She was wrong about a lot.

I sling my camera over my shoulder and sit back down, letting out a sigh that sounds wearier than I intended.

Leo gives me a pretend-stern look as he elbows me and says, 'Remember what I told you, Dempsey? People come here to forget their troubles.'

Dempsey, I think, as my left thumb reaches over to stroke my wedding band. I force a smile, and say, 'Right,' as we watch the waves break, again and again. After a few minutes, I ask Leo if the tide's coming in or out.

'In,' he replies so quickly that I'm impressed, the same way I'm impressed when people-typically men- instinctively know that they are driving, say, northwest.

'How can you tell?' I ask, thinking that we haven't been watching long enough to observe a trend.

'No wet sand,' Leo says as thunder rumbles in the distance. 'If it were going out, there'd be a band of wet sand.'

'Oh. Sure,' I say, nodding. And then, 'You know what?'

'What?' Leo says, his face alert, expectant-as if he's ready for a big confession, or maybe something profound.

I smile and say, 'I'm starving.'

'Me, too,' he says, grinning. 'Wanna get a hot dog?'

'This is the birthplace of the hot dog, right?' I say, recalling a scrap of Coney Island history that I picked up somewhere. Perhaps from Leo himself, a long time ago.

'True,' Leo says, smiling.

We stand and slowly retrace our steps to the corner of Stillwell and Surf, the site of the original Nathan's, which according to Leo, was built in 1916. We duck inside, finding a longer line than you'd expect at nearly two o'clock in the off-season, even for the most famous hot dog stand in the world. I snap a few photos of the restaurant, the other customers, and the sweaty men behind the grill while Leo asks what I want.

'A hot dog,' I say, giving him a no-duh look.

'Can you be more specific?' Leo asks, his smile broadening. 'A chili dog? Plain? With relish? Fries?'

'Whatever you're having,' I say, waving the details off.

'Cheddar dogs, fries, root beer,' Leo says decisively.

'Perfect,' I say, remembering how much he loves root beer.

Moments later, after Leo has paid and I've gathered napkins, straws, and packets of mustard and ketchup, we select a table by the front window just as the rain starts to fall.

'Perfect timing,' Leo says.

I look across the table at him, while suddenly picturing Andy at his desk, in his jacket and tie. I marvel at the contrast between the two worlds-a hot dog stand in Brooklyn and a shiny law office in Buckhead. I marvel even more at the contrast between the two men-the way each makes me feel.

'Not really,' I say, holding his gaze. 'Pretty shitty timing actually.'

Leo looks up from his crinkle-cut fries, surprised. Then he picks one up, points at me with it, and says, 'You.'

'No. You,' I say.

'You,' he says again, firmly.

It is the way we used to talk-our between-the-lines language, seemingly nonsensical, but steeped in meaning. It is a way I've never talked to Andy-who is always so open, candid. I decide, for at least the hundredth time today, that one way isn't better than the other; they are just different.

Leo and I finish our lunch in virtual silence. Then, without hesitation, we head back outside into a light, steady rain, wandering up and down Surf, Neptune, and Mermaid Avenues. Leo holds my umbrella over me as I take endless photos. Photos of shut-down games and rides. Of the famed Cyclone and the impossibly large, iconic Wonder Wheel. Of a three-on-three pickup basketball game. Of litter-strewn, barren lots. Of the people-a butcher, a tailor, a baker.

'Like a nursery rhyme,' I say.

'Yeah. If only we could find a candlestick maker,' he says.

I laugh, as I notice two teenaged girls checking the prices on a tattoo-parlor window.

'Ohh. I love the orchid,' one says. 'That's so cool lookin'.'

'Yeah… But I like the butterfly better,' the other says. 'On my shoulder? But in purple?'

I snap their picture, thinking, Don't do it. You'll be sorry someday.

It is dusk on Coney Island, and I am finally satisfied, at least as far as photos go. The rain has cleared, along with all the clouds, promising a crisp, breezy autumn night. Leo and I return to our bench, damp, tired, and chilled. As we sit even closer than before, he casually drapes his arm around my shoulders in a gesture that feels equal parts comfortable and romantic. I fight the urge to rest my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes, realizing that this would be so much easier if I could more neatly categorize my feelings. If Leo was all one thing, and Andy another altogether. But it's not that simple or clear-cut-and I wonder if it ever is when it comes to matters of the heart.

'What are you thinking?' Leo says, his warm breath on my hair.

I cave to the truth. 'I'm thinking about that day in December… when you came back,' I say softly.

Leo breathes again, this time near my neck, sending a cascade of goose bumps down my arms and legs.

'I wish I had known,' I say.

'I wish you had, too,' Leo says. 'I wish I had known that it might have made a difference.'

'It would have made a difference,' I finally confirm, feeling a wave of wistfulness and bitterness, guilt and longing.

'It could still be different,' Leo says, his hand on my chin, moving it to look into my eyes.

'Leo… I'm married…' I say, gently pulling away, thinking of Andy, our vows. How much I love him, even though I don't love everything about our life. Even though I am here right now.

Leo's hand drops. 'I know that, but…'

'But what?' I ask, exhausted from so much subtlety, the endless speculating, interpreting, wondering.

'But I can't help… wanting to be with you again,' he says.

'Now? Tonight?' I ask, bewildered.

'Yes. Tonight,' Leo says. 'And tomorrow… And the day after that…'

I smell his skin and say his name, unsure of whether I'm protesting or giving in.

He shakes his head, puts his finger to my lips, and whispers, 'I love you, Ellie.'

It is a statement, but sounds more like a promise, and as my heart explodes, I can't help myself from closing my eyes and saying it back.


The rest of the world falls away as Leo and I whisper in a corner of a packed subway, zigzagging underground from Brooklyn through Manhattan and back to Queens again. Our journey feels fleeting in the way that a return trip almost always seems faster than the outbound-and it is made even faster by fear and yearning.

I know that what I'm doing is wrong, weak, indefensible, but I still stay on course, fueling my indignation with a steady diet of grievances: Andy doesn't understand my feelings. Even worse, he doesn't even try to understand my feelings. He left me last night. He hasn't called today or softened his stance at all. He's the one who drew the line in the sand. He's the one who seems to care more about his family, hometown, job, and everything he wants than me. But perhaps most simply, underwriting everything else, he is not Leo. He's not the one who has, since the day I met him, been able to turn me inside out and upside down like no other-

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