authorities. He didn’t deny it happened. He just refused to discuss it or acknowledge that it happened. He wanted it to go away.

Marvin gained access to my stepchildren through their biological mother. Joseph called her and asked if the boys could spend the weekend at his house. She was reluctant, since she had never met Joseph’s father. Marvin got on the phone and persuaded her. He told her he had bought season passes to a well-known amusement park in the area, he would take them there, if not this weekend, any time they wanted. He said that he would pick them up and bring them home on Sunday. What time they spent at his house, they could play in his swimming pool. He added that he would supervise them responsibly. He had by-passed me and gained access to my children. That weekend, he sexually molested them. It was my fault! My fault! As they had promised me they would, they told their mother and she called me.

After the phone call had ended, I picked myself up, put on my shoes and my “war face”. My husband asked me where I was going, I replied “I'm going over there to kill Marvin, to snap his neck with my bare hands, or die trying. And then I'm taking Joseph.” My husband stopped me. He made me promise to let the authorities handle it. And that they would rescue Joseph as soon as we filed charges against Marvin. We both agreed at this time that we would tell the authorities that we would care for Joseph from this point forward, not to return him to the foster home. That we desired and would request to be his family. We briefly discussed the problem, then informed Child Protective Services. New charges were filed within the next forty-five minutes.

Our youngest boy, Pauly, who was 9 at the time that he was molested, acquired a sudden and odd desire to begin buying pocket knives and “collecting” them. When we went to spend the day at a flea market, he used his allowance and earned chores money to purchase three pocket knives. I was by no means keen on this idea of a 9 year old having a knife in his possession. To my protests, his oldest brother said “it's OK, he's got a collection of them at home, about seven of them!” I asked Pauly why he was collecting knives. He responded “I keep them under my pillow at night when I sleep.” When I tried to gently prod for further information he shut down and responded to all my questions that he “didn't know”. But I knew. Pauly was protecting himself from his molester, this monster that could appear in his life at any time and do whatever he wanted to Pauly. He didn't have the courage the first time it happened to unleash his “Power Ranger” moves on his predator. Pauly could only hope that if it happened again, this time in his own room, that he would be able to summon the courage to use his collection of knives in his defense. My heart broke in a thousand pieces.

Marvin fled in the middle of the night. He took 14 year old Joseph with him. Marvin left the area before the authorities could act. Before they could take Joseph and while he still could. They have not surfaced. But Marvin is out there somewhere. And Marvin will come back.

While Marvin drove off, he called me in an attempt to silence me again. He said, “It's in your best interest to make this go away.” Before I could respond, he handed the phone to Joseph. Joseph was berserk. He raged at me, “why are you trying to ruin my life?” I knew this was my opportunity, maybe my last, to rescue Joseph as he was being driven away. I said, “Joseph, where are you, I'll come and get you right now.” Joseph continued, “why are you doing this?” I quickly gave him my phone number and told him to call me. Then the phone went dead. My fault! My fault! My fault, I cried, just as Marvin had intended.

Chapter Eighteen — JUSTICE FOR NONE

This story has no conclusion. There is no final justice. For many of the people involved, there will never be closure. However, the reader can learn from this. The behaviors described within these pages are typical behaviors of a sociopath. Learn the patterns. Understand the manipulative behavior. Use your knowledge as a force for good.

To avoid prosecution, this predator fled, under the cloak of darkness. He ran away in the cover of the night, and is currently a fugitive from justice. Justice has not been served.

His victims in this place are free from his physical presence. They struggle to be free from his emotional entanglement. Just before his leaving, he tried again to silence his victims and their parents. “Keep your mouths shut,” he advised. “Keep your own counsel. It will be in everyone’s best interest to do so”. Again Marvin mobilized that private list of people who had only witnessed his other side, his safe side, and asked that they defend him from the accusations of the others. Thus, they too were victimized. He systematically tried to turn family members against each other with a program of relentless lies. He tried to hide his hideous nature with a divide and conquer defense. Families today still suffer under the strain of his attack. Relationships have crumbled past repair. Reputations remain unrecognizable, honor extinguished. Many of his victims still go without help for all they have endured. Many of his victims have never been validated. Marvin left an unimaginable trail of destruction behind. He mangled lives for his amusement and pleasure. When he had sucked the last marrow from the bone of deviant pleasure, he ran into the night. He had no further use for us, after all. The bone was bare, and there were plenty of meaty bones in other places.

I am sure our bringing Marvin’s deviant behavior into the light has not gone unnoticed. I am sure he has targeted us for future retribution. He has placed a bulls-eye on my forehead. He has marked others as well. I don’t know what he will do to further silence us. “It’s in your best interest not to talk or tell,” he said. Marvin meant that. But I would add a note for Marvin. “It is in your interest never to come back here. I will talk. I will tell. I know you for the monster that you are, and I will do all I can to destroy you.”

Marvin will now continue his evil activities elsewhere, unnoticed and uninterrupted, complete with a new view and new unsuspecting victims. There is no possibility of redemption. He would need a conscience to achieve redemption. Marvin will continue his behaviors, and in an increasingly disturbing manner, more frequent and callused. And now, with the stakes being even higher, the added elements of desperation regarding the necessity to silence any future victims, and his internalized rage regarding his being caught and hunted by authorities; one can barely speculate what Marvin's future plans might hold. In addition, what he might choose to do to silence his future victims. The unthinkable is entirely possible. Marvin may decide on a more reliable and permanent silencing technique. Our only hope is that interruption of his deviant acts will come soon. Maybe, ironically, interruption will occur through recognition.

I could not finish writing this without a message to the following people.

To Marvin

Let me remind you who you are. You are a monster! We know that now. “We once were blind, but now we see.” Your disguise has been removed to expose your dark and fallen soul. You will forever be held accountable for your evil deeds.

To his family

To his mother and father, his brother and sister, his nieces and nephews and to his son, to all those who tried to love him no matter what, I hope for an end to your trauma, your pain, the shame, the blame, and the division of your family. I hope you will no longer be traumatized and victimized. I wish you the strength and comfort to go on.

To Joseph

Who carries the full extent of all these events as heavy burdens on his heart and soul. Because I did not know; because I did not protect you or rescue you from him, I am forever sorry. I write and dedicate this book of pain with that, and with you in mind. From this day forward, may you always have an angel by your side. May you have the strength and courage to continue on, in spite of the damage done. May your broken spirit mend, and may you dance again.


Copyright © 2011 — Junie Moon

All Rights Reserved

ISBN 978-0-9837342-3-9

Published by First Edition Design eBook Publishing June 2011

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