cunt in almost childlike innocence. Pirouetting lightly, she examined the dimpled roundness of her smoothly curving buttocks and the rippling muscles in the back of her slim, tapered thighs.

Self-consciously, she wrenched her prurient thoughts away from her physical being and turned off the tap water. The tub was full now, and she stepped into it, feeling the soothing tepidness of the water banish the fetid heat of the day. She slowly sank down, relaxing, nearly contented at last as she lay with her head touching the rear lip of the porcelain. As usual in moments of relaxation, she thought about Arnold.

Arnold had been a rangy man, lean, hard-muscled and tan, alive and virile every moment Carla had known him, and the love the two had shared had had the intensity of a forest fire. She hadn’t cared that he’d been an underpaid salesman, unable to afford the finest of luxuries for her, or even that they’d had to scrimp and save for some of the necessities. She was proud of him, feasting in his sensuality and his animal eyes, his hands, his mouth, his penis… Why did he have to be called up? Why did the Army have to have one of their silly little alerts and make all of the Reserves come running, and then… Carla stifled a small sob, thinking of what must have happened when the munitions explosion had taken her husband from her forever. No more Arnold, no more hands or mouth or eyes or that wonderful iron-hard, life-giving penis…

She fondly remembered the last night they’d made love, when in their innocence they’d thought it was only going to be a parting of a few days or weeks—and even then the pain had been acute. Arnold had been naked, as she had been, and he straddled her thighs on the same bed that was now only a few feet on the other side of the door. He’d kissed her as his excitedly erect cock rubbed against her quivering, wetly aching pussy… She’d spread her legs for him, her desire building…

Carla lay in the water, shocked at her thoughts—and yet, she couldn’t help shutting her eyes and dreaming of his virile, hard penis. Holding her breath, she felt a strange series of small involuntary sensations of arousal churning through her loins as she allowed the lewd images to filter hazily through her mind.

His buttocks moved so that his penis would slide up and down in the trembling little valley of her slowly moistening cunt, and then her fingers reached out and touched it, teasing the stretched foreskin back and forth, making him groan with similar delight to the warm, pulsating sensations he was building up down between her thighs…

And it was as if Carla could feel it happening all over again. She opened her eyes and looked at her breasts and saw the nipples were turgid, jutting up from the gently floating globes of her breasts like mountain peaks on lonely Pacific atolls. A tender aching began between her legs, in spite of the revulsion she felt at what she was thinking. She moved her hand from the side of the tub, her guilt slightly assuaged by the knowledge that she was completely alone with her sinful reveries, her stomach alive with tiny fluttering shocks as exciting images poured through her body. She moved her hand because she couldn’t control it and touched her breasts, the contact of her fingers intensifying the throbbing in her vagina. Her entire being quivered in the warmth of the bath water.

Arnold was once more on top of her naked body, only lower now, his breath hot in her ear, his sensuously throbbing cock just inside the warm, straining lips of her vaginal opening. She was straining harder toward him, her inner thighs and buttocks rigid as he slipped the tip of his blood-swollen penis inside her cunt, her womb dilating open wider so she could take his full length all the way, deep… deep inside her aching belly…

A wave of rising shame made Carla momentarily halt in her fantasizing, but there was no use deluding herself. She was aroused, highly aroused, and she was alone. If only Arnold was there for her to love, for she needed release badly—desperately. It was wrong, it was sick, and yet, oh God… She continued to massage her breasts as she slowly capitulated to the physical urgency which was surging like a tidal wave of desire through her belly and loins. Only the reassuring knowledge that she was alone was left, that and the waves of her remembered embraces with Arnold that night so long ago blotted out the guilt of masturbation…

“Yes, darling… take me… take me…” Arnold’s fevered whispers reverberated through the brain of the hotly writhing young woman. She could feel his nakedness upon hers once again, pressing her breasts flat and crushing the breath from her as his cock wormed forcefully up into her waiting cunt. “Milk me, darling… Ohhhhh!”

