injury between her legs that had to be so carefully attended to.' 'It was an oakapple that had become lodged between her cheeks,' I said a mite gruffly. I had a strong feeling that Rosie had managed to get the better of me. 'We were very impressed by your skill in aiding and comforting the sick. You have a healing touch. Florence Nightingale could hardly have done better,' said Monty. I couldn't help feeling that Florence Nightingale would have acted very differently in the circumstances. However I was pleased to be so complimented.

'We're wanted back!' said Ian who was a few yards away. 'I can hear them calling.' Rosie insisted on being carried since the twigs and acorns on the ground hurt her feet. I picked her up carefully and she put her arms round my neck, tucking her head into my shoulder. My hands linked under her tender bum, I followed the others.

As we reached the edge of the clearing I dropped Rosie in surprise. She yelped but I regret to say, I failed to pay her any attention. Spread out on the tablecloth was the most delicious display of strawberries and cream. Mouth-wateringly naked, Cecily was stretched out on a large table cloth. Her legs were parted and her clothes were pillowed under her head. On the crest of each luscious titty was a generously heaped mound of whipped cream. On top of each mound was a neatly placed strawberry. My eye ran down her sumptuously displayed body. Her navel had been delicately filled and her entire pussey was completely hidden by another great confection of cream and strawberries. For an instant I could only stop and stare. Nothing like this appeared in the pages of Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management as far as I could recall from my admittedly cursory reading of the text. 'Andrew,' said Becky, 'This is what you were promised. It's all for you but you must promise to finish up every last mouthful.' 'What about everyone else?' I asked. 'Hannah and I have devised an apres dejeuner entertainment for the rest of us.

You can join in later if you wish but in the meantime you'd better take your things off, otherwise I can see you getting very messy indeed.' With the two sisters' help, I made myself ready. At the sight of my released prick thrusting hungrily upwards, Becky could not resist dabbing a big lump of cream on the end. 'That is for Cecily,' she said. The problem of Rosie quite forgotten, I bent down beside Cecily. She smiled up at me and reached out to pull my face down to hers. She kissed me warmly, nibbling softly at my lips.

'Time to eat,' she said. Breathing in deeply so that her breasts rose up like twin meringues, she guided me down to her body.

At first I licked delicately at a trickle of cream that had run down the side of one breast on to her ribs. Carefully, slowly, I worked my way around the lower slopes, sucking gently and tasting the warm flesh under the cool cream. I paused to swallow, then resumed my feasting, working my way around and up first one breast and then the other. More and more delicious flesh was revealed and licked clean.

'Strawberry time,' said Cecily with an excited sigh. I bent over her and nipped the strawberry that sat, firmly embedded in cream, on top of one nipple. I bit carefully into its peak. Then, holding it in my teeth, I rubbed it gently against the true nipple that was now revealed, peeking up through its concealing confection. A spurt of juice ran down my chin and mingled with the cream. Still holding the fruit in my mouth, I lowered myself so that she could reach up and take the full roundness of the strawberry between her teeth. Biting it in half, we chewed and swallowed it between us. We kissed, warm juice staining our lips. Now I fastened hungrily on the exposed nipple, sucking it and teasing it with my tongue. It stiffened and fattened, a ripe fruit under my touch. Cecily began to moan. I turned my attentions to the other strawberry mock nipple, picking it cleanly off and sucking it clean before transferring it in its entirety to her, mouth to mouth. As I returned to the second exposed nipple, I nibbled gently at it while she chewed the berry. As she swallowed, I drew her nipple into my mouth, pulling at with my lips. She moaned again, louder this time. Burying my head between her breasts, I lapped and nuzzled my way down the valley that had filled with juice and melted cream. The salty tang of fresh sweat mixed with the sharpness of the fruit and the sweetness of the cream. Her hands met mine as I squeezed and stroked the firm flesh. She was beginning to heave up and down. 'Go further down,' she gasped. Becky and Hannah appeared on either side of her like two acolytes. As I moved down her body, they took my place, rubbing and kissing her breasts. Arriving at her navel, I ate the next proffered strawberry, my tongue probing and cleaning out her puckered, cream-filled belly button. She giggled, rolling her stomach. 'That tickles,' she said. 'Now for the main course,' said Becky. Again I paused for a moment. Cecily's legs were well parted and she had instinctively begun to draw her knees up.

