'Not a word.' Damon seemed amused. 'She's an old lady. She's batty.'

'She's sharper than any of us gave her credit for,' Matt said. 'When I think of the days we spent watching her potter around that basement—do you think she knew we were watching?'

'I don't know what to think,' Stefan said slowly. 'I'm just glad she seems to be on our side. And she's given us a safe place to stay.'

'And grape juice, don't forget that.' Matt grinned at Stefan. 'Want some?' He proffered the leaky cup.

'Yeah, you can take your grape juice and…' But Stefan was almost smiling himself. For an instant Bonnie saw the two of them the way they used to be, before Elena had died. Friendly, warm, as comfortable together as she and Meredith were. A pang went through her.

But Elena isn't dead, she thought. She's more here than ever. She's directing everything we say and do.

Stefan had sobered again. 'When Mrs. Flowers came in, I was about to say that we'd better get started. And I think we should start with Vickie.'

'She won't see us,' Meredith replied instantly. 'Her parents are keeping everyone away.'

'Then we'll just have to bypass her parents,' Stefan said. 'Are you coming with us, Damon?'

'A visit to yet another pretty girl? I wouldn't miss it.'

Bonnie turned to Stefan in alarm, but he spoke reassuringly as he guided her out of the barn. 'It'll be all right. I'll keep an eye on him.'

Bonnie hoped so.


Vickie's house was on a corner, and they approached it from the side street. By now the sky was filled with heavy purple clouds. The light had an almost underwater quality.

'Looks like it's going to storm,' Matt said.

Bonnie glanced at Damon. Neither he nor Stefan liked bright light. And she could feel the Power emanating from him, like a low thrum just under the surface of his skin. He smiled without looking at her and said, 'How about snow in June?'

Bonnie clamped down on a shiver.

She had looked Damon's way once or twice in the barn and found him listening to the story with an air of detached indifference. Unlike Stefan, his expression hadn't changed in the slightest when she mentioned Elena—or when she told about Sue's death. What did he really feel for Elena? He'd called up a snowstorm once and left her to freeze in it. What was he feeling now? Did he even care about catching the murderer?

'That's Vickie's bedroom,' said Meredith. 'The bay window in the back.'

Stefan looked at Damon. 'How many people in the house?'

'Two. Man and woman. The woman's drunk.'

Poor Mrs. Bennett, thought Bonnie.

'I need them both asleep,' Stefan said.

In spite of herself, Bonnie was fascinated by the surge of Power she felt from Damon. Her psychic abilities had never been strong enough to sense its raw essence before, but now they were. Now she could feel it as clearly as she could see the fading violet light or smell the honeysuckle outside Vickie's window.

Damon shrugged. 'They're asleep.'

Stefan tapped lightly on the glass.

There was no response, or at least none Bonnie could see. But Stefan and Damon looked at each other.

'She's half tranced already,' Damon said.

'She's scared. I'll do it; she knows me,' said Stefan. He put his fingertips on the window. 'Vickie, it's Stefan Salvatore,' he said. 'I'm here to help you. Come let me in.'

His voice was quiet, nothing that should have been heard on the other side of the glass. But after a moment the curtains stirred and a face appeared.

Bonnie gasped aloud.

Vickie's long, light brown hair was disheveled, and her skin was chalky. There were huge black rings under her eyes. The eyes themselves were fixed and glassy. Her lips were rough and chapped.

'She looks like she's dressed up to do Ophelia's mad scene,' Meredith said under her breath. 'Nightgown and all.'

'She looks possessed,' Bonnie whispered back, unnerved.

Stefan just said, 'Vickie, open the window.'

Mechanically, like a windup doll, Vickie cranked one of the side panels of the bay window open, and Stefan said, 'Can I come in?'

Vickie's glazed eyes swept over the group outside. For a moment Bonnie thought she didn't recognize any of them. But then she blinked and said slowly, 'Meredith… Bonnie… Stefan? You're back. What are you doing here?'

'Ask me in, Vickie.' Stefan's voice was hypnotic.

'Stefan…' There was a long pause and then: 'Come in.'

She stepped back as he put a hand on the sill and vaulted through. Matt followed him, then

Meredith. Bonnie, who was wearing a mini, re-mained outside with Damon. She wished she'd worn jeans to school today, but then she hadn't known she'd be going on an expedition.

'You shouldn't be here,' Vickie said to Stefan, almost calmly. 'He's coming to get me. He'll get you too.'

Meredith put an arm around her. Stefan just said, 'Who?'

'Him. He comes to me in my dreams. He killed Sue.' Vickie's matter-of-fact tone was more frightening than any hysteria could have been.

'Vickie, we've come to help you,' Meredith said gently. 'Everything's going to be all right now. We won't let him hurt you, I promise.'

Vickie swung around to stare at her. She looked Meredith up and down as if Meredith had suddenly changed into something unbelievable. Then she began to laugh.

It was awful, a hoarse burst of mirth like a hacking cough. It went on and on until Bonnie wanted to cover her ears. Finally Stefan said, 'Vickie, stop it.'

The laughter died into something like sobs, and when Vickie lifted her head again, she looked less glassy eyed but more genuinely upset. 'You're all going to die, Stefan,' she said, shaking her head. 'No one can fight him and live.'

'We need to know about him so we can fight him. We need your help,' Stefan said. 'Tell me what he looks like.'

'I can't see him in my dreams. He's just a shadow without a face.' Vickie whispered it, her shoulders hunching.

'But you saw him at Caroline's house,' Stefan said insistently. 'Vickie, listen to me,' he added as the girl turned away sharply. 'I know you're frightened, but this is important, more important than you can understand. We can't fight him unless we know what we're up against, and you are the only one, the only one right now who has the information we need. You have to help us.'

'I can't remember—'

Stefan's voice was unyielding. 'I have a way to help you remember,' he said. 'Will you let me try?'

Seconds crawled by, then Vickie gave a long, bubbling sigh, her body sagging. 'Do whatever you want,' she said indifferently. 'I don't care. It won't make any difference.'

'You're a brave girl. Now look at me, Vickie. I want you to relax. Just look at me and relax.' Stefan's voice dropped to a lulling murmur. It went on for a few minutes, and then Vickie's eyes drooped shut.

'Sit down.' Stefan guided her to sit on the bed. He sat beside her, looking into her face.

'Vickie, you feel calm and relaxed now. Nothing you remember will hurt you,' he said, his voice soothing. 'Now, I need you to go back to Saturday night. You're upstairs, in the master bedroom of Caroline's house. Sue Carson is with you, and someone else. I need you to see—'

'No!' Vickie twisted back and forth as if trying to escape something. 'No! I can't—'

'Vickie, calm down. He won't hurt you. He can't see you, but you can see him. Listen to me.'

As Stefan spoke, Vickie's whimpers quieted. But she still thrashed and writhed.

'You need to see him, Vickie. Help us fight him. What does he look like?'

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