Miss Corey Gibson shrank from the sight of the ugly structure into which she was invited to insert her neck and her wrists. But wardress Tamura was a compelling force, it would be useless to fight. Obeying a specific directive, she gathered her hair and placed it down beside one cheek as she fitted her neck into its designated slot. Hopelessly, she fitted her wrists… 'Is very good girl.' The wardress approved as she lowered the upper yoke of the pillary. 'Now I lock with nice padlock.' There came an ominous click which caused a knot to form within Corey's tummy, and from there spread… She was afely in the pillory. Around her neck and wrists the wood was snug. It had been built for girls.

Audrey's penance was a chair. From its seat a phallus rose commandingly. The rest of the surface was serrated. It was a thing no girl would wish to place her naked bottom on. 'Please to sit.' The wardress invited. 'You may take a little time. You may adjust to inside your cunt. But you must sit.'

Corey's view was limited. Bit she could look sideways at this. She cringed in sympathy as her fellow prisoner adjusted the blunt knob of the ugly male thing against her vulva's lips and slowly lowered herself until she sat impaled. Her grimace as her weight came to rest was a tribute to the chair's punitive intent.

'Is hurt girlie's arse?' The wardress inquired solicitously.

'It's… it's awful. And inside…!' Audrey looked up at her smiling inquisitor. 'Oh please… must I?'

Taruma placed the naked arms behind the back of the chair and bound them there with tight drawn loops of cord. 'Of course must sit.' She reproved. 'You are here for punish. In a little while you neither like what I do for you. Much time to think of bad things you do.' A strap cinched around her waist completed Audrey's captivity to the chair. Taruma nodded approval of her work. She went away.

'I could kill the smarty bitch.' Audrey exclaimed vehemently. 'To leave us like this! Oh damn, and we don't know how long…'

'Is it bad, darling?' Corey was thinking of the huge thing within Audrey's sheath. She would not have wanted it inside her own.

'It hurts where I sit.' Audrey tensed against her bonds. 'That will get worse, of course. But this damn thing way up into me…! I'm going to have twenty orgasms… and hate every one! I can feel the first one starting…'

Courey mourned for them both. Her punishment also would get worse. She could move but little. Her neck and wrists were clamped tight. At the end of the timber the dangling padlock mocked. She was as helpless a prisoner as if cemented. The irons on her feet prevented her from kicking. She shared disconsolate glances with her pained companion as the time went by. Hurting and hopeless as they were there was nothing good to say. The sudden advent of the prison governor was surprising but welcome. Any break in the awfulness of their immobility was better than none. The governor was accompanied by Mr. Syroid. He motioned pridefully. 'You see, sir, your concern is needless. The young ladies are well looked after.'

'Indeed, yes!' The lawyer moved to beam down at a shamed Corey. 'I already represent Miss Cotswold. I am prepared to accept you as a client? I possess some influence. Your sentence may be appealed.'

Hope flooded Corey's being. She twisted her yoked neck to look up appealingly. 'Could you… Oh, please.'

'There is every possibility. I pull the strings. There is the matter of a retainer.'

'Miss Gibson is nicely positioned.' Said the governor thoughtfully. Corey did not believe it was happening. It was too bizarre. Her new lawyer patted her bent head and moved behind her limited view. A moment later she felt the first thrust of his erection between the parted cheeks of her buttocks, with the second prod she knew herself impaled. 'A pleasant chamnge for you, Miss Gibson.' The governor said heartily. 'I suggest you do not complain. Mr. Syroid is being kind.'

The first time within her anus! A smutty legend become real! Corey Gibson could not move. In shocked immobility her bottom took the poundings by which the barrister and solicitor collected his retainer. When he had grunted his way to satisfaction the governor took his place, his voice unctious: 'I am sure you won't mind, Miss Gibson… so very convenient…!'

For both worthy gentlemen the period of regeneration was usefully employed by changing the bondage of the two girls. In fifteen minutes Corey sat, with a pierced and bulging sheath, bound to the chair, and Audrey Cotswold was safely in the stocks. Corey Gibson watched in fascinated horror the anal rape she had been unable to witness on herself. While it was being done to the yoked girl Corey burst into orgasm. She was bitterly and heatedly ashamed. She hoped it was the dildo's fault and not her own. Her bottom was a flaming misery.

