looking down at the floor and silent.

“Selena,” he said at once gravely, “you've dared to talk to Miss Lucille against my strict orders. That's the rankest disobedience, my girl, and you are going to repent it. Lucille, go bring me the martinet which I left in your dresser drawer. As for you, Selena, if you want to remain here without being discharged and forfeiting your wages for the past two weeks as well as receiving the good whipping I mean to give you anyway, you will take off everything except your shoes and stockings and kneel down humbly beside Rosa.”

I cast a tear-blurred glance at the unfortunate young and beautiful girl to beg her to forgive my betrayal of her. But, groaning softly, trembling with apprehension, she had begun to obey him. I left the room as he directed me to, and soon returned with that dreadful whip with six slim leather thongs, whose pain-giving ability I knew so well myself. I saw Selena, face covered with her hands, crying softly, kneeling stark naked except for flesh colored silk stockings with pretty flouncy red French garters and dainty black pumps, kneeling beside Rosa, who stood impassively, eyes downcast, hands clasped, not wishing to draw her master's attention on herself, understandably enough.

Selena, as I have said, was very lovely, as was Rosa in a different way. I myself was five feet, and she was about two inches taller, but slender and graceful, with lithe high-set calves and long sleek thighs, breasts upturned and formed like hard young pears. Her skin was a fascinating light color, smooth and glistening under the light of the room. Rosa was somewhat lighter, and had color in her skin. This tinge of color in the older girl rendered her more delectable to my cruel master, I have no doubt, as she would naturally feel more humiliation at being so chastised and demeaned.

Mr. Raleigh turned to me, grasped the martinet which I handed him dolefully, and then said, “Selena, before I whip you, I want to hear you admit this punishment is one you rightly deserve for disobeying a strict order of mine.”

“Y-yes M-Master.” (She had been taught, too, as I was, to employ this disgraceful humiliating title during the privacy of a spanking, and I turned a vivid scarlet at the recollection.) “I… I d-deserve a wh-whipping for disobeying your order.”

I noticed that both girls, and most particularly beautiful Rosa, spoke excellent English. This was because Mr. Raleigh, with his methodical flair for obtaining just what he desired of a girl, had made them study and read books as he was doing with me. Indeed, to call this house his “harem” was not far from wrong.

“I am glad to hear you admit it. What sort of a whipping, Selena?” he demanded.

The naked slim young girl stammered tearfully, “A-a g-good whipping on m-my b-bare behind, M- Master.”

“Precisely. Rosa, will you horse Selena on your back so I may gratify her humble request?” he then commanded.

And I saw to my astonishment, my shame at watching members of my own sex so shamed before me, Rosa turn to the sobbing naked younger girl and nod, saw Selena rise sinuously and put her arms over Rosa's rounded full shoulders, while the older girl grasped her wrists and then, bending forward, raised poor Selena off the floor, a position in which her naked bottom-firm, compact, and oval-shaped and already tensing in anguish of what was to follow-would be exposed at the proper angle to receive the blows of that dreadful whip. Nervously, still crying softly with her fear, the naked culprit turned her lovely face back around to watch as Mr. Raleigh crossed over to her left, swinging the martinet out deliberately, and took his stance.

“Oh, Master, I'm sorry I disobeyed. I didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me!” Selena sobbed as she saw him bring up the whip. Trembling, my hands at my bosom, I stood paralyzed on the spot, an unwilling yet strangely fascinated witness to this shameful scene. Would I ever be compelled to take punishment so shamefully, I asked myself? And I resolved with all my determination and fear never to give Mr. Raleigh a chance to do to me what he was doing to Selena. For when someone else watches a girl being whipped, it must be absolutely horrible.

