By: Tabor Evans


It started off as an honest-to-goodness vacation. But the smell of evil is never far from Longarm’s nostrils, and things got to stinking soon enough. One of his oldest friends is being hunted for a fortune in Spanish gold; a ravishing young woman has been kidnapped; and one of the most dishonest, disreputable, and disgusting outlaws in the West is responsible for it all. His name is Hank Bass. And his number is up. 223rd novel in the “Longarm” series, 1997.

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DON’T MISS THESE ALL-ACTION WESTERN SERIES FROM THE BERKLEY PUBLISHING GROUP THE GUNSMITH by J. R. Roberts Clint Adams was a legend among lawmen, outlaws, and ladies. They called him … the Gunsmith.

LONGARM by Tabor Evans The popular long-running series about U.S. Deputy Marshal Long—his life, his loves, his fight for justice.

SLOCUM by Jake Logan Today’s longest-running action Western. John Slocum rides a deadly trail of hot blood and cold steel.

BUSHWHACKERS by B. J. Lanagan An all-new series by the creators of Longarm! The rousing adventures of the most brutal gang of cutthroats ever assembled—Quantrill’s Raiders.

Chapter 1

When the small and very rumpled package landed on his littered desk, United States Deputy Marshal Custis Long paid it no attention as he struggled to complete some detested federal paperwork. By four o’clock, however, Custis had finally cleared his desk enough to rediscover the messy brown package. It caught his attention among a number of other unopened packages precisely because it was battered and disreputable looking.

When Longarm held it up for a closer inspection, he began searching for a postmark but it had been partially smudged. As best he could tell, the brown, string-tied package had been mailed from somewhere in Arizona. Whoever had addressed it was damn lucky because the package was inadequately addressed to LONGARM, U.S. GOVNMINT, DENVIR, COLORADOE. No department. No street address. “Watch out for that one,” a passing federal worker remarked. “Looks like it could hold a rattlesnake or some Indian curse.”

Longarm shook his head and massaged the package. “Nope. Nothing moving. Nothing to worry about.”

The man chuckled. “Then it might be some poison from one of your frontier women who discovered that you have a girlfriend in every town between St. Louis and San Francisco.”

“Oh, bullshit.”

It was obvious that Marshal Slim Behan was at loose ends with nothing of his own to do. The man was bored and loitering beside Custis’s desk waiting for him to open the package.

“Haven’t you got something of your own to do?” Longarm finally asked.

Slim sauntered over to his own desk, yelling back over his shoulder, “Hope it’s bad news, Longarm. You been having too damn much fun the last couple of times you went out.”

“Sure I have! If your idea of ‘fun’ is getting shot in the shorts and almost beaten to death by a couple of murdering whores I had to deliver to the federal prison.”

“Ha! I seen them whores! Was four of ‘em and they were all kissing you good-bye and trying to unbuckle your belt one last time! Some hardship assignment, you lucky bastard.”

“They weren’t trying to get into my pants! They were trying to get into my pockets so they could remove their handcuffs!”

“Sure they were!”

The entire office began to laugh, and Custis could feel his cheeks warming so he decided to call it a day. Snatching up the little envelope and his snuff-brown and flat-crowned Stetson, Longarm barreled for the door, and his exit caused even more laughter.

Longarm felt better the minute he was outside. The spring weather was invigorating and the trees in the nearby park were bursting with pale green leaves and sweet-smelling blossoms. The air was like perfume and so clear that to Longarm even the most distant snow-capped peaks seemed magnified and almost touchable. The day was a tonic and, best of all, Longarm was about to go on vacation.

Vacation. Even the word sounded strange because he hadn’t had one in so many years. Oh, sure, his friend and supervisor, Billy Vail, certainly wanted to give Custis a well deserved rest. It had been two years since Custis had taken any time off and he was mentally exhausted and physically exhausted. But their office was chronically

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