Samuel Wood, his name was really Samuel Ellwood.”

“Yes. Samuel’s father, Nigel, was murdered, and his mother shortened the name to Wood. We assumed it had something to do with her husband’s death. I’d hoped Isabel would mention something more about it in her journal.”

“Nigel Ellwood was a Watcher from my clan. He disappeared before I was born.”

Bree gasped. “Isabel’s grandfather was related to you? That means I’m related to you.”

“Distantly,” Faelan said, feeling like his smile would touch his ears.

“This is incredible.”

“Aye. It explains a lot of inexplicable things. You remember asking what I was thinking of in Alana’s portrait? I don’t know how, but I was thinking about you, even before you were born. I suspect I had been, all the time I waited for you to free me.”

“Oh my. But what about Sorcha? I thought there was something—”

“Sorcha’s a cousin. That’s all.”

“I saw you go into her room.”

“She’d dreamed about you. She was afraid you were in danger. That’s why I sent you away. I thought you’d be safer far from me. Then, when I saw you in bed with Druan in the castle, God forgive me, I thought you were working with him. Sorcha’s the one who made me realize Druan was playing a game.”

“I… I was in Druan’s bed?”

“He did it to torment me.” At least he hoped that was why. “I know how foolish it sounds, now, but all the coincidences… I’m sorry. I betrayed your trust. I doubted you. If you can’t forgive me, I understand, but know that I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and I always will. If you’ll have me, I’ll get a job. I can raise horses, and I’ll finish the house for you. Or we can move somewhere else.” Sean had offered him the castle in Scotland, and told Faelan there was much to talk about. But Bree would most likely want to stay here. Where Bree went, so would he.

Her eyes glistened, but a smile teased her lips. “Well, I hear you’re rich.” She rubbed a finger over his arm, leaving a wet trail.

“I am?” he asked, confused.

“Ronan said your money’s been invested all this time, and Nandor was a busy stallion.”

“You’ve been talking to Ronan a lot. Why didn’t he tell me?” Ronan had pointed out, in painful detail, every mistake Faelan had made with Bree.

“You’ll have to ask him, but I suspect they didn’t want you distracted.”

Money had been the least of anyone’s worries over the last four days. He didn’t care about being rich, but it would be a relief to take care of Bree for a change, fix her house, repay her for the clothes and food, buy her gifts —starting with a wedding ring, he hoped—provide for however many babies she would give him. Assuming he could father children after more than a century in the time vault, and that Bree would have him. She still hadn’t said.

“I’m kidding. I don’t care if you don’t have a penny to your name. I love you. I think I’ve loved you all my life.” She raised a wet hand, placing it over his heart. He felt that odd tingle he sometimes got when she touched him. “‘God grant this warrior’s aim be as true as his heart. Bend time and bring forward, his mate beside him, not apart,’” she said, moving her hands across his battle marks as if reading Braille. “That’s me. Not even time could separate us.”

“Don’t tell me you read my battle marks. No one can read battle marks.”

“Maybe something happened to yours in the time vault, like with your talisman.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my talisman. Destroying Druan proved that. It must have been Michael.”

“The warrior?” She frowned.

“The archangel.”

“As in the Archangel Michael?” Bree blinked. “That’s the Michael you were talking about?”

“He commands the warriors, gives us our orders.”

“You’re kidding! Michael’s my favorite angel.”

Most women had favorite books or dresses. She had favorite graves and angels. “He’s the reason I found you,” Faelan said. “I went to look for your earring, which I have here.” He patted his sporran. “Michael showed me that you were in the time vault.”

“Michael told you I was there?” She pulled in a quick breath. “He knows me… wait, does he kind of… glow?”

“Aye. He’s very bright.”

“He must be my shiny man, from my dreams. He was there when I was locked in the crypt.”

Faelan stared at her. “You saw Michael?”

“When I was a kid, in my dreams, or whatever they were, he told me I was destined to find something great. In the crypt, he told me my father had died, but he’d sent me another protector. He showed me your eyes. Then, you were there in one of my dreams with him. Druan was there too.”

“Damnation. You wrote a letter and hid it underneath the floorboard where I found the necklace.”

“Yes. But I didn’t remember any of this until Scotland. I guess I blocked it out after the crypt. Michael must be the one who told me what your symbols mean. I know what the symbols on the time vault say, too, or some of them. What lies within cannot be, until time has passed with the key.

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