his prison, as always.

“I have a mission for you and your team.”

He looked at the screen. “Who are they?”

“They’re the ones you fought earlier, Rafael. They’re mistakes, my boy.” She stared long and hard at him. “They’re your predecessors.”

“Like experiment number Seven?” His eyes lit up with a different expression.

She nodded. “As you told me earlier, he’s the Alpha for that group. I want him brought to me, Rafael. I prefer they be brought to me alive, especially Seven, but if a few die, so be it.”

“Really?” And there it was, what she was hoping for, anticipation instead of fear. He wanted a rematch. He wanted to beat his enemy.

“Oh yes.” She leaned back in her seat and steepled her fingers in front of her lips. “So, when do you think you can be ready?”

Rafael smiled. “Say the word. We can be ready to move in half an hour.”


Rafael left to collect his team, six members strong and combat ready. They had the best training available, the best weapons and every advantage over their targets.

A moment later and George looked at her with a stony expression.

“Say it, George. Now is hardly the time to get quiet with your opinions.”

“It just seems, well, like it might be overkill.”

“Do you think so?” There it was, the flutter in her stomach, the nerves telling her that she was making a mistake. She crushed the feelings down into the darkness where her soul was hiding.

When she spoke again, her voice was as calm as ever. “None of those… things out there should be alive. I want them back here where I can have them dissected, or I want them dead.”

George rose from his seat without another word. Maybe that was for the best.

Evelyn should have been ecstatic. She was finally going to have Subject Seven delivered back to her, and if all went the way she wanted it to, his other self, her son Bobby, would be returned as well. She would have her family again and she would lock away the animal that killed her husband.

So why then did she feel the flutters of fear deep in her stomach? She had no answer for that, except that even after all this time, Subject Seven scared the hell out of her.

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