woman really needs a man if she intends to dress fashionably, don’t you think?”

Longarm ran his hands up to her bare shoulders, turned her around, and hauled her in for a blindly aimed kiss. He missed her mouth on the first try, but she swung her moist lips to his, and for a long moment they just stood there, trying to melt into one another in the dark.

Then he picked her up and put her gently across the mattress, dropping himself alongside her as, still kissing, he ran his free hand down the front of her thin silk shift to the warm moisture between her trembling thighs. She tried to mutter something between their pressed-together lips as Longarm parted her knees with his own. And then he was in her, his bare feet on the rug and her hips almost hanging over the edge of the mattress as he drove hard and deep. She gasped and moved her face to one side, sobbing, “Whatever are you doing to me?” as her legs belied her protest by rising to lock firmly around the big man’s bouncing buttocks.

He came fast, stayed inside her, and moved them both farther onto the bed for a more comfortable second encounter, taking his time now, as their heaving flesh got better acquainted. She suddenly moaned and raked her nails along his back, almost tearing his shirt as she sobbed, “Oh, God! Oh, Jesus Christ! It’s been so long!”

She’d dropped her expected modesty completely now and was responding like a she-cougar in heat, digging her nails in and raising her knees until her heels were crossed behind Longarm’s neck. He was hitting bottom with every stroke, and eased off a bit, aware that he could be hurting her, but she pumped hard to meet his thrusts and growled, “All of it! I want it all inside me! Oh, Jesus, it’s coming again!”

He didn’t know which of them she meant, but it didn’t seem important as, this time, they had a long, shuddering mutual orgasm and she suddenly went limp. Longarm knew he was heavy, so after lying there long enough to catch his breath, he shifted his weight to his elbows and eased off a trifle.

She sighed, “Don’t move. Just let it soak inside me till we can do it some more. You’re still nice and hard. My, there certainly is a lot of you, isn’t there?”

“It’s been a while for me, too, Mabel.”

“I’m so happy, darling. I know you think I’m an absolute hussy, but I don’t care. I don’t care if you think this is what I had in mind all the time!”

“Didn’t you?”

She hesitated, then answered roguishly, “You know damned well I did, dear heart. Women may not be supposed to want such things, but I was married for nearly eight years and, well, I don’t care if you think I’m bawdy!”

“Hell, gal, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. We just done what’s natural.”

“Can we do it again? This time I want to do it naked with me on top!”

Longarm rolled off her, slipped out of his shirt, and lay back, spread-eagled, as she tore off her last shreds of silk, and giggling like a naughty schoolgirl, climbed above him, with a knee by each of Longarm’s hip bones. She toyed with his moist erection, guiding herself onto it with her hands. He sighed with pleasure as she suddenly dropped her pelvis hard, taking it deep with a breathless hiss of her own.

And then she was moving. Moving up and down with amazing vigor as she leaned forward, swinging her nipples across Longarm’s face as she almost shouted, “Suck me! Suck my titties!”

He did, but not before he softly warned, “Take it easy You’ll wake the kid! That partition between our rooms is paper-thin!”

“I don’t care. He’s too young to know what we’re doing and he’s a sound sleeper anyway. Oh, dear God, isn’t this lovely?”

Longarm allowed that it was, but as he lay there, holding a nipple between his lips as she went wild, he heard a soft plop above the louder creaking of the bed springs. Longarm’s keen ears were educated. So he knew what it was. The key he’d left in the door had just fallen on to a sheet of paper!

Longarm ran a big hand under each of Mabel’s thighs and heaved, catapulting her up over him to crash, screaming, against the plywood partition at the head of the fold-down bed. At the same time, Longarm rolled off the mattress, grabbed the bed frame, and lifted hard, folding the bed, with Mabel in it, up into the wall.

Stark naked, he moved toward the door, snatching his.44 as he passed his gunbelt hooked over a chair. He heard running footsteps from the other side of the door, so he opened it and leaped sideways into the hallway, facing the stairwell in a low crouch for a split second to see nothing there, then pivoting fast to train his gun down the other end of the hallway. He saw that the door to Mabel Hanks’s room was ajar, spilling candlelight across the shabby carpeting. Longarm made the door in two bounds, hit it with a free elbow, and landed in the center of the room, back to the wall and facing the other fold-down bed. The bed was empty. It figured. Longarm grabbed the metal footrail of the bed and slammed it up into the wall. Then he covered the small, froglike figure who’d been hiding under it with the muzzle of his sixgun and said, “All right, you little son of a bitch, on your feet and grab some sky!”

Little Cedric without his blond wig was even uglier, and his voice was deeper as he got to his little feet, saying, “Take it easy, Longarm. I’m a lawman, too!”

“Let’s talk about it in my room. Your… mama is standing on her head against the wall. She’s likely got something to tell me, too!”

He frog-marched the midget out to the hall as the hotel’s desk clerk appeared at the far end, asking, “What in hell’s going on up here?”

Then he saw a full-grown naked man holding a.44 on what looked like a little boy in a velvet suit and decided to go away.

Longarm herded the creature called Cedric inside and slammed the door. Covering his odd captive as he bent to retrieve the door key from where it had landed on a sheet of newspaper, he shook his head and said, “Serves me right. I should have known better. Anybody can fox a key out of the inside keyhole to land on a paper shoved under the door. What were you fixing to do once you pulled it through on the paper, Cedric? You don’t look big enough to whup me with your fists. No offense, of course.”

“How’d you get on to us, Longarm?”

“Let’s see what you’re packing in that sissy little suit before we talk. Unless that’s a cow I hear bellowing

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