'I've had it there before.' Audrey admitted. 'I suppose if it pleases the bastards…!'

'Will he do anything for us?'

'I think he will. He can smell profit. So can the governor.'

In constant and increasing pain they morosely contemplated their improved prospects. Mr. Syroid was absurd but he was hope. From time to time they wept in the utter misery of their punishment. Corey's orgasms became less frequent as the day wore on.

It was in the darkness before the next dawn that the rpe of Imballa Prison made the news. The first explosion shocked the chained girls from sleep. The second ripping blast drove their nudities to the apprehensive comfort of each other's arms. Their heavy shackles mocke them as did the brutal implacability of their cell's locked door. In whatever was taking place they were pitiably helpless. When the lights went on there were shots, then a scuffle in the passage beyond their bars. They gazed in wonderment at a woman and two men.

'Open it up, you silly bitch.' Seth Burdett's approach to a problem was unmistakable.

Wardress Tamura, disordered in scanty night attire, used her keys, then allowed herself to be bound. Shewas frightened.

'C'mon, Bonzo. Use that flame thrower.'

Corey adored him. The oxygen torch flared with a roat. As its heat approached their shackles the prisoners of Imballa cringed away. 'Push their feet the way you want them, Bonzo. Never mind the anklets, get the chain.' For the first time he met the startle but worshipful regard of his two slaves. 'Watch this, girls. You're going to love it.'

A cutting torch is indeed a thing to see! Two slavegirls stared in flinching joy as links dissolved. 'You'll have to wear the shackle and one link, love. Can't get the heat any closer to your tootsie.'

Even with the weight of an iron band and one link on each ankle the girls walked with wings as a strong hand pushed them through Imballa's blasted gates to the waiting trucks. 'I've got my army to attend to.' Seth told them. 'Talk to this guy while you're waiting… Oh, and here's that trick of the corporal's.' He linked one elbow from each girl with the bite of handcuffs. 'Hold on to 'em, Hunter, they're a slippery pair.'

'That guy's a miracle.' reid Hunter kissed them both with real affection. 'We're getting you back for peanuts. This army of his won't run us more than a hundred grand. You'll be back in te U.S.A. tomorrow.' He eyed their shared handcuff approvingly. 'That's a damn cute way of keeping you together. Good mind do deliver you like that.'

They were hysterical with happiness. Corey's fire burned bright. She wondered if the handcuff above her elbow held any particular significance! But what did it matter, she and Audrey loved each other. On the other hand…! She shrugged a thought away as Reid answered a question. 'Syroid? Oh sure. Slimy bastard but we hired him to get us the floor plan. Easy for him to visit you on a pretex.'

The girls told nothing. They were ashamed of Mr. Syroid. Their rectums were still tender from his legal machinations. Doubtfully, Corey asked: 'Isn't the roof going to blow off the United Nations about this raid?' 'Hell, no!' Reid chuckled. 'We also bribed the governor. We fired a few shots but didn't hit anyone. The whole thing's going to be blamed on Bandits, political dissidents who want their girl friends back.'

'But the staff and prisoners will have seen…?'

Reid Hunter's chuckles seemed endless. 'That's been taken care of too.' He winked at Corey. 'That Slave Trader of yours is out of this world. You can guess what he's going to do?'

They giggled. They could not help it. Wardress Tamura headed the coffle, her arms tight bound behind her back, the collar locked on her neck. Each female prisoner was similarly tied as the chain prisoned their necks. 'The guy's going to make a fortune out of this.' Reid enthused. 'Never have thought of it myself.'

'But they're such a handsome lot of girls… for convicts!' 'It's the young ones who go political. They got prison for helping some fool boy friend toss dynamite.'

There were two coffles of twenty each. Two trucks roared away, well loaded with female flesh, all helpless, all chained. In the growing light of dawn some of them had smiled as they were thrust over the tailgate. 'Those girls were wasted in that rathole.' Burdett bestowed his best sardonic grin. 'So were you two. Dammit, you've given me a lot of trouble!' 'Aren't we worth it?'

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