Pearl sighed. It seemed a sigh of contentment though dogs are often mysterious and sometimes do things I don't understand. Which is true also of people.

'Do we have joint custody?' I said. 'I get her on weekends?'

'I think she can stay here,' Susan said. 'I have a yard. But certainly she could come to your place for sleep- overs.'

'Bring her jammies and her records? We could make brownies?'

'Something like that,' Susan said. 'Of course this is the city. We can't let her run loose.'

'Which means you'll need to fence your yard.'

'I think it's the best thing for us to do,' Susan said. 'Don't you?'

'No question,' I said. 'We'll have to work our ass off, of course.'

'Beautiful Jewish-American girls do not `work their ass off,' they bring iced tea in a pretty pitcher to the large goy they've charmed into doing it.'

'When do we get to that?'

'The charm?'


'Well, you remember once you suggested something and I said I'd never done it because I was too embarrassed.'

'Certainly. It's one of the two or three times you've ever blushed.'

Susan smiled and nodded.

'Today?' I said.

She smiled more widely and nodded again. If a serpent had come by with an apple at that moment she'd have eaten it.

'Spenser's my name,' I said. 'Fences are my game.

'Do you require a charm down payment?' Susan said.

'Well,' I said, 'some small gesture of earnest intent might be appropriate.'

'Not in front of the baby,' Susan said.

Pearl was on the couch again, perfectly still, gazing at us as if she were smarter than we were, but patient.

'Of course not,' I said. 'What kind of fence would you like?'

'Let's go look at some, she can ride along with us and wait in the car.'

'What could be better?' I said.

'You'll find out,' Susan said and smiled that smile.


SUSAN had selected a picket fence made of spaced 1-inch dowels in a staggered pattern. I was listening to the ball game and drilling holes in the stringers to accommodate the dowels when a voice said, 'Hi, Ozzie.Where's Harriet?'

It was Paul Giacomin, wearing jeans and hightop sneakers and a black tee shirt that said on it American Dance Festival, 1989, in white letters. I had taken him in hand when he was a fifteen-yearold kid caught in his parents' divorce feud with no interests but television and no prospects but more of the same. He was twenty-five now, an inch taller than I was, and almost as graceful.

'Making iced tea in a pretty pitcher,' I said. 'What are you doing here?'

'I tried your apartment first, and then followed my instincts.'

'Trained by a master,' I said.

Paul came over and shook my hand and patted me on the shoulder. Susan came out of the house and told him how glad she was to see him and gave him a hug and kissed him.

Her range of demonstrable emotion is maybe a little wider than mine.

'Wait until you see what we have,' Susan said.

She was wearing a glossy black leotard-esque exercise outfit and white sneakers and a bright blue headband and she looked a lot like Hedy Lamarr would have looked if Hedy worked out. She ran back to the house and opened the back door and Pearl came surging out, jumped the three steps off the back porch and, with her ears back, and her mouth open, dashed around the backyard in a slowly imploding circle until she finally ran into me, bounced off, and jammed her head into Paul's groin.

'Jesus Christ,' Paul said. Pearl jumped up with her forepaws on his chest, dropped back down, turned in a tight circle as if she were chasing her tail, and jumped up again trying to lap Paul's face before she dropped back down and streaked around the yard again. As she came by the second time,

Susan got a hold on her collar and managed to force her to a barely contained stop.

'She gets over her shyness,' Paul said, 'she might be cute.'

'Regal,' I said.

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