Confronted by this huge mound of fruit and cream, I knew that the time for delicacy was past. I drew a deep breath and fairly buried my face in her. Cream oozed and clung to me. Like a starving man I swallowed and sucked, straining whole fruit through my teeth, diving down to find the tangle of her pussey hair that had been so thoroughly hidden under its whipped-up topping. Such was the vigour of my movements that cream was squirting up the inside of her thighs. More cream was in my hair and in my eyes. I gulped convulsively, then swallowed again. Suddenly, as she spread her legs wider still, my tongue encountered the smoothness of her pussey lips. They parted and I slipped easily inside. I touched her already erect clit and she gave a gasp. Tucked in beneath it, hidden inside her, the stroke of a master chef, was one last strawberry. I sucked it out and swallowed it whole. Other juices, warmer and more animal than vegetable were flowing now. Hannah and Becky, their own titties now exposed, were rubbing themselves against her body, nipple to nipple, stifling her rising cries with their mouths. She sat up and I felt myself being turned over by unseen hands before she lowered herself on to my face, enveloping me in the sticky warmth of her pussey hair. I was questing and plunging my tongue deep, deep into her, her clit rubbing against my taste buds. She leaned right forward and her mouth closed round the tip of my hugely swollen cock. Her breasts were pressed tight against me. I was struggling for air and it crossed my mind that if death by suffocation was to be my destiny, it was a blissful way to go. But how I felt the first unmistakable tremors of her coming.

Shudder upon shudder ran through her as she half sat back again so that I could cup her plump pendant breasts in my hands. Eyes, mouth and cunney were opening wider. It was as if she had been taken by surprise at the strength of her reactions. She gave a choking cry and began to ride up and down on me, forcing herself down on my face as though urging my tongue to penetrate further and further inside her.

Manfully I kept going as the sweat and cream filled my eyes.

Then, as Cecily cried out loud, the first taste of her coming trickled into my mouth. Thirstily I drank it in, my lips clamped on hers. Now she was flooding me. Soft and yielding, the delicate inside flesh of her cunney was slippery against my intruding tongue. Again and again uncontrollable spasms coursed their way down her tunnel of love. Meanwhile I was dimly aware that my now untenanted prick was reaching desperately up as it sought a relief of its own.

Cecily's cries and convulsions reached a peak. I felt as though I was being engulfed by a series of mighty ocean waves and that I was drowning in the undertow. She gave one last near scream, subsided and collapsed forward on me. Her fine, dense pussey hair and the delicious smell of her filled my nostrils. Suddenly, overcome by the tickling sensation, I sneezed. Cecily twitched. I was aware of peals of laughter. The weight was lifted from my face. 'Andrew,' came Becky's voice, 'it is very rude to sneeze into a lady's cunt.'

Cecily and I lay panting slightly, like two large beached fish on the now badly stained cloth. A dull throbbing in my balls reminded me that I had not yet made my personal contribution to the commingled fluids that covered us. There was something squashy under my shoulder blades. Another strawberry. Hannah was the first to realise that all was not yet at an end. She knelt down beside me, reached between my legs and cradled my swollen balls in her hands. My senses of taste, touch and smell had been overwhelmed by what had gone before and I was exhausted. Yet still my unsatisfied prick stood defiantly erect like a regimental colour flying proudly over the carnage of a battlefield.

'Relief is at hand,' said Hannah, and began to stroke me, running her hand up from my bursting testicles, along the under side of my prick. At once I felt a familiar churning response. 'It's gone all wet,' said Hannah. 'Quick, Cecily, I think he's coming!'

Cecily dragged herself to her knees and looked down at me. Her breasts dangled seductively over me but before she could assist Hannah in any way, the first wave of my coming forced its way up the length of my prick and shot into the air, white and sticky as the cream I had supped on so delightfully from Cecily's body. As jet followed jet, spurting upwards, Cecily's breasts were copiously splashed.

Hungrily she rubbed my cum into them before ducking down as though at a drinking fountain to catch some in her mouth. Hannah joined her, helping her to anoint her body with my offering. Her nipples were still engorged and her body flushed. Twisting and turning, she massaged herself all over, squeezing the last dying gushes and dribbles from my prick with her hands. Becky appeared suddenly at her side. She had found one last small basket-a punnet I believe it is called-of strawberries. Crushing the fruit between her fingers, she began to smear it all over Cecily's titties and her stomach. As she raised her arms, more crushed fruit was applied to the soft, delicate hair thus revealed. Then she reverted to holding her magnificent breasts out so that Hannah and Becky could continue to

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