The blonde wife pressed her thighs tightly together, attempting to hold back the squirming penis trapped between her legs. She could feel the slipperiness of Rajah's thick cock sliding against the hollows of her soft inner thighs, and the ape's head pressed forcefully against her breast and she felt the sudden excruciating pressure of the brute's large lips sucking savagely at her tender nipple. She kicked out automatically with her long, smooth legs attempting to dislodge the hungrily sucking mouth, and Rajah sunk triumphant between her legs as they involuntarily splayed open, his hardened ape-cock safely imbedded against the pink, nervously twitching lips of her cunt.

Half sobbing now, Sharon shifted her trembling buttocks in a futile effort to evade the scarlet, up-thrust organ, and the animal prick missed, the blindly searching prong sliding beneath into the soft, hair-crested crevice, rubbing menacingly against her exposed anus. The hot, wet shaft jerked again, and this time slipped up to rub along her vaginal cleft and tease against her inflamed clitoris.

Lord Marlowe held his breath as did the other two spectators who stood rigidly beside the bed watching the massive ape buck frenziedly at the blonde girl's buttocks, attempting to skewer her onto the still growing tip of his mammoth, glistening prick. Abruptly, the animal bared its fangs and growled loudly in obvious frustration.

His animal desire, his intense anger, chilled Sharon. In desperation and fear that she must submit, she reached between their bodies and grasped the slippery rod of animal flesh and gritting her teeth bravely, guided the point of it into her open cunt, spreading the pink, fearfully pulsating slit wider with her other hand.

Groans of licentious arousal filled the bedroom as the giant beast jerked forward and with a wild jungle grunt buried his alien cock deep into the lovely wife's pink, grasping young pussy. It slithered into Sharon with a hard, cunt splitting rush until suddenly it was interred to the bulbous hilt, then the chimp grunted and levered again and his hairy, simian balls and matted hair smacked hard against her smooth upturned buttocks.

She thought that she was torn asunder, that the surge of the monstrous animal cock had been a battering ram that would worm all the way through her and come up out of her mouth. She howled crazily, lost in the fever of pain and agony. The ape, wild now with his total conquest of the white, naked flesh of the young girl hopelessly impaled beneath him slaved relentlessly on, gurgling and making deep guttural sounds in its throat, pausing sporadically to lunge in a specially long, spearing jolt. Sharon spasmed convulsively as she writhed in torment under the well-trained beast's drubbings, the whole world spinning around in her shattered mind.

She had begged for more… and they had given it to her, all right. The long, rampaging cock that was now buried unmercifully in her belly was all those cocks of the past three days that had fucked her into madness merged into one. She was suddenly delirious now, and she screwed her cunt up and down with wild, vengeful strokes attempting to destroy it as it had her. She pinned her legs back, her knees touching the hips of the wildly fucking animal, wanting now to take all of the punishment the beast could inflict. The maddening slap of its balls against her naked anus drove her to wilder insensibility.

'Aaaag! Aaaaag!' she groaned as the chimpanzee ground its animal loins so fiercely into her flesh that it caused her feet to jerk spasmodically into the air, and her toes to curl. The thin walls of her moist vaginal tunnel bloated with the sperm heavy ridge of Rajah's cock as it slid smoothly in and out like a well-oiled piston. She was completely impaled and groaned like a lost banshee as the juices of her masochistically dilated pussy ran down between her legs and lubricated wetly her desperately straining asshole and soft bed below. Abruptly, wild babbling half-shrieks and grunts streamed from the dumb beast's thick lips, and it salivated excitedly on her dancing breasts, as it worked like the viscous tropical beast that it was, the primeval lust of the jungle motivating it beyond all recall…

Neal Court stared at the lewd exhibition in unblinking, fascinated horror. Christ, was that his lovely, modest young wife? Was it possible? He mumbled something incoherently as the black-haired vixen beside him began to stroke his still hard cock, and in spite of himself he found that he watched the obscene coupling of his young wife and the ape with lurid concentration. She was completely enslaved by the huge beast panting over her, her trembling body spread-eagled on the bed!

