old that pulsed within her. Then it strengthened. Staring hard at the incoming helicopter, she sent one more bolt of lightning at her enemies, and this time she scored a hit. A small jagged bolt slapped the tail rotor of the chopper, sending the machine into a wild spin. Torn between elation and fear, Teresa watched as the pilot struggled for control. She didn’t want to kill anyone, but damned if she’d stand still to be shot, either.

The pilot recovered, the chopper continued on and the gunman took up position again. Teresa braced herself for the inevitable.

She looked up into the face of death-the incoming chopper-and she lived.

A wall of fire appeared in front of her, and the bullets flying at her embedded themselves into the flames instead. Teresa staggered back in surprise, looked up and met the pale gray eyes of a warrior. Fire surrounded his body, enveloping him in a living wall of flame. His features were drawn in concentration, and his muscled body swayed with the impact of more bullets, but still he stood between her and danger.

“Hold on to me,” the stranger ordered.

Teresa didn’t even think about it. She jumped into the fire that covered the man, hooked her arms around his neck and shouted, “Go, go, go!”

And in another bright flash of flames, they were gone.

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