your father and I are gone, if you don't want to. We hope that you'll still take things as slow as you have, but you don't have to wait until we aren't here if you want to shower together, or even stay in each others rooms sometimes. Just try not to make it too often, and be sure you close the door so we know not to disturb you. Okay?' Sis and I both voiced our agreement and understanding before Dad told us 'Okay, that's it, then', letting us know we could go.

Even with the reassurance that it was okay, it was still over a month before Sis and I dared take a shower together while either Mom or Dad was home. After that, though, we gradually got braver and braver about it.

The first time the two of us came out of the bathroom together only to find Dad looking at us, our hearts were in our throats -' at least, until Dad just smiled at us and kept going. Once we got comfortable with the new 'rules', though, Sis and I were again able to get back to really enjoying each others intimate company. Sure, we continued learning to pleasure each other; but with it being okay to spend time in each others rooms, it didn't take us much longer to begin spending an occasional night in each others beds. Sometimes I'd stay with Sis; other times she'd stay with me -' either way, all we'd do was molest each other a little as we fell asleep.

The times we spent like that brought us even closer together in our hearts, but without noticeably increasing our desire for each other. It was Mom that saw me leaving Sis' room early one morning; all she did was give me her usual morning greeting as she went by. Things even got to the point where if all of us were in the family room doing something like watching TV, Mom and Dad wouldn't even look at us if Sis or I gave the other a kiss or quick grope.

It was a few months after we'd celebrated our 14th birthday, and Sis and I had just had a fine time teasing and pleasing each other in her room while Mom and Dad were out with his friend Paul and his wife. After we lay there caressing each other for several minutes, Sis told me 'Danny, there's something I've been thinking about doing, and I want you to be the one to help me with it.' Figuring she just wanted me to help her learn how to skateboard or something, I casually asked 'What's that, Sis?' Tilting her head back so that she could look up into my face, she answered 'Danny, this is important to me, so I need you to pay attention while I explain to you.'

Hearing that, I immediately gave her my full, undivided attention before saying 'Okay, go ahead.' Her eyes were locked on mine as she told me 'First thing I want you to know is that I really, truly have thought about this. I mean, a lot. And I didn't just figure I knew anything, either; I read about it down at the library, and checked about it on the Internet, and everything. So you know that I really am serious, and I really do know what I'm asking, and what might happen, okay?' Whatever it was, it was sounding more and more serious -' like maybe she wanted me to help her get a tattoo, or her navel pierced or something; it was starting to worry me a little bit when she asked 'You remember that first time you used your finger in my butt?' THAT question completely threw me; it had the mental effect on me of watching a rock roll uphill. I could only respond with a confused 'Yeah -?' 'And you know that the other times you've done that, it pretty much has the same effect on me every time, right?' I couldn't help grinning as I responded 'Sure does!' She managed to smile back at me before telling me 'Well, I started thinking that as nice as it felt when it was your finger – that maybe – maybe it would feel even nicer if – if – if maybe you put something else in me. Something bigger.' Again with the rock rolling uphill sensation for me as I tried to figure out just what the heck she was trying to get at. She must have seen on my face that I didn't have the faintest clue of what she was talking about, or where she was going, because she finally had mercy on me by explaining 'I – I want to see what it's like if you put – put your penis in my butt.' Hearing that, my mind stopped simply spinning its wheels in favor of just going around in circles -' I knew that my penis could go into her vagina, and had the experience of having it in her mouth. But her butt??? 'Sis, I – I'm not too sure about that. I mean, sure, I guess we could do that, I mean, as an idea -but couldn't that hurt you? Wouldn't it be kind of, uh, messy?' Apparently relieved that I hadn't jumped up screaming, she told me 'Like I told you, Danny, I've already checked into it. Yeah, it could hurt, if we weren't careful and didn't do it right; but it doesn't have to be like that. From what I learned, there are only three things needed for it to go okay.

