was pulling very hard. “Because you think you're so goddamned smart, that's why! Making like you dig getting raped by me and Len! Pretending to cooperate while all along you're just waiting for a chance to stab both of us in the back!”

“No!” He jerked the hair hard and she cried out, “Ahhhh!”

“You phony fucking cunt! Who the shit do you think you're fooling? Len and I figured you'd pull this fake shit on us! We just went along because it was easier than beating you unconscious! A lot more fun too!” “My God, you're hurting me! Please stop!”

“And you just better keep faking it too! We don't want any fighting or trying to get away! We just want you to fuck us like a hot bunny whenever we say so! Get it?” he yelled in her very close ear.

“Yes! Anything! Anything!” Then he whispered. “Okay, slut, now tell me who was the best fuck. Me or Len?” “You were,” Dorothy groaned. “You lying?” “No… No, honest. You were the best.”

“Yeah?” he said with a grin while releasing her hair. “I was the best, huh? Good.” Then he quickly looked at her. “Why? Why was I so good?” Dorothy held her head at the scalp, the pain was slowly going away. She sniffed. “Because you're better, that's all,” she answered with a sob. “Come on! Tell me more than that? Why was I better? Was my cock bigger or what?” “No,” she quietly answered.

“You're both the same size. But you have better rhythm, you matched my rhythm with yours and we worked better together.” He made a wide smile. “Oh yeah? Rhythm? I do it better cause I got rhythm?”

“Yes,” she said. Dorothy's hands were wet with perspiration as she clamped them together to hold her anger inside. This pompous jerk had the rhythm of a collapsing barn but if it kept his mitts off her she'd compare him to the Royal Ballet. He seemed to like her appraisal and smiled smugly while dressing. “You won't say anything to Len, will you?” she asked. All Dorothy needed now was for Len to come in and want to prove he was better than Vic. “Naw, I don't want to make him feel bad.” “Did you mean those nasty things you said?” she asked with as meek a voice as possible. “About you putting us on?” “Yes.” “Sure. But it's okay with me if you want to fake it. Shit, I could give a damn as long as you don't think I'm stupid enough to believe it.” “But I did climax, I did have an orgasm,” she answered. “Honest?” She nodded. “Yes, I really did.” “How about with Len? Did you orgasm with him?”

She knew he'd ask, it was the question she was waiting for.

“Yes.” “He gave you an orgasm too?” Vic asked incredulously.

She nodded with a serious expression. “You both did, really.”

Then before he could ask she added, “But yours was the best of the two.” “Oh.” He smiled. “Good. Guess it was 'cause of my rhythm, huh?” “Yes, that was it.” Vic went to the door with his shoulders thrown proudly back. He turned. “You rest up now, get some sleep. I don't know about Len but I'll be back first thing in the morning for more.” “I'll be waiting,” she answered. “You bet your little ass you will, honey,” Vic said. “Cause if you're not that sissy brother of yours will be crying for the rest of his life.”

“I'll be here.”


Dorothy didn't sleep at all that night. She tossed in her bed, frequently looking over at her window. It would be possible to sneak out and make her way to town while they slept. She knew she could do that but she didn't know what she'd do once she got there. Go to the police? Start a big thing with Len and Vic denying everything?

Have them open their mouths about what they had seen her and David doing? And what about David? Suppose they found her gone and attacked him? They were cruel and vicious bastards. Her imagination filled in all the details of what they'd do to David. She decided to stay, to wait until a better opportunity came up. An opportunity when she and David could escape together. David couldn't sleep either.

