“He can see,” she whispered, not knowing whether the beast could or not.

There was movement near her, coming closer with each heartbeat. Cara clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering in fear and cold.

She was jerked to her feet, the creature behind her with one of his claws at her neck.

“Back off, MacLeod. If you don’t want her throat slit, you’ll let me pass.”

“Why are you here?” Fallon asked from her left.

She sent up a silent prayer of thanks that he was still alive.

The beast laughed, the sound unnatural. And evil. “I’ve come for the Demon’s Kiss. And the woman.”

The silence that met his statement told Cara the MacLeods had no idea what the Demon’s Kiss was either.

“You have two choices. You can let her go and fight me, or you can die where you stand.” Lucan’s voice had grown closer with each word.

The creature growled. “I’m not leaving without the woman.”

“Then you die.”

The monster let out a loud bellow of pain, but he didn’t release her. Cara squeezed her eyes shut, thankful it was too dark for her to see anything. The sounds of blades sinking into flesh were terrifying enough.

By the beast’s yells, all three brothers were attacking him with their fists and weapons. Finally, his hold on her relaxed enough for her to get free.

Cara stumbled in the dark, one hand on the stone wall to catch her balance. She didn’t know which way she was headed, and it didn’t matter anymore. She had to get out of the dark and into the light.

Strong arms grabbed her shoulders, firm enough to halt her but light enough that she could break if she so desired.

“Cara. It’s Lucan.”

She sagged against him as all her emotions fell away. She had just gone through her greatest fear. But she was safe now. Safe with Lucan.

When he lifted her in his arms and walked away from the screams behind her, she was all too willing to wrap her arms around his neck, lay her head on his shoulder, and allow him to carry her burdens for a bit.

“What was that thing?” she asked after several moments.


His heat surrounded her, brandishing the cold and fear that had held her in its grip for what seemed like an eternity. She took a deep, steadying breath. “I thought I was going to die.”

“I told you I would protect you.” His voice held a note of displeasure, as if she should have known better.

Cara sank into his warmth, amazed that he could chase away the chill so easily. She was all too aware of the hard, lean man pressed against her, and his scent that put her senses into a whirl. Her breasts tingled from the contact, and she had the overwhelming desire to run her fingers through his ebony locks.

Lucan began to ascend the stairs that would take them to the great hall. Each step brought her farther into the light. When she could stand the awareness no more, she lifted her gaze and found him watching her.

Their eyes locked. Cara might be naive about the ways of men, but there was no denying the hunger that darkened his eyes. She tried to swallow past the lump of excitement in her throat. Her chest felt constricted, her gown too tight against her skin. She wanted to be free of her clothing, to feel his skin against hers.

When his gaze shifted to her lips, Cara thought he was going to kiss her. It was there in his eyes, in the set of his jaw. He wanted her. And she wanted him.

Confusion filled her. She had pledged to become a nun, to fill her life with God and helping others. There was no place in her life for Lucan or the passion he stirred within her. Right?

She didn’t know. The longer she was around Lucan the more the idea of her taking the vows of a nun was preposterous. She had wanted a home, a family. She had found that at the nunnery with the Sisters and the children. She might not truly belong, but they welcomed her.

It took her a moment to realize Lucan no longer climbed the stairs. They were once more in the great hall, the storm still raging outside, much like her emotions.

Lucan released her legs, her lower body sliding down his until her feet touched the floor. Not even the cold stones could chase away the heat that engulfed her, though.


A shudder went through her when he whispered her name with desire, with need . . . with hunger.

She forced her gaze away from him before she forgot the nunnery and gave in to the pleasure Lucan promised. That’s when she saw the blood and dead bodies that littered the great hall. She wasn’t sure what the diminutive pale yellow things were, but they were all dead.

“Cara.” His fingers tightened around her waist as if he wanted to hold her against him. His voice was edged with worry, and a hint of dread.

Thunder boomed, making her jump. She looked at Lucan to find his expression closed off and waiting. Something jabbed into her waist. It wasn’t Lucan’s hand that frightened her but the claws from his fingers.

Cara jerked out of his grasp and stepped backward. She stumbled over something, and when Lucan made a move to help her she hurried to twist away.

“Nay!” she shouted, her heart pumping wildly in her chest when she saw the dried blood on his chest through what was left of his tunic. “Stay away from me. I don’t know what you are, what any of this is, but I want to return to the village. Immediately.”

“Don’t let her, Lucan,” Quinn said from behind her.

She whirled around to find Quinn by the castle door and Fallon righting the table and benches. She hadn’t heard the two come into the great hall, but then again she had been preoccupied with Lucan and the delicious feelings he invoked.

The blood staining the brothers’ tunics along with the rips and tears of what was left of their clothes made her realize they were injured. She wanted to help, but how could she when she wasn’t sure what they were, much less what was going on?

She fought back the panic and tears when she realized Quinn had said she couldn’t go to the village. “Why? Why can’t I return to the village?”

Quinn met her gaze. “There’s nothing of it left to return to.”


Lucan sat before the fire, his legs stretched out before him and his ankles crossed. After he had changed and cleaned the blood off him, he had grabbed a bottle of Fallon’s wine, but it sat untouched on the floor next to him.

It had taken all of his control—and he had plenty of it—not to go after Cara when she had run up the stairs, tears glistening on her cheeks.

He had seen the fire in her eyes, knew she was attracted to him. If he would have taken her anywhere else but the great hall, things would have turned out differently. But he hadn’t been thinking. He had wanted to get her out of the dungeon and into the light so he could see if she had any injuries.

She had taken one look at the hall, and he had known she would be sickened. The god inside him had roared, demanding Lucan make Cara his. He had restrained the beast, but just barely. That’s when she had felt—and seen—Lucan’s claws. Whatever feelings she had for him had vanished when she realized he wasn’t human.

He wasn’t a god, either. How did he explain what he was when he didn’t really know?

“The storm is waning,” Fallon said as he took the seat next to Lucan.

Lucan shrugged.

Fallon blew out a breath and looked down at his torn tunic. “How did you expect her to react, Lucan? She was terrified. The Warrior had her and fully intended to leave with her.”

Вы читаете Dangerous Highlander
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