both young ladies were received into the arms of Holy Mother Church upon the same day, and when the noviciate was past, both accordingly took the vows and the veil.

How those vows of chastity were kept, it is not for me, a humble flea, to dilate upon. I only know that after the ceremony was over, both girls were privately conveyed to the seminary, where some fourteen Priests awaited them.

Hardly allowing the new devotees the necessary time to divest themselves of their clothing, the wretches, furious at the prospect of so rich a treat, rushed upon them, and one by one satisfied their devilish lust. Bella received upwards of twenty fervent discharges in every conceivable fashion; and Julia, hardly less vigorously assailed, at length fainted under the exhaustion caused by the rough treatment she experienced.

The chamber was well secured, no interruption was to be feared, and the sensual Brotherhood, assembled to do honour to the recently admitted sisters, revelled in their enjoyment to their heart’s content.

Ambrose was there, for he had long seen the impossibility of attempting to keep Bella to himself, and, moreover, feared the animosity of his confreres.

Clement was of the party, and his enormous member made havoc of the young charms he attacked

The superior also had now the opportunity of indulging his anti-physical tastes; and not even the recently deflowered and delicate Julia escaped the ordeal of his assault. She had to submit, and with indescribable and hideous emotions of pleasure, he showered his viscid semen into her bowels.

The cries of those who discharged, the hard breathing of those labouring in the sensual act, the shaking and the groaning of the furniture, the half-uttered, half suppressed conversation of the lookers on, all tended to magnify the libidinous monstrosity of the scene, and to deepen and render yet more revolting the details of this ecclesiastic pandemonium.

Oppressed with these ideas, and disgusted beyond measure at the orgy, I fled. I never stopped until I had put some miles between myself and the actors in the hateful drama, nor have I since cared to renew my familiarity with either Bella or Julia.

That they became the ordinary means of sensual gratification to the inmates of the seminary, I know. No doubt the constant and vigorous sensual excitement they endured, tended very soon to break up those beautiful young charms which had so worked upon me. Be that as it may; my task is done, my promise is performed, my

memoir is ended, and if it is out of the power of a Flea to point a moral, at least it is not beyond his ability to choose his own pastures.

Having had quite enough of those of which I have discoursed, I did as many are doing, who, although not Fleas, are, nevertheless as I reminded my readers in the commencement of my narrative, bloodsuckers;—I emigrated.

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