dividend is paid to the participating preferred shareholders and the common stock shareholders, both participating preferred and common stock shareholders share in any surplus. The holders of nonparticipating preferred stock are not entitled to any distribution of surplus dividends along with common stock shareholders. The rights that preferred shareholders enjoy in regard to dividends do not include the inherent right to receive them. They are merely superior rights to dividends over common stock shareholders, when and if dividends are declared by the corporation's board of directors.

Par value is the value that is placed on the shares of stock at incorporation. This value, which is the same for each share of stock of the same issue, is stated on the corporation's certificate of incorporation. In the case of par value shares, the amount of the capital stock or stated capital is the total par value of all of the issued stock. No par value stock is corporate stock that is issued without any stated price.

Exercise 1. Comprehension questions:

1. Explain the term corporation.

2. Identify the difference between the legal status of the partnership and the legal status of corporation.

3. How is the corporation taxed?

4. What may be the purposes of private corporations?

5. What rights do shareholders have?

6. What is the purpose of corporation by estoppel?

7. What are the duties of promoters?

8. Explain the term novation.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

Правила внутреннего распорядка; дивиденд, выплаченный наличными; разрешение на создание корпорации; закрытая акционерная корпорация; обыкновенные акции; дивиденды; учредители; цессия прав по обязательству; привилегированные акции; частно-правовая корпорация; представитель в силу закона; сертификат о праве собственности на акции; дивиденд в форме акций.

Exercise 3. Consult recommended dictionaries and give words or phrases to the following definitions:

Закрытое акционерное общество; открытое акционерное общество; уставный капитал; дочерние и зависимые общества; цена размещения акции; бюллетень для голосования; выплата дивидендов.

Exercise 4. Be ready to talk on one of the following topics:

1. Distinguish by their characteristics the major forms of business incorporations.

2. Relate how state incorporation statutes, articles of incorporation, initial organizational meetings, and corporation bylaws each serve to define the legal boundaries within which a corporation may conduct its business.

3. Differentiate among de jure corporation, de facto corporation, and corporation by estoppel.

4. Explain the activities that would cause courts to go behind the legal status of a corporate entity to pierce the corporate veil.

5. Distinguish between common and preferred stock and between par value and no par value stock.

Exercise 5. Make up your own dialog on the case: Instead of forming the corporation before engaging in any promotional activities, a promoter may enter into all contracts and commitments in his own name without referring to a «corporation to be formed», and thereafter assign all his rights and duties to the corporation. If a promoter does so, what are his liabilities under the contracts after they are assigned to the corporation? What problems may the corporation face if it seeks to enforce such a contract against the other party?

Unit 19

Corporate Management and Shareholder Control

Управление корпорацией и акционерный контроль

Высшим органом управления акционерным обществом является общее собрание его акционеров (глава 4 ГК РФ). К исключительной компетенции общего собрания акционеров относятся: 1) изменение устава общества, в том числе изменение размера его уставного капитала; 2) избрание членов совета директоров (наблюдательного совета) и ревизионной комиссии (ревизора) общества и досрочное прекращение их полномочий; 3) образование исполнительных органов общества и досрочное прекращение их полномочий, если уставом общества решение этих вопросов не отнесено к компетенции совета директоров (наблюдательного совета); 4) утверждение годовых отчетов, бухгалтерских балансов, счетов прибылей и убытков общества и распределение его прибылей и убытков; 5) решение о реорганизации или ликвидации общества.

В обществе с числом акционеров более пятидесяти создается совет директоров (наблюдательный совет).

Исполнительный орган общества может быть коллегиальным (правление, дирекция) и (или) единоличным (директор, генеральный директор). Он осуществляет текущее руководство деятельностью общества и подотчетен совету директоров (наблюдательному совету) и общему собранию акционеров.

List of key terms and word combinations:

– cumulative voting – метод голосования акционеров путем сложения голосов по акциям

– derivative suit – производный иск

– direct suit – прямой, непосредственный иск

– insider trading – продажа акций лицами и учреждениями, располагающими конфиденциальной информацией

– managerial control – контроль менеджеров над компанией

– pooling agreements – объединение (напр. прибылей)

– preemptive right – преимущественное право покупки

– proxy – представитель; доверенный; полномочие; доверенность; голос держателя акции, поданный по доверенности или через уполномоченного представителя

– proxy solicitation – ходатайство о представлении доверенности на голосование

– shareholder of record – владелец именной акции, зарегистрированный в книгах компании

– trustee – доверительный собственник; лицо, распоряжающееся имуществом на началах доверительной собственности

– voting trust – аккумуляция в одних руках акций различных лиц на началах доверительной собственности для распоряжения голосами в целях установления контроля над делами компании

The business affairs of a corporation are managed by a board of directors that is elected by the shareholders. The board's responsibility is to take whatever actions are appropriate, in keeping with the corporation's rules and regulations, to further the corporation's business. Individual board members are supposed to use their own judgment in the corporate decision-making process.

Law and corporate rules establish the qualifications that a person must have to be a corporate director.

In general, directors are elected at the annual meeting of the shareholders. The directors of most large corporations meet on a regular basis at a time and place of their choosing. The directors of many smaller corporations meet only when specific items are to be considered. Small corporations having few shareholders can eliminate the board of directors entirely, as long as someone is assigned the duties that the board would have performed.

Directors have the authority to appoint officers and agents to run the day-to-day affairs of the corporation. By statute, the usual officers are a president, several vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer. Other officers, such as a comptroller, cashier, and general counsel are often provided. The bylaws of the corporation describe the duties of each officer. Officers have the authority of general agents for the operation of the normal business of the corporation. They, in turn, delegate duties to various department heads. Although the roles of directors and officers differ, they are frequently assumed by the same people. An individual may be both chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the same corporation.

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