... I don't know that one ...' He watched for a while with fascination. 'This is very realistic, who programmed this?'

'I said it was raw input. It's not computer-generated. It's realistic because it's real.'

'You mean a theme park?'

'No. Real. Actual living animals.'

'Genetically engineered?'

'No,' replied Ann, 'these are wild animals in their nat-ural habitat.'

'Cut the bull,' said Rick good-naturedly. 'That's not possible. You're talking time travel.'


Rick's only response was a derisive snort.

'Time travel's not only possible,' responded Ann, 'but you can experience it yourself. That's what I'm here to talk about.'

'This has got be a hoax.'

'My client requires strict secrecy, hardly what you'd expect in a hoax ... don't you agree?'

'How can this be real?'

'I don't expect to convince you,' said Ann. 'You can see it for yourself. I'm just here to make that possible. If you agree to go, I'm authorized to transfer a five-thousand-Euro advance to your account, plus provide you with airfare.' Rick whistled at the sum. 'That's real money,' continued Ann, 'maybe not proof, but a start.'

Rick stared silently at Ann with an expression of dis-belief. She read his thoughts, and said, 'You're not the only candidate. If you're not willing to listen, then I'm wasting my time.' She shut off the viewer, put it away, and started walking for the door.

Rick watched her with a perplexed expression on his face. As she reached for the knob, he called out,

'Wait. Wait!'

'Why? You obviously think I'm a charlatan.'

'Look, you appear out of the blue and tell me my wild-est fantasy has come true. Of course I'm skeptical. Who wouldn't be? If you were in my place, would you believe it?'

'Maybe not,' admitted Ann, 'but I'd keep an open mind.'

Rick looked at her with indecision, as hope battled with skepticism. When he spoke again, it was as if he were pleading on behalf of hope. 'All I think about is fossils. Searching for them ... imagining the animals that made them. Can I really visit their world?'

'Yes,' said Ann.

'Why are you offering this?'

'We need a naturalist on our project.'

'A naturalist?'

'That's what we're calling the position. Someone who is knowledgeable about the animals and plants of the area.'

'The Upper Cretaceous, judging from what you showed me.'


'Why me? Surely there are more qualified people.'

'This is a commercial venture, not a scientific one. I think you meet our requirements perfectly. To be frank, we're

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