more strike of the bush in her vaginal fold and she went over the top, spitting up all her pent-up discharge as her clit and other vaginal sub-organs swelled to maximum capacity and vibrated more violently than ever, forcing the most painful orgasm out that she had ever experienced. As she went over the edge, she cried, 'Oh no!' in a slow and oddly pleasurable and desperate voice. He kept whisking the brush in and out as the discharge from her vagina piled up and spilled over onto the sheets another blankets. The pain swelled into a tantalizing itch as the last of the semen coursed out, causing her to gasp and breathe back in rapidly, as if trying to hold another throat-tearing, blood-curdling scream in. Five minutes later, her vagina was still vibrating, lightly pulsing up and down, this time without being lavishly provoked and prodded by the bush. The Prince got down off of her and undid her ropes. They both stood up and after a minute of staring at each other without a word, they kissed one last time before sleeping the night off.

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