Thomas Harlan

Land of the Dead


In the beginning was the First Sun,

Water was its sign;

It was called the Sun of Water,

For water covered the world,

Leaving nothing but the dragonflies above

And the fishy men below.

The Second Sun was born,

Jaguar was its sign;

This was called the Sun of the Jaguars.

In this Sun the heavens collapsed,

So that the Sun could not move in its course.

The world darkened, and when all was dark

Then the people were devoured.

The Giants perished, giving life to the Third Sun.

Rain was its sign;

It was called the Sun of Rain,

For this Sun rained fire from bleeding eyes

And the people were consumed.

From the torrent of burning stones,

The Fourth Sun was born.

Wind was its sign, and it was called the Sun of Wind.

In this Sun, all which stood on the earth was carried

Away by terrible winds.

The people were turned into monkeys, and scattered from their cities into the forest.

Now, by sacrifice of the divine liquid, the Fifth Sun was born.

Its sign was Motion.

As the Sun moved, following a course,

The ancients called it the Sun of Motion.

In the time of this Sun, there were

Great earthquakes and famine,

No maize grew, and the gods of the field

Turned their eyes from the people,

And all the people grew thin, and perished.

The Lord of Heaven cut the heart from his living son,

And so was born the Sixth Sun, which sustains

The universe with infinite light.

Its sign was Flint.

Those who watch the sky say this Sun

Will end in annihilation, when the flint-knife

Severs the birthcord of the Sun, plunging all

Into darkness, where the people will

Be cut to pieces and scattered.

This is the time of the Sixth Sun…




A slim Nisei woman, her back straight as a sword blade, glossy black hair coiled at her neck, paused before a shoji -panel of laminate cedar and redwood. She took a moment to straighten the crisply starched cuffs of her dress whites, to tuck her cap under one arm, and to adjust the four tiny golden skulls on her collar tabs. Then, prepared, she placed two fingers against the door itself.

There was a quiet chime-the sound of a temple bell filtered through autumnal leaves-and the panel slid soundlessly to one side. The Imperial Mexica Navy Chu-sa stepped out onto a covered porch, walked down a flight of broad wooden steps and out into a perfectly manicured Tokuga-period garden. A glassite pressure dome vaulted overhead, half of the armored panels polarized against the glare of the twin primaries of the Michoacan binary. Her boots clicked on a curving stone bridge crossing a swift, silent brook-the recycled water clear as crystal, reeds and tadpoles wavering in the current running over mossy stones-and she passed beneath the rustling branches of a stand of hothouse aspen.

A teahouse stood beneath the golden trees, ancient wood and paper walls meticulously assembled at the heart of the Fleet base, slate roof strewn with leaf litter. The newly minted captain knelt at the door and paused again-taking a measured breath-before drawing aside the old-fashioned panel of rice paper and varnished pine. The large interior room was quite barren. A tatami lay in the middle of the floor, a pale jute-colored island in a sea of gleaming dark fir planking. A man was kneeling on the mat, hands hidden in the folds of a plain civilian kimono. He lifted his head curiously at the sound of the opening door.

His thin face, pale and seamed from long exhaustion, was calm.

Then he recognized her and everything sure and composed about him disappeared in a jolt of surprise- delight-and then slowly dawning grief.

The woman removed her boots and padded across the spotless floor to the edge of the mat.

“Oh Sho-sa,” the man said, shaking his head. “You should not have brought me the honorable blades. A fine gesture, truthfully, but-”

“I bear no swords,” Susan Kosho said, kneeling gracefully and drawing a parchment envelope from the inner pocket of her uniform jacket. “The Admiralty tribunal has concluded its deliberations. You will not satisfy the Emperor’s Honor for the loss of our ship. As of only an hour ago, you are free to leave this place at any time you please.” She set down the envelope, touching the corners to align the rectangle properly between them.

“What is this?” Mitsuharu Hadeishi, recently captain of the ill-starred IMN Astronomer -class light cruiser Henry R. Cornuelle, eyed the parchment suspiciously. “This is not an orders packet.”

Kosho shook her head no, gaze politely averted from his, attention unerringly fixed on the hem of his kimono, which was frayed and showing a small tear. She wondered, seeing how shabby his clothing was, what had happened to the old manservant who had tended Hadeishi’s personal affairs aboard the Cornuelle. The rest of the crew-those who had lived through the disaster over Jagan-had scattered to the five directions. Even my feet, she thought, are on a strange road, every compass awry with the influence of the fates. With every step, a crossroads appears out of the darkness…

“I have been retired?” Hadeishi’s voice was thin with distress.

“No.” Susan met his eyes at last. “You have been placed on reserve duty, pending the needs of the Fleet. Your record… your service jacket is… all references to the incident at Jagan have been removed. A compromise was

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