Brett Stover, suddenly looking years older, studied her for a full moment, then replied coldly, “I want your ass out of here by tomorrow evening. I'll have a check for ten thousand made out to you and I want you to get lost and never show your face around my family again. You whore!”


Nora McCarthy was a very happy woman. She hummed to herself as she went about her duties, pausing now and then to look at the tiny solitaire on her third finger, left hand. Jack O'Hara had proposed to her and it was all because of that party that snippy Victoria had given two weeks ago.

Nora thought a moment and wondered what had happened to Victoria Stover. She had left her husband's house with the clothes and furs and jewels he had given her the very next day and no one had seen hide nor hair of her since.

She had overheard Master Brett mention something about “the divorce going through okay,” so Nora assumed he had kicked her out because of that wild orgy.

Exactly two weeks had passed since the eventful night that Nora felt had changed her life for the better. It had not been until late that evening that she had discovered what was happening at the party and at the time she thought everyone had gone crazy. There was the older Brett Stover and Victoria, Andrew Hewitt and his wife, Anita in the rawest fuck spectacle Nora had ever seen, and to top it all off, Margaret Stover sleeping with Master Brett happily together in his bed. It had frightened Nora so much that Jack had stayed with her all night to wait out the results of the lewd orgy that were certain to follow. Everything had happened so fast afterwards, Nora was still a bit confused by it.

The first thing that had happened scared her since Andrew Hewitt had angrily fired Jack for not having been at the car when Andrew first went looking for him. That incident had been followed by a series of changes that at the very least surprised Nora and also made her happy. For the first time she had been able to recognize what a lewd sonofabitch Brett Stover was and when Victoria had left suddenly, not saying a word to anyone, Nora had welcomed her absence. The senior Stover had decided to move into a townhouse in New York City giving his mansion to his wife, Margaret, and their son. Margaret and Brett had been a little nervous at first, but Junior Stover had closed down his house and moved in with his mother and Margaret was proving to be a remarkable woman. She found that that working for Margaret and Brett was the best situation she had ever encountered. Margaret was always nice and never demanding and she seemed genuinely interested in Nora's well-being. There would be no more of the mate-swapping parties either, since in spite of the incestuous fuck relationship, Margaret and Brett were truly happy with each other.

Putting the fresh roses that Brett sent his mother every day into the Chinese vase, Nora smiled to herself. The one thing that had pleased her more than anything else had occurred as a result of Victoria's leaving. Victoria had taken Gerald with her to be her servant when she had left, leaving Margaret and Junior without a butler as Senior had taken Henry to New York with him. The end result was Margaret insisting that Jack go to work there, both as a butler and as a Jack-of-all-trades. Of course, Margaret had asked Nora and Jack if they would like to work together and they had gladly agreed to it. In fact, it was this factor that had caused Jack to propose marriage to Nora.

A car pulling up in the driveway caused Nora to snap back to reality as she heard her young master's footsteps on the porch. There was a new springiness in his walk, a new lilt in his laughter. He was wildly, madly in love with his mother and he didn't care who knew it.

Now, he rushed into the living room and twirled Nora around before asking for his mother, Margaret. When she told him Margaret was napping, he rushed up the circular stairway taking two steps at a time. Nora followed him, thinking her mistress might need something. In his haste, Brett hadn't closed the door full way and Nora heard them kissing and Margaret begin moaning.

Nora knew they were getting ready to fuck and she started to tiptoe away, but not before she heard Margaret say, ”… Darling, it's too bad we can't marry!”

Nora heard Brett chuckle as the sound of clothing being removed reached her ears.

“Marriage is all right in its place, but incest is best! Come on, darling, let's fuck!”

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