had been involved in “back engineering” at Groom’s S-4 hangars complex, including assessment of the Roswell craft’s propulsion system. He had even uncovered “Gravity B”, a force arising from the manipulation of a new nuclear element, “ununpentium”.

Neither Williams nor Lazar proved very convincing witnesses. Lazar had invented his purported MIT physics qualification and before working in back-engineering had been engaged in the rather less than cutting-edge employment of managing a photo shop. A steady stream of sightings of strange lights and craft at Groom, however, kept alive the notion of Area 51 as a top-secret UFO lab, perhaps the manufacturing plant of Black Helicopters.

Certainly, Area 51 has been the testing centre for weird and wonderful aircraft. The U-2 spy plane was flown there; so was the SR-71 Blackbird, the B-2 stealth bomber and the F-117 stealth fighter. And these are only the planes the public has been informed about. It’s reasonable to suppose that other prototype and avant-garde aircraft have taken to the air at Groom, less reasonable to suppose that they have been developed from alien technology.

Area 51 is the holding centre for crashed alien ships: ALERT LEVEL 3 Further Reading

David Darlington, Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles, 1998

Eric Elfman, Almanac of Alien Encounters, 2001

Phil Patton, Dreamland: Travels Inside the Secret World of Roswell and Area 51, 1998

Babylonian Brotherhood

Remember V, the science fiction TV series where reptilian humanoids took over the Earth?

David Icke does. According to the New Age guru and conspiracist, 12-foot (3.66m) lizards from the planet Draco have colonized Earth (above and below ground) and, organized into the Babylonian Brotherhood, rule it through such “Global Elites” as The Illuminati and The Bilderberg Group. The Babylonian Brotherhood are externally convincing as humans, but their reptilian-humanoid DNA courses through the veins of the world’s rulers; indeed, it is precisely this hybrid genetic plus which gives them the necessary attributes for ruling:

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the US and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines… the reptilian-mammalian DNA.

In such books as The Biggest Secret (1999) and Children of the Matrix (2001), Icke has assiduously tracked the doings of the Brotherhood and their human supporters as they seek to gain ever tighter control over the world. The Brotherhood’s modus operandi is, according to Icke, the “problem-reaction-solution”, whereby the Brotherhood perpetrates some outrage—such as 9/11 or the Oklahoma City Bombings—so that the public clamours for a policy change. Which, of course, is exactly what the Brotherhood wants.

Icke shares some of the same political bed as the armed American militias, who likewise identify the New World Order project as the source of all modern evil. On occasion Icke has addressed US patriot groups. Where Icke and the militias part company is on the “Jewish Question”: the militias are virulently anti-Semitic, Icke is not. “This [the Brotherhood] is not a Jewish plot,” Icke told the British journalist Jon Ronson in the latter’s book Them (2001). Travelling with Icke and his entourage, Ronson, a Jew, found little evidence of race hatred.

The suggestion that humanoid-reptilians rule the Earth is not Icke’s first visit to the furthest shores of the imagination. Born in Leicester, England, in 1952, Icke was originally a professional footballer, playing for Coventry and Hereford, before arthritis forced a change of career to sports reporting for the BBC. Outside the studio he became increasingly involved with politics, first with the Liberal Democrats and then with the Green Party. It was during a session of spiritual healing in 1990 for arthritis that messages from “master souls and Extra-Terrestrials” reached Icke, informing him that he was the Son of God. “I am a channel for the Christ Spirit. The truth was given me very recently by the Godhead,” Icke said at the time. Dressed completely in turquoise, claiming to be the risen Christ, Icke became a figure of such national fun that he went and hid for years.

Re-emerging as the clarion sounder against the Brotherhood, Icke is a fluent, persuasive, telegenic communicator, a natural politician.

Which raises a dread possibility. If he is so gifted a leader, might Icke be a lizard disguised as a human himself?

The world is run by reptiles disguised as humans: ALERT LEVEL 1 Further Reading

David Icke, The Biggest Secret, 1999

David Icke, Children of the Matrix, 2001

Jon Ronson, Them: Adventures Among Extremists, 2001


For most people barcodes are the handy black and white stripes on products that facilitate quick payment at the store: instead of the assistant keying in the price, the item is swiped over red laser lights which read it off. For the shopkeeper, barcodes have the advantage that swiping the barcode allows instant stock control.

Oh, those poor deluded souls. They need to read the 1982 book The New Money System: 666 by Mary Stewart Relfe. For Relfe has divined that barcodes have Satanic importance. The guard bars on the code indicate 666—the mark of the Devil and his cashless economy. It says so in Revelations 13:16–18:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

David Icke (he who, inter alia, tracks the doings of the Babylonian Brotherhood) is another to have a problem with barcodes, because they enable mass observation: everything you buy with a credit or debit card can be put against your name. Soon the government and the backroom cabal that runs it will know exactly what’s in your home.

Icke may be a nut, but he might be right. The trend of the era is towards microscopic surveillance of citizens’ consumer habits. In 2005 the BBC reported that the Tesco supermarket chain had trialled Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, which allowed products to be tracked via radio waves. Privacy groups labelled these chips “spy chips” because the tags could be used to track the behaviour of customers.

There is clearly a need for citizens to watch out for what big business and governments are up to. The Devil, though, is not in the detail of the UPC and EAN barcodes used in America and Europe respectively.

Barcodes are part of the prophecy of the Beast’s takeover: ALERT LEVEL 3 Further Reading

Mary Stewart Relfe, The New Money System: 666, 1982

BCCI (Bank of Commerce and Credit International)

Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and

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