The gray man turned as Perry, followed by Sophie, dashed into the bookshop.

He gave a neat little bow. Ah, Madame Perenelle. I was wondering where you


Where is Nicholas? Perry demanded. She pronounced the name Nicola. Sophie

saw a static charge ripple down the woman s hair, blue and white sparks


Downstairs, I believe. My creatures are looking for him.

Clutching the broom tightly in both hands, Sophie slipped past Perry and

crept around to the other side of the room. Josh. Where was Josh? She had no

idea what was happening and didn't care. She just needed to find her brother.

You are looking as lovely as ever, the gray man said, eyes fixed on Perry.

You haven t aged a day. He bowed again, an old-fashioned, courtly movement

that he performed effortlessly. It is always a joy to see you.

I wish I could say the same for you, Dee. Perry moved farther into the

room, eyes darting from side to side. I recognized your foul stench.

Dee closed his eyes and breathed deeply. I rather like the smell of

brimstone. It is so He paused. So dramatic. Then his gray eyes snapped

open and the smile faded. we've come for the Book, Perenelle. And don't tell

me you've destroyed it, he added. Your continued remarkable good health is

proof indeed of its existence.

Which book? Sophie wondered, glancing around the room; the shop was full of


We are the guardians of the Book, Perry said, and something in her voice

made Sophie turn to look at her. The girl stopped, mouth and eyes wide with

horror. A silver mist surrounded Perry Fleming, rising off her skin in

gossamer threads. Pale and translucent in places, it gathered thick and hard

around her hands, making it look as if she were wearing metal gauntlets. You

will never get it, Perry snapped.

We will, Dee said. we've accumulated all the other treasures over the

years. Only the Book remains. Now, make it easy on yourself and tell me where

it is .


I knew you would say that, Dee said, and then the huge Golem launched

himself at Perry. Humans are so predictable.

Nick Fleming and Josh were opening the door of the dry cleaner s when they

saw Perry, followed by Sophie, race across the street and into the bookshop.

Get this door open, Nick snapped as he reached under his T-shirt. From a

simple square cloth bag dangling around his neck, he produced what looked

like a small book bound in copper-colored metal.

Josh slammed back the bolts and tugged open the door and Nick raced out,

quickly thumbing through the rough-edged pages as he ran, looking for

something. Josh caught a brief glimpse of ornate writing and geometric

patterns on the thick yellowed pages as he followed Nick back into the


Nick and Josh arrived in time to see the Golem touch Perry.

And explode.

Fine, gritty powder filled the air, and the heavy black overcoat crumpled to

the floor. For a moment, a miniature whirlwind spun there, churning up the

dust, then it curled away.

But Nick and Josh s entry diverted Perry s attention. She half turned and in

that instant Dee drew his left arm across his eyes and hurled a tiny crystal

ball onto the floor.

It was as if the sun had exploded in the room.

The light was incredible. Blinding and harsh, it blanketed the room in its

ghastly flare, and with the light came the smell: the stink of burning hair

and overcooked food, smoldering leaves and scorched metal mingled with the

acrid fumes of diesel.

Josh caught a glimpse of his sister just as Dee tossed the crystal. He was

partially shielded by Nick and Perry, both of whom were battered to the floor

by the light. Josh s vision became a kaleidoscope of black-and-white still

images as the light seared the rods and cones at the back of his eyes. He saw

Nick drop the metal-bound book onto the floor saw two black-clad shapes

surround Perry and vaguely heard her scream saw Dee snatch the book with a

grunt of triumph while Nick groped blindly on the floor.

You lose, Nicholas, Dee hissed, as you have always lost. Now I get to take

those things most precious to you: your beloved Perenelle and your book.

Josh was moving even before he was aware of it. He launched himself at Dee,

catching the small man by surprise. Although only fifteen, Josh was tall for

his age, and heavy: he was big enough to be a linebacker, and the youngest on

his football team. He knocked Dee to the ground, sending the book spinning

out of his grasp. Josh felt the heavy metal cover beneath his fingertips and

caught it just as he was lifted straight off the floor and tossed into a

corner. He landed on a pile of books that cushioned his fall. Black spots and

darts of rainbow light moved across his eyes every time he blinked.

Dee s gray shape loomed over Josh, then his gloved hand reached down for the

book. Mine, I think.

Josh s grip tightened, but Dee simply wrenched the book from his hand.

You. Leave. My. Brother. Alone. Sophie Newman brought the broom down five

times on Dee s back, once for every word.

Dee barely glanced at her. Clutching the book in one gloved hand, he caught

the broom in the other and muttered a single word, and it immediately

withered and turned to ragged pulpy splinters in Sophie s hands. You re

lucky I m in a good humor today, he whispered, else I d do the same to

you. Then Dee and his two remaining Golems swept out of the devastated

bookshop, carrying Perry Fleming between them, and slammed the door closed.

There was a long moment of silence, and then the last remaining undisturbed

shelf of books clattered to the floor.


I suppose calling the police is out of the question. Sophie Newman leaned

against a precariously listing bookcase and wrapped her arms around her body

to stop herself from shaking. She was surprised that her voice sounded so

calm and reasonable. we've got to tell them that Perry s been kidnapped .

Perry s not in any danger just yet. Nick Fleming was sitting on one of the

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