His imagination provided all the necessary details of what Len and Vic were doing to Dorothy. Each time he thought of her splendid body at the mercy of their disgusting lusts he wanted to scream. But he was helpless, trapped. David also figured it would take time, time for them to make the one error which would mean his escape. That's all he wanted-out. And to get Dorothy out. He looked in his drawer and withdrew a thick envelope. Inside was money, plenty of money if he and Dorothy needed it. He had been keeping it in his drawer for months now, ever since his father died. It was the cash he'd received from a small insurance policy his father had from work. Their mother had wanted the money divided between David and Dorothy before she'd married Jake-it was theirs to do with what they wanted. Dorothy had put hers in the bank and urged David to do likewise. But he never got around to it, he liked having the cash close where he could touch it and dream of the day when he'd be leaving Billford, Texas. That day was now much closer than ever before; he was glad the money was at hand. He slipped the envelope under his pillow where he could get it on a second's notice-the chance to escape could come at any moment without warning. “What about work?” Vic asked Len when they woke up from a good night's sleep. “Huh? Fuck work, man,” Len drawled. “You go if you want, I'm staying home today and dip my stick in that little bowl of pudding we got.” “Yeah,” Vic said. “But today's payday. We don't want to miss that, do we?”

“Oh,” said Len, “that's right. We'll need money for food and stuff. Why don't you go in and get our money?” “Me? Why not you?”

“'Cause somebody has to guard her! If we both leave she'll sure as shit make a break for it, stupid,” said Len. “I'll guard and you go,” Vic snapped back. Len scratched his head. “Okay, let's flip a coin. Loser goes in and gets the pay plus shops for groceries.

The winner stays here and guards her.” “All right,” said Vic. He lost. “Okay, brother, get going,” Len quickly ordered.

“Bullshit! It's too early now! Besides, I want to screw her once before I leave. Then I'll go.” Len snickered, “Want to flip for who gets her first?” “Shit no,” Vic unhappily said. “I lost the flip for who got her first last night, I just lost again for who goes after the pay, I ain't flipping no more coins with you!” “Then how will we decide? Arm wrestle?” Vic jumped out of bed. “No, I'm just taking her first and that's it!” “The hell you will!” snapped Len as he lunged from his bed to stop Vic. Vic spun around and shoved Len away as he grabbed for the bedroom door. But Len jumped back and caught Vic across the mid-section with a flying tackle. They tumbled into the hallway with fists flying. “You fucking sonofabitch!” Vic yelled. “She wants me first 'cause I'm the best!”

“The hell you are!” screamed Len. “I made her cream her pants when I fucked her!” “So did I! I gave her an orgasm!” Vic hollered. Len lowered his fist. “Bullshit!” Vic stared into Len's seething eyes and smiled. “No, shit, man, she went nuts when I balled her. Told me afterward I made her real happy.” Len spit.

“Fucking, phony cunt! She told me that same bunch of crap!” “Sure it's crap,” said Vic. “But who cares? If she wants to fake it let her, it's better that way for us. She fakes it real good too.” Len grinned. “I'll say.” “Now, you got to go first last night so it's only right that I go first now,” Vic said. But Len wasn't going to allow it. “No, man, we flipped last night, we should flip now.”

“No way.” Len smiled, it was a broad, mischievous smile.

“Okay then, let's both do it to her at the same time.” “Huh?” Vic asked with an open mouth. “Remember that movie we saw in the city? When the two guys made it with that big-titted redhead? She fucked one and sucked one at the same time. Let's have her do that.”

“Suck and fuck?” “You got it, brother. And tell you what, you can have your choice of ends. Mouth or cunt, whatever you want.

I'll take the other end.” Vic considered the proposal and saw nothing wrong with it. “You think she'll do it?” he asked. “She won't have no choice,” Len answered as he opened the door to Dorothy's bedroom. Dorothy jumped up with a start. She had heard them arguing in the hall but didn't expect them to come barging in. But they did, both still in pajamas and grinning like hungry animals. A flush of hollow dread filled her body, and she pulled the bedcovers tight around her body. She was nude underneath. Vic figured it out real fast when he saw the pink nightie and brief panties still on the floor where they had been thrown the night before. He walked over and picked the lingerie up, stroked it and tossed the panties at Len.

“She's naked, Len. Under them blankets there ain't nothing but pure naked body… all warm and rested up for us.” Len looked at her and winked. “That true, Dorothy? You bare-ass under them blankets?”

Dorothy swallowed. The two husky men stood on each side of her bed, staring, waiting for her answer. She didn't like their both being there, it was hard enough to keep one under control at a time let alone two. But she saw

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