'Really…?' June drawled with a twinkle in her eye. 'Do bears fuck the same way we do?'

'I've never actually seen them in the act, Madame, but I believe they do it dog-fashion, if Madame will excuse the expression,' Jock answered, taking her glass from her and setting it on the floor. 'Bears really don't have much imagination, love,' he murmured in her ear as he pushed her down on the bed and speared his pointed tongue between her parted willing lips. Before she closed her eyes with a sigh of contentment she caught a glimpse of his virilely throbbing penis jutting up out in front of his waistcoat. It was a ridiculous sight but she didn't feel like laughing… Sucking Cliff's cock had made her so hotly aroused that she felt she could take on ten men, one after another… first Jock, then Axel, then whoever else wanted a run for their money. She was free from all her old fears and inhibitions now. She had found her true element in her sexual prowess and knew that never again would she spend a miserable night alone in bed without the ardent caresses of a lover to drift her off to sleep… At least, she amended, not for a long, long time…

Gently she ran the tips of her fingernails down Jock's lean muscular flank and across his sinewy buttocks, marveling at how hard they were, inhaling his good clean male scent. She should have guessed that morning that those pimples were just make-up… a man with a superbly conditioned body like Jock's wouldn't have pimples like that… but she had been so groggy and confused. Even so, pimples and all, he had opened a gate to a whole unknown area of pleasure for her. She sucked his stiffened tongue hungrily deeper into the wet cavern of her mouth and her hand closed around the warm, rock-hard girth of his cock, guiding the sticky spongy head between the soft swelling folds of her eagerly pulsating pussy to her moist vaginal opening. God, she couldn't wait to have that great virile rod of hard flesh all the way up her cunt! She opened her legs wide and pumped her cock-hungry pelvis powerfully up against him, gasping with delight as she felt his pulsing hardness sink into her wetly waiting pussy up to the hilt on the first fierce thrust… She held him there for a long moment, feeling the slick heated walls of her vagina instinctively closing around his captured shaft like a snug rubber glove and the answering throb of his cock- head.

'Oooooohhhhhhh…' June sighed as he began a regular in-and-out fucking pattern, sweeping into her with long hard deep strokes which nearly knocked the breath out of her body, then pulling out with a tantalizing rotary movement that left her twisting sideways on the bed and thrusting her pelvis upward to alleviate the sudden feeling of emptiness. For awhile she was aware of Borman cursing and grunting on the bed beside her and also of the fact that she was being fucked on a stage with God knows how many people looking on… Then gradually Axel, the audience, the stage, all faded beyond the horizon of her consciousness and she was alone on the vast heaving sea of her erotic pleasure with the wonderful tireless cock that forged into her like a sturdy indomitable ship, flinging back magnetic waves of erotic excitement from its plunging bow and a long milky lane of frothing contentment churning in its wake…

Her blissful journey into oblivion was abruptly shattered by a loud thump as something — the bear head no doubt — was hurled onto the floor near the bed and Borman growled in an irritable, no longer muffled voice: 'Tough titty, the fucking zipper's stuck. I guess I'll just have to keep the Goddamn suit on, roll 'er over on her side, Jock.'

She felt Jock shift his weight and slide off her, pulling her with him so that the head of his hard erect penis remained lodged teasingly just inside her eagerly quivering vaginal entrance. Then Axel's sharp-clawed bear paws were pulling the nakedly rounded cheeks of her ass apart, and she felt the dry coarse fur of the costume pressing scratchily against the tender skin of her back and buttocks.

What on earth was he going to do?

For a split second a wave of wild unreasoning panic submerged June as if she really had been seized from behind by a savage animal. It was Axel Borman back there, of course, but suppose he lost control… he had frightened her so terribly the night before, and she wasn't at all sure it had all been an act. He had that streak of mad violence in him that came to the surface when he had been drinking, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath now. Then she heard his familiar grim derisive chuckle.

'Reach back and aim my cock up your ass-hole, June dear,' he grated in her ear. 'Unless you want me to do it with these Goddamn bear claws.'

June gasped and her heart raced when she understood what he intended to do… take her anally at the same time Jock took her from the front. God, she had thought of taking on ten men, one after the other… but two at once? Was it physically possible? And she was already so sore back there from Jock's rape of her rectum that morning.

'Get going!' warned Borman's menacing voice and she felt one huge paw with its leathery pads close hard around one of her sensitively throbbing breasts. God, with those razor-sharp claws he could rip it off with one swipe if he got carried away. Gingerly she reached around behind her, grasping the granite-hard shaft of his hotly throbbing penis which stuck like a wagon tongue out through a special hole in the shaggy itchy fur, and guided it to the tiny puckered ring of her much abused anus.

'You want me to tickle your balls, too, Buster Bear?' she couldn't resist taunting him.

Her reply was a searing sheet of flame that engulfed her body as if she had been flung into a blast furnace when without preparation Axel's mammoth cock speared up her back passage like a branding iron.

'Oh God, wait! Please stop!' she pleaded, trying to writhe away from him only to rebound from a thrust of Jock's pelvis.

'That'll teach you to crack wise with Buster Bear,' Axel sniggered cruelly, ramming another good three inches of his long thick cock up her tight nether channel at one jolt. Jock had done a good job of reaming her out, he mused. He could already feel her softening and expanding up there to make room for him. With blunt massive strokes he began to buffet her toward Jock who banged her back to him with a flex of his muscular loins as if she was a ball on a handball court. Back and forth, back and forth… And then the ball was bouncing of its own volition, shouting lewd encouragement, wanting to be fucked 'harder… deeper!'

June was far out on her interminable sea of pleasure again, only now there was no horizon, just darkness and the constant buffeting of enormous waves that pitched her higher and higher from one miraculous crest of ecstasy to another until she thought she would go out of her mind with the sheer intensity of it. There had never been sensation like this before, never, never, never! And it was only the beginning…

'Waaaaagggggghhhhh, I'm cumming. I'm cumming!'

Her scream of rapture overflowed the makeshift theater and echoed resonantly back from the remotest corners of the immense loft.

High up on some scaffolding where he was manning the spotlights, Dippy Gallagher nodded his head in heartfelt approval.

The little man's eyes were moist.

His fondest dream had finally come true.

He had witnessed the birth of a great star!

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