'Oh, God, Tim!' she cried. She moved her whole body up against him now, her hand slipping the foreskin of her husband's cock up and down more and more and more rapidly. There was nothing so sweet as the desire she felt for the man she had married. None of his brothers had been able to duplicate this sensation.

'Jesus!' Tim groaned. 'I… I want to be inside of you… Are you…

Can I…?' He wondered if his wife was in any condition for lovemaking, after all she had been through. But he wanted her so badly that he could hardly contain himself.

'Mmmmmm… Yes… Tim… Tim, please… I've been waiting so long… so long… Aaaaaaaah!' Sylvie moaned and writhed against the young politician's hip and he could feel her hair-fringed pussy soaking wet against him. She clutched at him wildly, and suddenly Tim realized that she was cumming right there against his leg. The very thought of it almost made him reach a climax himself, but he held back just in time, as Sylvie fell back against his arms, her passion only momentarily drained.

'I want you… Jesus… I want you so bad!!' Tim cried as much to himself as to her. With his long legs he parted Sylvie's limp unresisting thighs. She was all softness after her orgasm and waves of lust traversed Tim's throbbing cock as he placed it in between her legs. Searching out the pink ragged opening of her flowery pussy, he positioned himself and let the blunt tip of his prick slide upward.

Sylvie shivered under him and suddenly was pushing hard. His pulsating cock was slipping all the way up into the tightness of her perfumed cunt. It sank deeper and deeper, filling her waiting, unresisting pussy with all of its potent hardness, and Sylvie grunted and opened her legs wide to receive him.

'Oh Sylvie… you feel so… so…!' words failed him as he began to fuck into his wife with rhythmic strokes. Never had he felt anything like this before, even when they were first married. They began to move together, spurred on by each other's cries.

'Oh never stop, never stop… I love you so… I love you… wonderful… wonderful… your sweet cock is making me cuuuummmmmmmmmm ooooooh IIIIIIIIII love yoooooooooouuuu!'

The muscles of their young bodies were tightened to meet the demands of their lust. Had anyone seen them, they would have been awed by the warmth and tenderness of their intense desire.

Then Tim could feel himself cumming. Everything in him merging with everything in her. His rock hard cock was immersed in softness and wetness and tightness and he was stiffening and the white fluid of his orgasm starting its projectile motion toward Sylvie's waiting womb.

'Aaaaahhhh!' The pleasure was sharp and he bit his lip as he spun madly into the vortex of his orgasm, wrenching him over onto his wife's body, as the hard splashes rose against her shivering pussy. Sylvie was meeting his orgasm with her own, releasing it in a head-on collision that sent them whirling together toward another world where politics and family duty were unheard of.

'Oooooooooohhhhhhh Tim darlingggggg!' she wailed arms and legs thrashing as she tipped her receptive loins upward to receive as much of her husband's life-giving force as possible.

As soon as Tim had cum he knew that he was ready to start again. 'Got to do it again!' he cried, moving his already swelling cock about in her drenched warm tunnel of her vagina. 'You'll never have to complain again, honey… I'll fuck you until you beg me to stop!'

Chapter 9

'We are just getting the returns from the 9th district. Yes… yes… and I think that our computers have definitely been proven right, folks. TIM CASSIDY IS THE WINNER! TIM CASSIDY IS OUR NEW SENATOR! In a few moments we'll have a word with the winner, but right now, here is the word from Senator Gearson who seems to have lost his bid for reelection to the Senate to the young Tim Cassidy.

'Do you have anything to say, Senator?'

'I'd like to thank all the people that worked so hard for me… and to congratulate the winner!' The elderly senator smiled wanly, and the picture slowly faded out, while another took its place.

'Here he comes now! He's coming now!' The announcer's voice spoke hysterically. The sound of cheering had already come thundering through and was filling the microphones and a throng of hundreds danced up and down at the downtown Cassidy headquarters.

Finally Tim Cassidy and his entourage could be seen advancing toward the bank of microphones. His wife Sylvie was directly beside him and he kept her there with his arm around her waist as together they moved slowly through the crowd. In front of them making room for their passage were the 2 Cassidy brothers, Ron and Erick, proudly beaming in recognition of the fact that their brother was now a Senator. Behind them came a beaming brunette, Arlene, Sylvie's cousin who kept her eyes trained on Ron Cassidy as she walked.

She had set her cap for the oldest brother but it was the middle brother Ron who had captured her, controlling her body and soul with his strange disciplinary measures.

Upstairs in the private rooms reserved for the family, Mrs. Thelma Cassidy along with a group of about a dozen camp followers watched it all on her color set. She was a trifle miffed that Tim had insisted she stay upstairs during the big moment, but she knew her turn with the cameras and the photographers would come later, so it wasn't so bad.

Besides… they had won… Her boy was on his way to the great things she had always predicted for him.

She watched with approval as the tightly knit group gathered around Tim as he made his acceptance speech.

'Through thick and through thin, the Cassidys stick it out!' she murmured to the elderly woman who was her son's secretary and Mrs.

Grayson agreed.

'That girl is turning into a real Cassidy,' Thelma said, noting Sylvie's beaming expression as Tim spoke. Only Sylvie knew that her husband's hand, hidden by the brothers and other members of the group behind them, was rhythmically massaging her willing buttocks as he gave one of the most charming speeches of his career. It was their secret symbol that meant they would celebrate the victory that night in their own manner, close in each other's arms, his hard cock locked in the tightly clinging orifice of her obedient and faithful pussy.

Arlene felt Ron's arm around her and looked adoringly up into his eyes.

'We've won!' he told her. 'Nothing can stop us now… not with our organization!'

'Fucking and sucking and wheeling and dealing, Cassidy style,' Erick Cassidy thought. 'Nothing can beat it!'

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