Neal gulped aloud, not looking at his beautiful companion as Lena took his hand and insinuated it between the moist lips of her own pulsating cunt, but rather continued to stare unbelievingly as Sharon twisted and writhed and reached up with her hands to pull the humping buttocks of the animal tighter between her locked thighs. Lena Alvaro said something to him which he didn't hear and began to grind her own gaping pussy against his hand and then back against his cock, using her hand to guide the shaft to her wet, hungry hole, simultaneously stroking and massaging his cock more vigorously. But Neal was still too engrossed with the incredulous ramming attack on his defenseless wife a few feet away. God Almighty!

Then Lena could stand it no longer. She bent over and ground her thighs and buttocks back against his hips, and in doing so, impaled herself on his hard, blood-inflated penis, letting it surge up into the full length of her seething vagina.

'Fuck me, Neal! Ohhhh! Fuck meeee!'

Neal obediently began to drive into the luscious wife of his boss, losing all sense of purpose beyond what the potion had instigated in him and the lewd, rutting sight of his wife being willingly fucked by a wild jungle animal blasted through his mind. He wanted to scream, to cry, to howl out his torment and rage and uncomprehension.

Lord Marlowe was squatting beside the bed now, his hands having released the now delirious young blonde, knowing that no further help would have to be given Rajah. 'She was a good fuck,' he breathed in excitement.

'Yeah,' Rodney Alvaro agreed. 'Look at her cunt go now, though, just begging for animal cock!'

The evil conversation lashed the tortured mind of her husband still more. How Goddamn innocent had he been? Neal moaned to himself. She's been fucked by others, by God knew how many others! Neal viewed the nightmarish orgy in distant uncomprehension. Sharon, his wife, getting fucked by a wild ape in front of all these others! He had never dreamed of such depravity — and what he had thought to be his sweet, puritanical wife was at the very core of it! His brain reeled with insanity.

God damn her! God damn her to hell! He had to punish her! He had to strike out and soothe the misery of his soul — and the only way he could, the only way he wanted to, was by joining in the lewd pillaging of her body, to take her and extract his vengeance by fucking her too, like the hot little whore she really was!

'Get off me! Get off me, you bitch!' he screamed at Lena, and mercilessly wrenched the panting woman from around him and throwing her to the floor.

'Neal!' she wailed plaintively, and tried to grab his leg, but the husband was already leaping to the bed, brushing aside Rodney Alvaro with a cuffing blow.

'I'm going to fuck you!' he yelled at his wife. 'Do you hear me?'

'Ohhhh!' moaned Sharon, as his words penetrated her near insensate mind. 'Neal! Oh my God, Neal, it's you!'

'Damn right it's your husband, you fucking whore!' He could contain himself no longer, and he kneeled in front of her face, unmindful of the crazed hairy form pumping with grunting frenzy but scant inches away. Neal held his extended cock in front of his wife's face. 'Eat it! Eat my cock! Suck me off while you're getting fucked — if you can!'

A low, dragging moan came from Sharon's lips as she realized through her fogged mind that her husband had discovered her secret, that she was now barren of the last vestige of her pride. She reached out one hand and guided Neal's cock to her waiting lips, turning her face so that she could get all of his penis — a penis which up until now she had puritanically avoided having near her mouth.

Neal Court swung his head from side to side and he rammed his cock to its hilt into his wife's wide-stretched mouth.

Sharon wanted to be ripped apart by the twin cocks in her. She wanted to die with the mortification and humiliation and utter despondency that filled her, but as she sucked her husband's cock greedily, tugging at it with hollowed cheeks and running her tongue with swirling abandon over its pumping head and shaft, great huge waves of delicious feeling raced through her instead. She was enjoying the carnality of man and beast inside her! Her entire body was like an expanding balloon, growing — growing — ready to burst into a thousand pieces, sandwiched between two poles of hardened male flesh, one kneeling beside her face, the other with its animal penis grinding deep around in her cunt, and both driving themselves to the point of no return, where they would shoot their hot scalding sperm deep up inside her.

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