and in

addition they are considered a vehicle that is true, where the message given to them will not be distorted or

diminished. Therefore it's very rare that the quality of the individual is such that are charismatic, they are important

enough that they are taken seriously, and they are a true vehicle that can communicate with a visitor from another

world. The visitors are not from another time, but are from another world, from a distance. How then does it happen

that future events are predicted? Is this not by looking into the future?

As far as the millennium is concerned, the these prophecies point to around the year 2000, or very close to the year

2000. That your world will undergo extreme cataclysms, and that these happen periodically, is no mystery and is quite

predictable. The 12th Planet is a traveling planet that comes through your solar system approximately every 3,657

years. It is as predictable as a train on a track, moving at a certain mph, perhaps dealing with a head wind or a

tailwind. It is therefore possible to predict when it will come through, and where you earth will be, how violent the

passage will be, and the effect of this passage on earth. You have had this message relayed to you various times, such

as in the Bible where the rivers will run blood, and Armageddon, or by various seers who report cataclysmic visions.

The sense that many have of a pending WW III, something that those reading Nostradamus have interpreted, and that

has been relayed by a number of people, is a result of predicting who people will respond to the stress of starvation,

reacting to floods and droughts, and being opportunistic when they see their neighbors weakened. Such wars are not

destined to occur, and mankind can take steps to prevent them.

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