food and the other necessities of life.' Bruce paused to light a

cigarette, and then went on talking as he exhaled.

'All around them the Baluba tribe is in open revolt, burning, raping and

killing indiscriminately. As yet they haven't attacked the town but it

won't be very long until they do.

Added to which there are rumours that rebel groups of Central

Congolese troops and of our own forces have formed themselves into bands

of heavily-armed shufta. They also are running amok through the northern

part of the territory.

Nobody knows for certain what is happening out there, but whatever it is

you can be sure it's not very pretty. We are going to fetch those people

in to safety.'

'Why don't the U.N. people send out a plane?' asked Andre.

'No landing field.'


'Out of range.'

'For my money the bastards can stay there,' grunted Wally. 'If the

Balubas fancy a

little man steak, who are we to do them out of a meal? Every man's

entitled to eat and as long as it's not me they're eating, more power to

their teeth, say?' He placed his foot against Andre's back and

straightened his leg suddenly, throwing the Belgian off the bed on to

his knees.

'Go and get me a pretty.'

'There aren't any, Wally. I'll get you another drink.' Andre scrambled

to his feet and reached for Wally's empty glass, but Wally's hand

dropped on to his wrist.

'I said pretty, Andre, not drink.'

'I don't know where to find them, Wally.' Andre's voice was desperate.

'I don't know what to say

to them even.'

'You're being stupid, Bucko. I might have to break your arm.' Wally

twisted the wrist slowly. 'You know as well as I that the bar downstairs

is full of them. You know that, don't you?'

'But what do I say to them?' Andre's face was contorted with the pain of

his twisted wrist.

'Oh, for Christ's sake, you stupid bloody frog-eater - just go down and

flash a banknote. You don't have to say a dicky bird.'

'You're hurting me, Wally.'

'No? You're kidding!' Wally smiled at him, twisting harder, his slitty

eyes smoky from the liquor, and Bruce could see he was enjoying it. 'Are

you going, BUcko? Make up your mind -

get me a pretty or get yourself a broken arm

'All right, if that's what you want. I'll go. Please leave me, I'll go,'

mumbled Andre.

'That's what I want.' Wally released him, and he straightened up

massaging his wrist.

'See that she's clean and not too old. You hear me?'

'Yes, Wally.

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