“If you look closely, though, you can see the talon marks,' Jane said.

A few other mothers and one father were sitting in the bleachers, but Shelley and Jane didn't know any of them well enough to feel obligated to sit with them. Instead, they settledby a pile of paperwork and equipment in the center front that presumably belonged to Tony Belton. Shelley was fidgety.

“What's on your mind?' Jane finally asked.

Shelley thought for a minute and said, 'Well, I'm hardly even willing to consider it, much less talk about it, but has it occurred to you that Patsy Mallett is a very strong, determined woman and—'

“And a very likeable one,' Jane said, nodding.

“Yes, that's why I'm reluctant to even say this, but she did know both Stonecipher and Emma.'

“Right. I have to admit I thought about that, too. But while she knows a little about them, what could Emma have known about her? That seems to be the key here.'

“Something dreadful about the bookkeeping she does?' Shelley suggested.

“Like fudging some extra profit out for herself? I guess it's possible in theory,' Jane said. 'But you'd have to put a cattle prod to the small of my back to make me believe it. If nothing else, there's the practical consideration: if you were going to cheat somebody, would you pick a particularly bad-natured attorney?'

“Not unless you were sure you could get away with it and were cheating everybody. I don't believe she's capable of it either, but I had to say it, just to get it out of my head. It makes me feel slimy to even think about it.'

“That's the tough thing about this,' Jane said. 'There's nobody but maybe Rhonda that I'd really like to pin this on. And she's not even a good villain, just an annoying woman.'

“Speaking of annoying women—' Shelley said, gesturing toward a newcomer who was dragging coolers and cardboard boxes out of a station wagon. The team's mothers took turns bringing snacks for the boys to indulge in after the practice. Jane, Shelley, and several others had objected repeatedly and almost violently to this tradition on the grounds that the boys went from soccer practice straight home to dinners they didn't want to eat because they were full of snacks. But the tradition persisted. Most of the mothers at least attempted to bring something halfway healthy, but one — the one now approaching the field — brought the most appetite-repressing things she could find. Sodas instead of juice, Twinkies and chocolate-chip cookies instead of granola bars, and far too much of everything. Nobody could figure out whether she did it to be hateful, or just had no common sense.

“I think she means it well,' Jane said, trying to be generous. 'She likes that stuff, her tubby little boy obviously loves it, and for that matter, so do the rest of the boys. Her kid probably goes home and tucks away all his dinner,and she wonders why the rest of us have such picky eaters.”

When the practice was over and the boys fell on the snacks like a pack of hyenas, Tony Belton approached the bleachers. He greeted them by name and sat down to glance through the notebooks containing his team roster and make notes.

“We were a bit surprised to see you here,' Shelley said. 'We thought with the funeral just this morning. .' She let the rest of the sentence hanging for him to pick up.

He did so. 'Rhon — Mrs. Stonecipher didn't really need me at the house. She's got a lot of family there. A lot of family,' he added with a smile.

“Still, I'm sure it's been a great boon to her to have your support,' Shelley said.

“I hope so. Robert and I didn't always get along as well as we might, but I owed him a lot, and if I can help his wife get through a bad time, I'm happy to do it.”

Jane and Shelley exchanged a quick look. Jane made a little go-ahead gesture.

“I guess he was hard to get along with,' Shelley prodded.

Tony Belton closed his notebook. 'Anybody with such strong opinions sometimes rubs people the wrong way. But as a mentor, he was tops. He really knew the law inside and out. I think I learned as much from him in four years as I did in law school.'

“Is that when you joined his firm? Is it a firm when it's just one person?' Jane asked.

Tony smiled. 'I'd have to research that. Actually, Robert and I both turned up here at the same time and a mutual acquaintance introduced us. I'd grown up here, then practiced in Connecticut for years. When I got divorced, I came back so that when I have my son here and have to work, he could be with my parents instead of a babysitter.'

“What a good idea,' Jane said.

“It's worked out pretty well. My folks spoil him rotten. But then, so do I.'

“How old is your son?'

“The same age as your boys. He'll be here for the summer next week and be on the team. His school isn't out yet.”

Shelley politely asked him about his son and they got a run-down on what a great kid he was. Tony was a besotted father. Finally Jane dragged the topic back. 'So Mr. Stonecipher came here at the same time?'

“Right. He'd had a successful practice, but the pressure had gotten too much, so he and his wife came back here — she's from Chicago originally — to retire. But a man of his energy couldn't really retire so early and he was just starting up a new practice when I met him.'

“And where does Emma Weyrich come into this?' Shelley asked bluntly.

If the question made him wary, he didn't show it. 'She'd worked with him out West, and he invited her here when he started getting things lined up.'

“Was she that good at whatever she did?'

“Sure, Robert wouldn't bother with anybody who wasn't good. Well, that sounds bigheaded of me—'

“Not at all,' Shelley said. 'But I get the feeling you didn't like her much.”

That did make him pause carefully. Jane guessed that he wasn't normally given to talking about himself so much, but had been inundated with Rhonda's concerns for the last couple days and perhaps appreciated somebody asking about him for a change.

“I didn't dislike her,' he said, sounding more like a lawyer than a soccer coach.

“But you weren't entirely thrilled to work with her?' Shelley prodded.

“I didn't 'work with her' much. She worked with Robert, not me. Research, mainly. And some routine minor filings. Property settlements, that sort of thing.'

“You knew they were having an affair?' Jane asked.

He looked surprised. Not at the information but at Jane's knowing it. 'It was none of my business.'

“Then what—?'

“Look, I don't know why this interests you, but Emma was an advice giver. One of those people who's always volunteering what you ought to be doing about things, whether you wanted her opinion or not. I didn't like it. She had all kinds of half-assed opinions on how I should be raising my son. Coming from a woman who didn't have children and hadn't been asked, it was really irritating. That's all.”

He was obviously getting irritated with their questions as well. It was time for some repair work.

“No!' Jane exclaimed. 'Why, how outrageous. But there are a lot of people like that. In fact, people without kids often think they know more about raising them than the parents like us who are in the trenches.”

This mollified him a bit. 'Yeah, there's a big difference between theory and reality. She had a loony idea about year-round school and how I should make him take summer classes when he visited with me. She was always harping on it. Thought it would make for great 'bonding' if I spent every night all summer helping him with homework. I don't think she was ever a kid herself,' he added sourly.

“But why would somebody kill her?' Jane asked as if pondering the question for the first time.

He shrugged. 'You've got me there.' He didn't seem particularly curious.

“There's a rumor going around that she was blackmailing people,' Shelley said.

“Blackmailing? Really?' He seemed genuinely surprised. 'What would she know about anybody? Oh—!' He stopped speaking, his mouth open.

“What?' Jane asked.

He was glaring out across the now empty field and talking to himself more than to them. 'The police asked me about some files in Robert's office — private files, they said. Oh, shit! You don't think—”

Suddenly he got a grip on himself. 'Sorry. Excuse my language. God, this is awful!' He started gathering up equipment. 'Boys, finish up quickly now. It's time to go,' he barked.

Jane decided, since he was unravelling, she'd push him just a little further. 'I guess you and Rhonda will be

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