resources, was then to be theirs, and any human inhabitants having natural immunity to the viruses unleashed would be

their docile servants. Africa and South America have long histories of such abuse, being colonized for centuries in

such a manner.

The Ebola virus did not catch on as did the AIDS virus, and the reason was simple. It tended to kill its handlers! When

cast out among the swine, as was the phrase used to describe dissemination, the swine would die, but those casting

their evil seed could not run fast enough. They carried it home with them, and they died in secreted hospital rooms,

infecting their frantic nurses and doctors. After a time or two, they gave up on the Ebola virus, which refused to be

tamed. The original plan of dissemination was to be by airborne means. This never came about as the early tests ran

amuck. The Ebola virus is not fragile, dying quickly when exposed to oxygen or sunlight. If encased in water droplets,

it lives. Thus it could be easily dispersed over a broad area. This stage of the plan was never enacted, nor were the

several steps prior to this stage. Key questions to be answered were how long a given infectious period would last,

how far the infection would spread on the ground, and how well it could be contained. As it ran like wildfire amongst

its handlers, these questions were answered. The decision was made to void the plans.

Why then does it flare up, now and then? It is indigenous in Africa, but the spate of recent flare- ups are because it is now also widely dispersed. No longer lying in the swamps, infecting lizards and snakes which have little contact with

humans as they are not the food of choice. Now resident in other hosts, such as rats and cockroaches, which mingle

freely among humans. Why did Ebola not spread in this manner earlier? It did, but in an area not frequented by

humans. Its original home was swamps, the last place humans live in when they are given a choice. Water logged, full

of snakes and lizards, crawling with bugs, humid and unable to grow crops. The virus spread in its normal method, but

as the insects and rodents indigenous to these swamps were not adapted to others biospheres, the virus stayed in the

swamps. This virus not only refused to be tamed, it also is now running free. Too late to put the cork back in the

bottle. Africa is having her revenge on those who would own her. She has made herself undesirable. She has placed

poison in her loins.

The Ebola virus is spread in a manner not understood by virologists. They assume it is a new virus, but it has been

around almost as long a man himself in his current bioengineered form. This virus was one the genetic engineers of the

past were aware of, and this is precisely why members of the Service- to-Self crowd, in cahoots with members of the

CIA, were able to locate it so quickly. It was at hand. This virus is most virulent in fecal matter, not the blood or blood

serums, and is not at all spread through the breath. Of course, if one handled blood or blood serums with open cuts on

their hands, infection would occur. However, it is the horticultural practices in Zaire that have contributed to the

outbreaks, and it is these same practices worldwide that those hoping to spread the virus were counting on. The Ebola

virus lives quite well in dead tissue, and this is one reason it kills its victims so quickly, turning their internal organs

into mush. Were this not the case, it would never have been such a survivor. A virus that kills its victims in days or

hours and then itself dies would be unlikely to survive.

Defecation is the primary route of spread, as in Africa the diet is fibrous and defecation occurs several times a day.[2/5/2012 11:27:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Ebola Virus

Even a quickly dying victim, one dying within hours, is likely to defecate at least once. In Africa, as in most primitive

countries, sewage is not treated but rather is left to stand or used as fertilizer or swept into a river to hopefully float

away and become someone else's problem. Not infrequently, sewage is used to fertilize, not so much in Africa as in

other countries where the soil has been depleted. In Africa, where the heat reduces fecal matter to soil within hours, it

is left to stand where it was placed. Ignored, but not by insects, who are adapted to host on all manner of material,

however disgusting this may be to humans. Each fresh meal is thus consumed and the insects move on - to be eaten by

other insects or small rodents such as rats. And these carriers defecate in areas where their defecation can be included

in human food, in food preparation areas. In Africa, hygiene is the least of anyone's worries. This is a bitterly poor

continent, and the constant wars distract the populace.

Those wishing to stop the spread should lecture on keeping food preparation areas clean, and ensuring that hospital

toilet routines are treated with utmost cleanliness. Wear gloves when handling the bed pan and cleaning the patient.

Unlike AIDS, which must have live blood cells in order to survive for long, the Ebola virus is not picky about its host.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:27:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Human Condition

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ZetaTalk: Human Condition

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The human condition, on Earth at this time, is deliberately one of confusion. We will examine several

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