Carla arched her back, straining her hips up off the tub bottom, her stomach and the moisture-drenched curls of her pubic mound out of the water. She braced her body by pressing the soles of her feet on the sides, lifting her left leg and hooking it on the outer rim. She cupped the creamy naked globes of her breasts in her long slim fingers, kneading their hardening flesh and causing lewd whirlpools of soaring passion to seethe deep inside her belly, as her eyes drew to the now open fluted edges of her trembling cunt down between her legs. She couldn’t… she mustn’t…

They were moving together now, harder and faster with increasingly savage strokings and pumpings, building to an explosion of ecstasy. She felt herself grow taut, her desperately straining cunt-lips locked hotly around his lunging penis like tiny hungry lips around a lollipop.

She couldn’t stand it any longer. Her right hand dropped between her wide-splayed thighs, and she squirmed her middle finger into the soft moist flesh, the generated passions so very soft, so very wonderful. She manipulated the hairline inner lips until she felt them swell with blood, and her clitoris tingled as her index finger came into searing contact with it. She gasped in total abandonment and delight as she thrashed the bath water and squeezed her breast, her hand rubbing across her sensitively aroused cunt faster and faster. Nothing existed for her in that moment except the delirious dreams of her lover, as her mind and body raced to mutual climaxes…

Arnold pumped furiously over her, his lust-hardened shaft fucking in and out demonically, and his tongue deep, deep in her mouth. Then he raised back and cried out his orgasm, the blunt cock-head of his penis raining molten jets of semen into her eagerly milking pussy, filling it in great searing spurts. She clasped his body to her, heaving her own buttocks up to meet him, not wanting to lose a drop of his precious life-giving liquid. And then… she too was cumming…

She was! Carla was there! She ground her hand in her pussy, up inside her wet, moistly pulsing channel, frothing the water around her. Her hips flailed as wave after wave of bursting release seized her like a disabled ship in a storm-tossed ocean. She stifled a cry of acute pleasure as her orgasm washed over her, making her sink back into the tub again. She lay there, not moving, her eyes tightly shut and her chest rising and falling spasmodically, as the image of her husband making love to her slowly faded away. She removed her hand from her vagina and let it drop into the water, the ever-present shame of guilt replacing her dreams…

She hung her head, ashamed. The act she’d just performed would have caused her untold anguish had she caught her daughter doing the same. What was the matter with her? Were her years of self-denial so harsh that the mere thoughts of Arnold could set her loose from sane decency? Was she so starved for sex that she had to resort to masturbation like some sex-crazed nymphomaniac? She flagellated herself for another minute with her self- abasement, and then stopped abruptly. No use torturing herself over what’s already been done, she thought, can’t go back and not do it now. Must be more disciplined in the future, watch my imagination and see that it doesn’t run away with me as it did just now.

After another five minutes, in which she furiously scrubbed herself rosy clean, she felt better, a strange warming satisfaction overtaking her as the aftermath of her climax made her glow with overall comfort and release. She stepped out of the tub, refusing to dwell on what she’d done, only thankful that nobody had seen her, and toweled herself dry.

She walked naked into her bedroom and began searching for something light and comfortable to wear, and even considered staying nude for a moment, before the recollection of what she’d done in the tub while naked made her hastily abandon that idea. She wondered as she took out a clean pair of panties where it would lead if she continued to fondle herself into completion. In the back of her mind was the dreaded truth she didn’t want to face: she wouldn’t be able to deny herself much longer the needed sex she had been so long without…


The late afternoon traffic was thick along Main Street, as a long string of out-of-towners slowly pushed their way through in opposing streams of weary cars. Mariposa wasn’t large as suburban towns went, but it was on the old “main” road between the shore and booming, metropolitan Morrison; the road was not the designated tourist route. A scenic and pleasant meander in contrast to the ferocious thru-way nearby. Most of the drivers were broiling in a stew of irritable wives and irascible children, sand pails and gritty feet, runny noses and sticky fingers, and would have given almost anything to have been on the thru-way and home that much sooner.

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