us from the humans. At different intervals I created breaks in the fire, allowing the lycanthropes, naturi, and nightwalkers to slip through while the humans focused on the unexpected fire.

To my surprise, Danaus’s hands were on either side of my face and he turned me to face him. I opened my eyes in time to see him lean down, and then my eyes fell shut again as he deeply kissed me. I tasted both his strength and his fear for what was to come. I tasted his dry sense of humor and his protectiveness in that kiss. But most of all, I tasted his love for me.

I dropped my hands so they rested on his shoulders and leaned my forehead against his. “Are you ready for this?”

“I’ll follow you anywhere,” he whispered, brushing a kiss against my cheek so that he caught a falling tear.

Extinguishing the flames in a sudden flash, I tapped into some of the powers Nick had blessed me with and we disappeared from the park in the blink of an eye, without a trace, leaving the humans with only the image of two creatures in a loving embrace.


Holding Danaus close, I buried my face in his chest, not wanting to look around at the all-too-familiar pale white-gray stone that rose up around us to make the ruins of Machu Picchu. In August we had marched up this mountain to stop Rowe and the other naturi from setting Aurora and the rest of the naturi horde free. It had taken us a few months, the sacrifice of several good friends, and the loss of our secrecy, but Aurora had finally been dispatched. And oddly enough, I now counted Rowe as one of my allies, though I didn’t expect that particular development to last long.

Now we had returned for an equally dark and dangerous task I was once again hesitant to face. If it were at all possible, the stakes were higher, but then I had more to lose this time around. I was relying on Danaus to follow my direction, though I knew it would clash with everything he believed. It was too much to ask, so I was meeting my accomplice.

At a small metallic click behind me, I turned around. Adio stood on a ledge just a few feet above where Danaus and I stood in an open field with a single tree. In his hand, he held a gold pocket watch, which he shoved into his pant pocket. He stepped down to the grassy area with a vampire’s grace and slowly walked over to where I clung to Danaus. The hunter had yet to speak, but then, I feared he was beginning to guess at my grand plan to stop Nick.

“You look as if you’ve had a rough evening already,” Adio stated, his eyes skimming over me from my mud- caked boots, to my blood- and mud-splattered clothes, to my wet hair and face. Where the rain had just abated in Savannah as the various forces retreated, the air in mountains surrounding Machu Picchu, Peru, was clear and cool. Overhead, millions of stars twinkled in a cloudless sky, enveloping us as if we were the only three creatures left on the planet.

“You’ve gotten your wish,” I said, reluctantly dropping one hand from around Danaus’s waist so I could better turn to face Our Liege. “The Great Awakening has started. The humans witnessed the battle with the naturi, and then a second fight with the Daylight Coalition. By now the war has been broadcast all across the world. Nightwalkers will awaken to discover that the world is now hunting for them.”

“We will make this right, Mira,” Adio tried to smoothly reassure me, but I wasn’t buying it. “I have nightwalkers picked to step forward and act as spokespeople for our race. We will do some damage control. The Daylight Coalition will not be the only force out there making their message heard. Our people will survive.”

“But what kind of a world will they face?”

“A different one,” Danaus said, squeezing the arm that was still wrapped around his waist. “But one that they will find a way to survive and thrive in. It just might take a little time.”

I nodded, closing my eyes for a moment, then raising my gaze back to Adio. It was nearing time. “I sent a packet of information to my closest assistant and friend. His name is Knox, child of Valerio. He has been given money and directions on how to reach my second domain of Budapest if things become too difficult in Savannah. He has also been given instructions to seek out Valerio in Vienna if necessary. I would like your word that you will keep a protective eye over them.”

“I will,”

“Knox may also be traveling with a human named Gabriel. He is to be protected as well.”

“I understand.”

“There is nothing I can do for the remains of the Savannah pack,” I murmured mostly to myself with a shake of my head. Barrett had suffered so much, mostly because of me. So many lives had been lost, and yet he’d stuck by me through so much death and destruction.

“You have done what you can,” Danaus said, stopping my train of thought. “Barrett will see to his people. He will protect his family and James.”

“Valerio and Knox have been among my closest companions and trusted allies. See to their safety. Also, as much as Stefan and I don’t see eye-to-eye, I believe he will be a good leader of the coven if it remains intact. Find others with a similar strength and vision to save our people.”

“I will see to it, taking a more active role now that the Great Awakening has occurred,” Adio promised.

I stared at the nightwalker that could still look into the beauty of the sunlight each morning and smile. I wanted to tell Adio to watch over Danaus as well. I wanted to tell him to protect Danaus from the nightwalkers that would tear him apart if I were not there at his side, but I didn’t dare utter the words out loud. I could only look at Adio with pleading eyes, praying that he understood what I so desperately wanted to say. To my surprise, he placed his right hand lightly over his heart and bowed to me.

“Are you sure you have the strength for this?” Adio asked after a moment of silence. “You’ve already been in quite a tussle this evening, and you need to be at your peak if you’re to have any hope of succeeding.”

I started walking across the ground to the main ceremonial clearing, which was up at another level. “The energy flowing through this sacred place is mind blowing. It will be enough to carry me through the tasks at hand.”

“Are you sure he will come?” Danaus asked.

“He will the moment he realizes what I have done, I’m counting on it.”

I paused at the massive clearing, my vision blurring for a moment to another time. Some of the walls of Machu Picchu were now lit with a handful of lamps, throwing broad swaths of yellow lights against the white stones, but the night I was remembering had been filled with torchlight and a bonfire. In the middle of the open area thirteen humans had been tied together in a circle. The naturi had in one smooth stroke cut out their hearts and offered them up as a sacrifice to whatever gods that might be listening, opening the door I had closed centuries earlier.

Tonight I would not need a flood of human blood to paint the grass, or the cries of the innocent to float into the air moments before their death. I could open the door on my own because I had made this door and I was its key.

“What’s the plan?” Danaus asked.

“I open the door. We go in. You and Adio will kill any naturi that attempts to escape through the opening. I doubt they will be paying much attention to me when they face potential freedom. I will go in looking for the goddess. When I find her, Danaus, you will take her out and get her somewhere safe.”

“And Nick?”

“He will follow me in.”

“And you’ve got some brilliant plan for trapping him and you getting out again?” he asked, his tone growing more brusque.

“I do.”

“Once I get the goddess settled—”

“You will stay by her side no matter what. You will not reenter the cage. Once I engage Nick in the cage, Adio is going to come out and help you guard her. She must be protected.”


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