Nashville Metropolitan Police Lieutenant Bob Ezell, who also acted in the capacity of Grand Ol' Opry security guard, covered up the murder.


Substantial information regarding the saturation of occultism in the Mormon church is a published fact, circulated among the Bishopric, then released by Bishop Pace in on effort to restore morality and freedom of thought to church members..


Senator Johnston's dual and triple cryptic language perplexed me at the time. In retrospect, I understand how this component of mind control allowed for undetected proliferation of criminal covert activity, even when overheard by strangers, to the extent that I believed it must be occurring in 'another dimension' as I was told.

Johnston «validated» his ploy in my mind by arranging for me to see his «space-ship» — a then TOP SECRET experimental aircraft which would eventually be known as a Stealth fighter — at a military installation near Baton Rouge. The classified triangular Stealth was so alien to me at the time that it looked more like a spaceship than the U.S. fighter plane it actually is. This, in combination with his inhumane demeanor and my previously instilled belief in trans-dimensional travel, convinced me he was the «ET» he purported to be.


I understand this is referred to as a Woodpecker grid.


'Riding the Light' scrambled my future experience of being transported by military helicopter or airplane to robotically carry out some program for the government. This «trance-dimeasional» travel caused my earthly experiences to be perceived as having occurred in another dimension.


I remained in a Post Traumatic Stress Disordered (PTSD) trance.


Jimmy Dean is knowledgeable of, and a willing participant in criminal covert activity including the use of mind-controlled slaves.


'Marching to Missouri' is a Mormon based belief that interfaced with the CIA's faction of the country music industry being transferred to Branson, Missouri in the mid 1980s.


120,000-volt stun guns leave two indented prod marks or moles two inches apart, while the cylindrical stun gun used primarily in the vagina and rectum leaves prod marks/moles 3/4 of an inch apart. A look into trash- magazine publisher Larry Flint's Hustler will show prod marks on the mind-controlled slaves he photographs, particularly on the throat, near the lips, and on the back.


The 'witch's face' has also been referred to as that of a baphomet and Jesuit monk.


I photo identified the Sergeant and his (jailer) officer in 1990, and Mark's and my lives were threatened through then-District Attorney, now U.S. Representative, Bud Cramer (D. Huntsville, Alabama) of the Congressional Permanent Intelligence Committee as a result of this revelation!


To a literal mind-controlled MPD/DID slave, the term 'Head Priar' equates to 'head frier', meaning high voltage to the brain.


Dick Thomburgh is listed in Houston's CIA memo book which is now in my (and others') possession.


Please note that, while still Sheriff of Youngstown, Ohio, Traficant wis investigated and subsequently

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