Great. “Thank you. It will be fine.”

He studied her face, then broke back into a big grin.

“There are some police officers in the waiting room who want to talk with you. Are you ready for them?”

Casey looked at Felicia. “Do I have to be?”

The nurse shook her head.

“You don’t have to be ready at all,” the doctor said. “They can’t see you until I say they can, and I think I’ll have them wait a little longer. Not that they aren’t doing their best—I just don’t want them disturbing you before you’re up to it. There’s plenty of time. Now, we’ll be setting you up with a CT scan, to make sure there’s nothing going on inside your head that we can’t see.”

“Internal bleeding? Wouldn’t we know by now?”

He tilted his hand back and forth. “Maybe, maybe not. I like to be thorough, don’t I, Felicia?”

The nurse rolled her eyes.

“She loves me,” Shinnob said. “She just doesn’t know how to show it.” He took the clipboard from Felicia, scrawled a few things on it, and handed it back to her. “Felicia will take care of you now, Ms…Jones, was it? I’ll see you again soon.”

Casey and the nurse watched as the doctor strode out through the curtain, greeting someone else at high decibels. Felicia closed her eyes briefly, then turned to Casey. “I’m sorry, I just can’t be as happy-go-lucky as he is.”

Casey shrugged. “Who can?”

Felicia held up her chart. “So I need to know a few more things. You’re not pregnant?”

Casey let out a surprised laugh. “No.”

“Taking any medications?”


“Eaten anything in the last six hours?”

Casey had to think. “Drank some water. That’s it.”

Felicia nodded. “You hungry?”


“Best to wait till the test is done, then we’ll get you something, all right?” She pulled out some syringes. “I need to get some blood samples. Check things out, especially since you have…well, since this isn’t all your own blood. Usually they do this right away when you come in, but with all the excitement today about the driver, and all…”

“I really don’t think bloodwork is necessary.”

Felicia smiled gently. “Dr. Shinnob will decide that. For now, just grit your teeth and let me see a vein.”

Casey reluctantly stuck out her arm.

Felicia took the blood and covered the needle site with a cotton ball and bandage. “I know this has been difficult, Ms. Jones. Feel free to lie down and rest while I get things set up, okay?” Her face had softened to a degree it hadn’t while the doctor had been in the cubicle. “From what I can see you’re going to be fine. The doctor just likes to make sure.”

“After all,” Casey said, “he is thorough.”

Felicia laughed. “I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere.” She left through the part in the curtains.

Don’t go anywhere. The exact instructions Casey couldn’t follow. She glanced down at the chart the clerk had left with her, covered with blanks she couldn’t fill. Not if she wanted to avoid jail.

She slipped off of the table, wincing at the pull on her shoulder, and looked down at her clothes. Yet again a bloody mess. She couldn’t even turn the sweatshirt inside out, as the other side was stained with someone else’s blood, from the day before. The fresh blood on her pants more than covered the faded blotches there. She laughed under her breath without a stitch of humor—she was a crime scene investigator’s nightmare.

She filled the cup by her bed with water and drank it all, hoping it would help with her dizziness. It didn’t.

She peeked out from the curtain. There were several closed-off areas, but mostly empty beds. From the lack of busy-ness, Casey assumed Evan’s body had been taken elsewhere. Felicia was gone, and a couple of orderlies at the far end of the room were the only people Casey could see. A counter at the side of the room held a few snack essentials for those waiting—crackers and peanut butter the most attractive to Casey. Close to the counter was a door with an EXIT sign above it. Casey waited until the orderlies turned their backs, then left her area, scooping up several packs of crackers, some containers of peanut butter, and a small bag of Oreos. Not exactly a full meal, but it would have to do.

The exit door opened silently, and she slipped out into an empty corridor. No more exits were in sight, so she took a chance and turned right. Hearing someone coming, she ducked into a family bathroom until the footsteps passed. After several seconds she opened the door, scanning the hallway. No one. She went out, turned the corner, and found a large sign pointing her toward radiology, outpatient surgery, and the gift shop. She followed the path to the gift shop, hoping it would be close to the front door. It was. She walked briskly past the volunteers at the information desk and headed outside, where it had stopped raining, remaining overcast and muggy.

There were no taxis, of course, and even if there were she had no money to pay them. She headed toward the side of the hospital, wanting to get out of sight as soon as possible. The building sat in a residential area, so she was able to find a small side street within a minute, ducking around corners until the hospital was hidden behind houses and trees.

She kept walking, not sure where to go. Not sure where she even was. Kansas, somewhere. Another small town. She paused briefly to catch her breath and shake her head, hoping her vision would clear. She’d had concussions before. It would go away. Eventually. Until then, she’d just have to stay awake. And while she was awake, she might as well get something done. Like find out what those men at the accident site were looking for, and why Evan so desperately didn’t want them to find it. She had to assume it was one and the same item they were talking about.

Looking up toward the main street she could see a gas station on the corner of the nearest intersection. Blue Lake Gas and Go. It looked like it had a garage attached, so someone there might be able to tell her where Evan’s truck would have been taken.

She walked up and stopped in front of the dark garage. She’d forgotten. Sunday. Not even the gas station part was open, let alone the shop. She put her face up to the window and squinted, trying to read the clock on the wall. Almost eight. She sighed, leaning her forehead against the glass.

“Tough day, huh?”

Casey didn’t even flinch at Death’s presence. “Back so soon?”

“Doesn’t take long. Evan says hi.”

She rolled her head sideways on the window so she could see Death, who twanged a rubber band between teeth and fingers. “He didn’t happen to tell you what he hid in his truck, or why those men are after it?”

Death spoke around the rubber band. “I didn’t know I was supposed to ask him about that.”

Casey pushed herself off the window, hesitating at the sight of a cop car idling at the traffic light. She walked around the corner of the garage. “Guess I ought to figure out somewhere to go.”

“You could call Don. Or Ricky.” Her lawyer. Her brother.

“I could.”

“They’d send you money.”

“On a Sunday? Where would they do that?”

Death twanged the rubber band. “You know, Casey, there are these things called computers—”

“Which would give up my location in a heartbeat. I can’t do that to them. They’d want to help, and since they don’t know about…about what happened in Clymer…they’d just get me locked up. And themselves in trouble.” She shuddered. “Plus, it would put Pegasus back on my tail, and I certainly don’t need that.” The car company had made the faulty car that killed her family, and now they were afraid Casey would ruin them. They weren’t about to stop looking for her.

“You’ve got to get money somewhere,” Death said. “Or go to a homeless shelter.”

Visions of the soup kitchen in Clymer flitted through Casey’s mind. Home Sweet Home, where she’d met Eric

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