(b) Faure's Requiem

(c) An Evening with Victor Borge

(d) The complete overtures to Wagner's operas

With a swift flourish, Morse wrote down a letter.

Question Two

Which of these videos would you want to watch?

(a) Casablanca (the film)

(b) England's World Cup victory (1966)

(c) Copenhagen Red-Hot Sex (2 hours)

(d) The Habitat of the Kingfisher (RSPB)

A second swift flourish from Morse.

Question Three

With which of the following women would you wish to spend some, if not all, of your surviving hours?


(a) Lady Thatcher

(b) Kim Basinger

(c) Mother Teresa

(d) Princess Diana

A third swift flourish.

Question Four

If you could gladden your final days with one of the following, which would it be?

(a) Two dozen bottles of vintage champagne

(b) Five hundred cigarettes

(c) A large bottle of tranquillizers

(d) A barrel of real ale

Flourish number four, and the candidate (confident of imminent success, it appeared) sat back in the black- leather armchair.

Question Five

Which of the following would you read during this period?

(a) Cervantes' Don Quixote

(b) Dante's The Divine Comedy

(c) A bound volume of Private Eye (1995)

(d) Homer's Iliad

This time Morse hesitated some while before writing on the pad in front of him. 'You did the test yourself, you say?'

Lewis nodded. 'Victor Borge; the football; Princess


Diana; the champagne; and Private Eye. Just hope Princess Di likes Champers, that's all.'

'There must be worse ways of spending your last week on earth,' admitted Morse.

'I didn't do so well, though - not on the marking. I'm not up diere among the cultured and the wise, I'm afraid.'

'Did you expect to be?'

'Wouldn't you?'

'Of course.'

'Let's hear what you picked, then.'

'My preferences, Lewis' (Morse articulated his words with precision) 'were as follows: (b); (c); (b); (c); none of them.'

Turning to the back page, Lewis reminded himself of the answers putanvely adjudged to be correct

'I don't believe it,' he whispered to himself. Then, to Morse: 'You scored the maximum!'

'Are you surprised?'

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