First, the girl really has to want to -' and I do, honest! Then it helps if the couple has something to make – things – slippery; I've got lotion I use on my skin, and it would work. The last thing is that the couple -' 'specially the guy! -' has to take their time, and I know that I can trust you to do that.' I couldn't help blushing a bit as I repeated the question she hadn't answered: 'What about any, um, mess?' She blushed, too, but still managed to look at me as she answered 'There isn't any mess if the girl is empty inside, and I, uh, took care of that earlier.' 'But what if it still hurts you?' I protested. 'If it starts to hurt, then I'll tell you to stop. Really, Danny, I at least want to try it! I'm the one asking YOU, okay? I want to find out what it's like, but not if it's really going to hurt me!' For the next couple of minutes, I could only lay there looking at her as I tried to get my mind wrapped around what she was asking. She seemed to understand that I needed some time to come to terms with it, and simply waited for me. Initially, my inclination was to simply tell her 'no' -' and in no uncertain terms. But having grown up around Dad and Mom, I felt obliged to actually think about what she'd said, and honestly consider her request. When I started doing that, there was nothing else for me to do but accept her at her word that she really had done whatever research there was to be done before a girl tries anal sex the first time.

And from what she'd said, and how she'd said it, I had to take at face value her declaration that she really did want to at least try it, and that she'd let me know if it was painful. Finally, I had to face the fact that she'd actually thought things through enough that she'd taken the steps necessary for it to actually happen. As loathe as I was to hurt her, I simply loved her too much to ever deny her anything she really wanted -' even if that meant trying to fit my teenage dick into her ass. Looking down at her again, I finally told her 'Okay, Sis, if you really want to try it, I guess we can. But the first time it starts to hurt you, that's the end of it!' Smiling up at me in delight, she answered 'Believe me, Danny: if it starts to hurt too much, I'm going to let you know!' I wasn't real comfortable about that 'too much' bit, but had to figure that if she was capable of letting me know she wanted me to do that, she was just as able to let me know if she wanted me to stop, too. Even so, I was determined that if I started to hurt her too much, I'd stop, no matter WHAT she said.

With the promise of my assistance secured, Sis sat up and told me 'I – I want to try it now, Danny. While we're alone, with just the two of us in the house. If it feels like I hope and think it will, I don't want to have to worry about Mom or Dad coming in, you know what I mean?' I did know what she meant: the more powerful her climax was, the louder she tended to get -' sometimes even screaming her pleasure. Yeah, it was probably better if we did it while Mom and Dad were gone; if Sis did scream, it would be embarrassing for both of us if Mom and Dad came to check on the noise and found us with my cock buried in her ass. I smiled at her before answering 'Sure, that's fine. Uh – what do we do? I mean, how do you want to do this?' 'Like I said, I'm already empty inside, so all we really need is the lotion. I'll go get it, and you can put some on me while I get started on you. Then when you're ready, I put it on you and we see if we can make it work.' I nodded my agreement, and she got off the bed to retrieve a bottle of lotion from her dresser. I couldn't help thinking about what we were about to do as I watched her cute ass moving away. When she had the lotion in hand, she turned around and looked at me -' causing me to blush slightly because of what I'd just been thinking. That apparently made her think about it, because she started blushing, too. Once she was on the bed again, she knelt down next to me and handed me the bottle before saying 'Don't be afraid of using too much of this, okay?' I could only grin before answering 'You betcha!' As I squirted a healthy dollop of the lotion into my hand, Sis turned and leaned over, putting her head right over where my penis was starting to grow. Turning her head, she gave me a grin at my obvious anticipation before lowering herself far enough to wrap her lips around the glans. For my part, I reached over to where her cute ass was waving in the air and lay my hand along its crack before slowly working the lotion between her cheeks. She softly moaned around my penis, and increased her efforts to get me hard again. Once I'd worked the first batch of lotion into her nether region, I loaded my hand up again and repeated my efforts, paying a little more attention to the area of interest. My finger running across her anus provided the little inspiration she needed to redouble her oral assault on my manhood. By the time I had worked the second load of lotion into her skin, she had me fully erect; after I'd applied a third round of lotion on -' and into -' her back opening, she was taking over half my length between her lips as her head bobbed up and down. When I finally slid the end of my finger from her, she let me slip from between her lips, saying 'Oh, God, that felt so sexy!', quickly followed by 'Hand me the bottle so I can put some on you, too!' I did as she instructed, and it wasn't but a few seconds before she had my erect penis well-coated. Satisfied that I was as ready as she was, she moved to face away from me on her hands and knees -' leaving me with a clear view of her shapely ass. I could also see that her vaginal lips had grown, and the area between them all but dripping her essence -' making it clear to me that she was aroused, and truly wanting of what we were about to try. Getting to

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