what you'd do.'

'You wanted to measure the possibilities of my departure from delicacy?'

He continued steady now; a kind of ease—from the presence, as in the air, of something he couldn't yet have named—had come to him. 'Well, I wanted—in so good a case—to test you.'

She was struck—it showed in her face—by his expression. 'It is a good case. I doubt whether a better,' she said with her eyes on him, 'has ever been known.'

'The better the case then the better the test!'

'How do you know,' she asked in reply to this, 'what I'm capable of?'

'I don't, my dear! Only with the seal unbroken I should have known sooner.'

'I see'—she took it in. 'But I myself shouldn't have known at all. And you wouldn't have known, either, what I do know.'

'Let me tell you at once,' he returned, 'that if you've been moved to correct my ignorance I very particularly request you not to.'

She just hesitated. 'Are you afraid of the effect of the corrections? Can you only do it by doing it blindly?'

He waited a moment. 'What is it that you speak of my doing?'

'Why the only thing in the world that I take you as thinking of. Not accepting—what she has done. Isn't there some regular name in such cases? Not taking up the bequest.'

'There's something you forget in it,' he said after a moment. 'My asking you to join with me in doing so.'

Her wonder but made her softer, yet at the same time didn't make her less firm. 'How can I 'join' in a matter with which I've nothing to do?'

'How? By a single word.'

'And what word?'

'Your consent to my giving up.'

'My consent has no meaning when I can't prevent you.'

'You can perfectly prevent me. Understand that well,' he said.

She seemed to face a threat in it. 'You mean you won't give up if I don't consent?'

'Yes. I do nothing.'

'That, as I understand, is accepting.'

Densher paused. 'I do nothing formal.'

'You won't, I suppose you mean, touch the money.'

'I won't touch the money.'

It had a sound—though he had been coming to it—that made for gravity. 'Who then in such an event will?'

'Any one who wants or who can.'

Again a little she said nothing: she might say too much. But by the time she spoke he had covered ground. 'How can I touch it but through you?'

'You can't. Any more,' he added, 'than I can renounce it except through you.'

'Oh ever so much less! There's nothing,' she explained, 'in my power.'

'I'm in your power,' Merton Densher said.

'In what way?'

'In the way I show—and the way I've always shown. When have I shown,' he asked as with a sudden cold impatience, 'anything else? You surely must feel—so that you needn't wish to appear to spare me in it—how you 'have' me.'

'It's very good of you, my dear,' she nervously laughed, 'to put me so thoroughly up to it!'

'I put you up to nothing. I didn't even put you up to the chance that, as I said a few moments ago, I saw for you in forwarding that thing. Your liberty is therefore in every way complete.'

It had come to the point really that they showed each other pale faces, and that all the unspoken between them looked out of their eyes in a dim terror of their further conflict. Something even rose between them in one of their short silences—something that was like an appeal from each to the other not to be too true. Their necessity was somehow before them, but which of them must meet it first? 'Thank you!' Kate said for his word about her freedom, but taking for the minute no further action on it. It was blest at least that all ironies failed them, and during another slow moment their very sense of it cleared the air.

There was an effect of this in the way he soon went on. 'You must intensely feel that it's the thing for which we worked together.'

She took up the remark, however, no more than if it were commonplace; she was already again occupied with a point of her own. 'Is it absolutely true—for if it is, you know, it's tremendously interesting—that you haven't so much as a curiosity about what she has done for you?'

'Would you like,' he asked, 'my formal oath on it?'

'No—but I don't understand. It seems to me in your place—!'

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