“Don't let her fall, Rosa, or you'll take her place,” Mr. Raleigh merely remarked as, raising the six-thonged whip high in the air, he brought it down with a horrid whooshing whistle and vicious clack as the six leather bands wrapped across both Selena's tightened firm nether cheeks. The naked culprit uttered a choking cry, and rubbed her legs together, still with her face turned back, tear-stained and appealing, to her cruel master, who continued slowly and vigorously to stripe her bottom, progressively whipping her from top to the base and then back again. Knowing that I was watching, she tried to be brave, but the horrid burning smacking of the leather thongs biting into her naked bottom soon overcame the show of courage; she begged him in tears to forgive her and let her off. Her legs kicked wildly and crossed and uncrossed and her bottom plunged and twisted, so that Rosa had all she could do to maintain the girl over her back. But the threat he had made was sufficient for the older girl to keep firm hold till poor Selena had had all the whipping he intended, which was a long and severe one, for I counted to myself at least forty-five strokes. And her beautiful buttocks were welted with dark red lines that crisscrossed even more painfully. I knew that awful strap he had used on me the first never-to-be-forgotten night of my entering his home. Finally it was over, and Rosa lowered Selena who was weeping and sobbing so hard she couldn't speak. He made her kneel down and thank him for letting her off so easily and swear she would never again violate an order. Then he told her to go to bed at once after removing her shoes and stockings and dismissed Rosa, instructing her not to apply any soothing cream or salve to Selena's bottom, as she well deserved every hard stroke he had given her.

With this, he turned to me, the martinet in his hand, and said, “Lucille, it's time for a young girl to be in bed, so come along with me to your room.” My eyes on that dreadful martinet, I turned red and tears came to my eyes, because I was so terrified by what I had seen that I didn't dare disobey. Bowing my head, I left Selena's room, hearing her still sobbing as she crawled naked into bed, and he marched behind me up the stairs. My legs and bottom shrank at every step, for I thought he would flick me with the whip just as a taste of what it would be like, and I was weak and trembling with nervous reaction when I finally got to my room. Closing the door, he put the martinet back in the dresser drawer, and in my relief, I uttered a heartfelt, tremulous sigh of gratitude at my escape from it. But that was, alas, premature, for he turned to me and said, “My dear, I watched you while I was punishing Selena and it was quite obvious that you sympathized with her even though she had committed a grave disobedience.”

“B-but M-Master,” I stammered nervously, remembering to call him that whenever we were alone-he had told me that morning I might call him sir or Mr. Raleigh when we were in the house or at the table in the presence of the servants, but that Master was the title I must always use with him alone or when… when I was being spanked-“I–I did feel sorry for the poor girl, you whipped her so very hard with that dreadful leather whip… J-just-as I know she was sorry for me that night when… when you u-used it on me.” I gulped and turned red, because reference to that episode reminded me only too shamefully of the disgusting, cruel thing he had done to me after whipping me.

He chuckled seeing me droop my head now and turn red and he replied, “I understand your tender sentiments, my dear, but I heartily disapprove of them. When a girl has been naughty and is being whipped, it is only what she deserves. To show open sympathy implies that the one who is correcting her is at fault, and for that, my dear Lucille, you are going to be punished now.”

“Oh, Master,” I exclaimed in feverish anxiety. “Honestly, I didn't think that, not at all. It was only-it-it hurt her so very much and I–I c-can't stand pain or-or see others having to endure it.”

“In that case, as you are my ward and I am bound morally to correct any bad tendency on your part, you will know then that when I am whipping you as I intend tonight, it will be to see that in the future, if you happen to observe Rosa or Selena being punished, you won't make a show of those feelings. Besides, it's reason enough for you to have been given an order. You know what happens when you don't obey it at once, Lucille. Now take off everything but your shoes and stockings and by-the-by, one of these days I must drive into town and get some new clothes for you. You haven't much of a wardrobe, and I like to see a lovely girl dressed in clothes that set her off at her best. But that sort of talk is in the nature of a reward, and you surely deserve anything else but that, so let me see you begin to undress at once.”

There was no help for it. Miserably, I started to take off my dress and then my slip, trembling and wondering what instrument he was going to use on my poor bottom this time. At least, I thought with some consolation, he had put away that terrible leather whip. Blushing again with shame, for I was unable to view calmly the idea of being naked before this strange and relentless man who had bought me as a slave from my parents, I managed to remove my brassiere and then hesitantly slipped down my step-ins, stepped out of them, bent to put them with the rest of my clothes on a straight-backed chair, and waited, arms at my side, head bowed, biting my lips to keep back any pleas for mercy which I felt, but knew would only add to his anger with me to utter. He seated himself in the

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